Python numpy.generic() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def write_metadata(path, meta='.meta.yaml', **params):
    """Writes metadata for a dataset.
        path (str): path to **dataset** (not meta file) whose metadata
            is to be written. If the meta file already exists, it will be
        meta (str): suffix identifying the dataset's meta file
        **params: all other keyword arguments are treated as dataset attributes,
            and added to the meta file
    if 'n_channels' in params:
        del params['n_channels']
    if 'n_samples' in params:
        del params['n_samples']
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        metafile = os.path.join(path, meta[1:])
        metafile = path + meta
    for k, v in params.items():
        if isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            params[k] = v.tolist()
    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as yaml_file:
        yaml_file.write(yaml.safe_dump(params, default_flow_style=False)) 

Example 2

def json_conversion(obj):
    """Encode additional objects to JSON."""
        # numpy isn't an explicit dependency of bowtie
        # so we can't assume it's available
        import numpy as np
        if isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            return obj.tolist()
    except ImportError:

        # pandas isn't an explicit dependency of bowtie
        # so we can't assume it's available
        import pandas as pd
        if isinstance(obj, pd.Index):
            return obj.tolist()
    except ImportError:

    if isinstance(obj, (datetime, time, date)):
        return obj.isoformat()
    raise TypeError('Not sure how to serialize {} of type {}'.format(obj, type(obj))) 

Example 3

def encoders(obj):
    """Convert Python object to msgpack encodable ones."""
        # numpy isn't an explicit dependency of bowtie
        # so we can't assume it's available
        import numpy as np
        if isinstance(obj, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            return obj.tolist()
    except ImportError:

        # pandas isn't an explicit dependency of bowtie
        # so we can't assume it's available
        import pandas as pd
        if isinstance(obj, pd.Index):
            return obj.tolist()
    except ImportError:

    if isinstance(obj, (datetime, time, date)):
        return obj.isoformat()

    return obj 

Example 4

def fmt(obj, nest_level=0):
    """ Format any common object """
    if nest_level > 10:
        return ""
    if isinstance(obj, float):
        return "{0:.3f}".format(obj)
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        return "(" + ",".join(map(lambda x: fmt(x, nest_level + 1), obj)) + ")"
    if isinstance(obj, (numpy.ndarray, numpy.generic)):
        return fmt(obj.tolist(), nest_level + 1)
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        pairs = map(lambda x, y: "(" + fmt(x) + "," + fmt(y, nest_level + 1) + ")", obj.items())
        return fmt(pairs)
    if isinstance(obj, Vector3):
        return "({},{},{})".format(fmt(obj.x), fmt(obj.y), fmt(obj.z))
    if isinstance(obj, Quaternion):
        return "({},{},{},{})".format(fmt(obj.x), fmt(obj.y), fmt(obj.z), fmt(obj.w))
    # print " obj " + str(obj) + " is of type " + str(type(obj))
    return str(obj) 

Example 5

def np2gdal_dtype(d):
    Get GDAL RasterBand datatype that corresponds with NumPy datatype
    Input should be numpy array or numpy dtype
    dt_dict =        
    if isinstance(d, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
        d = d.dtype
    #This creates dtype from another built-in type
    #d = np.dtype(d)
    if isinstance(d, np.dtype):
        if == 'int8':
            gdal_dt = 1
        elif == 'bool':
            #Write out as Byte
            gdal_dt = 1 
            gdal_dt = list(dt_dict.keys())[list(dt_dict.values()).index(d)]
        print("Input must be NumPy array or NumPy dtype")
        gdal_dt = None
    return gdal_dt 

Example 6

def test_describe_typefiltering_category_bool(self):
        df = DataFrame({'A_cat': pd.Categorical(['foo', 'foo', 'bar'] * 8),
                        'B_str': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] * 6,
                        'C_bool': [True] * 12 + [False] * 12,
                        'D_num': np.arange(24.) + .5,
                        'E_ts': tm.makeTimeSeries()[:24].index})

        desc = df.describe()
        expected_cols = ['D_num']
        expected = DataFrame(dict((k, df[k].describe())
                                  for k in expected_cols),
        assert_frame_equal(desc, expected)

        desc = df.describe(include=["category"])
        self.assertTrue(desc.columns.tolist() == ["A_cat"])

        # 'all' includes numpy-dtypes + category
        desc1 = df.describe(include="all")
        desc2 = df.describe(include=[np.generic, "category"])
        assert_frame_equal(desc1, desc2) 

Example 7

def __setitem__(self, in_slice, value):
        """Set ndarray value"""
        if not self.writable:
            raise ValueError('trying to assign to a readonly NDArray')
        if isinstance(in_slice, int):
            sliced_arr = self._at(in_slice)
            sliced_arr[:] = value
        if not isinstance(in_slice, slice) or in_slice.step is not None:
            raise ValueError('NDArray only support continuous slicing on axis 0')
        if in_slice.start is not None or in_slice.stop is not None:
            sliced_arr = self._slice(in_slice.start, in_slice.stop)
            sliced_arr[:] = value
        if isinstance(value, NDArray):
            if value.handle is not self.handle:
        elif isinstance(value, numeric_types):
            NDArray._set_value(float(value), out=self)
        elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise TypeError('type %s not supported' % str(type(value))) 

Example 8

def read_attr(self, path, attr_name, default=False):
        """Read an attribute of an HDF5 group."""
        _check_hdf5_path(self._h5py_file, path)
        attrs = self._h5py_file[path].attrs
        if attr_name in attrs:
                out = attrs[attr_name]
                if (isinstance(out, (np.ndarray, np.generic)) and
                        out.dtype.kind == 'S'):
                    out = out.tostring().decode('UTF-8')
                    out = out.replace('\x00', '')
                return out
            except (TypeError, IOError):
                logger.debug("Unable to read attribute `%s` at `%s`.",
                             attr_name, path)
        elif default is False:
            raise KeyError("The attribute '{0:s}' ".format(attr_name) +
                           "at `{}` doesn't exist.".format(path))
        return default 

Example 9

def capture_frame(self, frame):
        if not isinstance(frame, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                'Wrong type {} for {} (must be np.ndarray or np.generic)'.format(type(frame), frame))
        if frame.shape != self.frame_shape:
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                "Your frame has shape {}, but the VideoRecorder is configured for shape {}.".format(
                    frame.shape, self.frame_shape))
        if frame.dtype != np.uint8:
            raise error.InvalidFrame(
                "Your frame has data type {}, but we require uint8 (i.e. RGB values from 0-255).".format(frame.dtype))

        if distutils.version.LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion('1.9.0'):

Example 10

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 11

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 12

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 13

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 14

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 15

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 16

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 17

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 18

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 19

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 20

def get_generic_name():
    # may need to make this a search for the first non-kdllib reference
    # make generic name from highest calling context
    prev_function_name = None
    for i in range(len(inspect.stack())):
        (frame, filename, line_number,
         function_name, lines, index) = inspect.stack()[i]
        #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
        # Use stack to get easier function name than parsing the code itself
        if i > 0:
            _, _, _, prev_function_name, _, _ = inspect.stack()[i - 1]
            prev_function_name = function_name
        script_name = filename.split(os.sep)[-1]
        lib_location = os.path.realpath(__file__)
        lib_name = lib_location.split(os.sep)[-1]
        # cover .py and .pyc
        if script_name != lib_name and script_name != lib_name[:-1]:
            name = script_name + "_" + prev_function_name
            #print(frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index)
            return name
    raise ValueError("Issue in generic name getter")

# Many of these from Ishaan G. 

Example 21

def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 1:
                return obj.tolist()
        elif isinstance(obj, np.generic):
            return obj.item()
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) 

Example 22

def test_oddfeatures_3(self):
        # Tests some generic features
        atest = array([10], mask=True)
        btest = array([20])
        idx = atest.mask
        atest[idx] = btest[idx]
        assert_equal(atest, [20]) 

Example 23

def test_tolist_specialcase(self):
        # Test mvoid.tolist: make sure we return a standard Python object
        a = array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)])
        # w/o mask: each entry is a np.void whose elements are standard Python
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic))
        # w/ mask: each entry is a ma.void whose elements should be
        # standard Python
        a.mask[0] = (0, 1)
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) 

Example 24

def test_masked_where_oddities(self):
        # Tests some generic features.
        atest = ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=float)
        btest = zeros(atest.shape, MaskType)
        ctest = masked_where(btest, atest)
        assert_equal(atest, ctest) 

Example 25

def _call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        axis = kwargs['axis'] if 'axis' in kwargs else None
        if len(args) == 0:
            raise Exception('number of arguments must be more than 0')
        if builtins.any(
                not isinstance(_, (core.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.generic))
                for _ in args):
            raise TypeError('Invalid argument type for \'{}\': ({})'.format(
                ', '.join(repr(type(_)) for _ in args)))

        def is_cupy_data(a):
            return isinstance(a, (core.ndarray, numpy.generic))
        if builtins.all(is_cupy_data(_) for _ in args):
            types = [_.dtype for _ in args]
            key = tuple(types)
            if key not in self._memo:
                if self.input_num is not None:
                    nin = self.input_num
                    nin = len(args)
                f = _get_fusion(self.func, nin, self.reduce,
                                self.post_map, self.identity, types,
                self._memo[key] = f
            f = self._memo[key]
            if self.reduce is None:
                return f(*args)
                return f(*args, axis=axis)
            if builtins.any(type(_) is core.ndarray for _ in args):
                types = '.'.join(repr(type(_)) for _ in args)
                message = "Can't fuse \n %s(%s)" % (, types)
            if self.reduce is None:
                return self.func(*args)
            elif axis is None:
                return self.post_map(self.reduce(self.func(*args)))
                return self.post_map(self.reduce(self.func(*args), axis=axis)) 

Example 26

def tensor_to_protobuf(tensor):
    pb_tensor = ops_pb.Tensor() = dtype_to_protobuf(tensor.dtype)
    if isinstance(tensor, (np.ndarray, np.generic)): = tensor.tobytes()
        raise ValueError("Unknown tensor value of {}".format(tensor))
    return pb_tensor 

Example 27

def is_scalar_type(value):
    return value is None or \
        isinstance(value, (str, six.text_type, float, bool, Axis,
                           AxesMap, dict, slice, np.generic) +

Example 28

def assign_scalar(message, value):
    Adds the appropriate scalar type of value to the protobuf message
    if value is None:
        message.null_val = True
    elif isinstance(value, np.generic):
        assign_scalar(message, np.asscalar(value))
    elif isinstance(value, (str, six.text_type)):
        message.string_val = value
    elif isinstance(value, np.dtype):
        message.dtype_val = dtype_to_protobuf(value)
    elif isinstance(value, float):
        message.double_val = value
    elif isinstance(value, bool):
        message.bool_val = value
    elif isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
        message.int_val = value
    elif isinstance(value, slice):
        slice_val = ops_pb.Slice()
        if value.start is not None:
            slice_val.start.value = value.start
        if value.step is not None:
            slice_val.step.value = value.step
        if value.stop is not None:
            slice_val.stop.value = value.stop
    elif isinstance(value, dict):
        for key in value:
            assign_scalar([key], value[key])
        # This encodes an empty dict for deserialization
        assign_scalar(['_ngraph_map_sentinel_'], '')
    elif isinstance(value, Axis):
    elif isinstance(value, AxesMap):
        raise unhandled_scalar_value(value) 

Example 29

def protobuf_to_op(pb_op):
    This will convert a protobuf Op object into its corresponding Python object. But this cannot
    setup links to other ops (such as args, control_deps) since those ops may not
    exist yet.
    We have to wait until all ops are created before connecting them back up together in a second
    pass, so args, etc will be uninitialized.
    cls = get_ngraph_op_cls(pb_op.op_type)

    # Skip the class constructor but we'll use the generic op constructor because it sets a lot of
    # helpful defaults
    py_op = cls.__new__(cls)
    op_graph.Op.__init__(py_op) = str(

    if 'valfun_value' in pb_op.attrs:
        valfun_value = pb_to_tensor(pb_op.attrs['valfun_value'].tensor)
        py_op.valfun = lambda x: valfun_value

    # op.uuid
    py_op.uuid = uuid.UUID(bytes=pb_op.uuid.uuid)

    # op.metadata and remaining keys
    ignored_keys = {'valfun_value', 'dtype', 'metadata'}
    remaining_keys = set(pb_op.attrs.keys()).difference(ignored_keys)
    for key in remaining_keys:
        if key == '_ngraph_ser_handle':
            py_op._ngraph_ser_handle = True
        if key.startswith('_ngraph_metadata_'):
            value = pb_op.attrs[key]
            py_op.metadata[key[17:]] = protobuf_attr_to_python(value)
        elif not key.startswith('_is_') and key not in EXCEPTION_ATTRIBUTES and \
            value = pb_op.attrs[key]
            setattr(py_op, key, protobuf_attr_to_python(value))
    return py_op 

Example 30

def test_similarity():
    UserDataRow = Row(
        "normalized_channel", "geo_city", "subsession_length", "os", "locale",
        "active_addons", "bookmark_count", "tab_open_count", "total_uri", "unique_tlds"

    test_user_1 = UserDataRow("release", "Boston", 10, "Windows", "en-US", [], 1, 2, 3, 4)
    test_user_2 = UserDataRow("release", "notsoB", 10, "swodniW", "SU-ne", [], 1, 2, 3, 4)
    test_user_3 = UserDataRow("release", "Boston", 0, "Windows", "en-US", [], 0, 0, 0, 0)
    test_user_4 = UserDataRow("release", "notsoB", 0, "swodniW", "SU-ne", [], 0, 0, 0, 0)
    # The following user contains a None value for "total_uri" and geo_city
    # (categorical feature). The latter should never be possible, but let's be cautious.
    test_user_5 = UserDataRow("release", None, 10, "swodniW", "SU-ne", [], 1, None, 3, 4)

    # Identical users should be very close (0 distance) and the result must not
    # be a Numpy number.
    similarity_result = taar_similarity.similarity_function(test_user_1, test_user_1)
    assert not isinstance(similarity_result, np.generic)
    assert np.isclose(similarity_result, 0.0)
    # Users with completely different categorical features but identical
    # continuous features should be slightly different.
    assert np.isclose(taar_similarity.similarity_function(test_user_1, test_user_2), 0.001)
    # Users with completely different continuous features but identical
    # categorical features should be very close.
    assert np.isclose(taar_similarity.similarity_function(test_user_1, test_user_3), 0.0)
    # Completely different users should be far away.
    assert taar_similarity.similarity_function(test_user_1, test_user_4) >= 1.0
    # Partial user information should not break the similarity function.
    assert taar_similarity.similarity_function(test_user_1, test_user_5) 

Example 31

def set_theta(self, theta):
        Function sets theta. Can be called from constructor or outside.
        if isinstance(theta, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            self.theta = theta
        elif isinstance(theta, list):
            self.theta = np.array(theta)
            self.theta = None
        self.history = self.set_list(
            self.history, 0, (np.copy(self.theta), 0, None))
        self.step_no = 0 

Example 32

def filter_invalid_json_values(self, dict):
        for k, v in six.iteritems(dict):
            if isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
                dict[k] = v.tolist()
            if math.isnan(v) or math.isinf(v):
                dict[k] = -1 

Example 33

def invalid_json_values(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, np.generic):
        return obj.item()
    if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
        return obj.tolist()
    if isinstance(obj, bytes):
        return obj.decode('cp437')

    if isinstance(map, type) and isinstance(obj, map):
        # python 3 map
        return list(obj)

    raise TypeError('Invalid data type passed to json encoder: ' + type(obj).__name__) 

Example 34

def contains(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, int):
            as_int = x
        elif isinstance(x, (np.generic, np.ndarray)) and (x.dtype.kind in np.typecodes['AllInteger'] and x.shape == ()):
            as_int = int(x)
            return False
        return as_int >= 0 and as_int < self.n 

Example 35

def capture_frame(self, frame):
        if not isinstance(frame, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise error.InvalidFrame('Wrong type {} for {} (must be np.ndarray or np.generic)'.format(type(frame), frame))
        if frame.shape != self.frame_shape:
            raise error.InvalidFrame("Your frame has shape {}, but the VideoRecorder is configured for shape {}.".format(frame.shape, self.frame_shape))
        if frame.dtype != np.uint8:
            raise error.InvalidFrame("Your frame has data type {}, but we require uint8 (i.e. RGB values from 0-255).".format(frame.dtype))

        if distutils.version.LooseVersion(np.__version__) >= distutils.version.LooseVersion('1.9.0'):

Example 36

def test_oddfeatures_3(self):
        # Tests some generic features
        atest = array([10], mask=True)
        btest = array([20])
        idx = atest.mask
        atest[idx] = btest[idx]
        assert_equal(atest, [20]) 

Example 37

def test_tolist_specialcase(self):
        # Test mvoid.tolist: make sure we return a standard Python object
        a = array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)])
        # w/o mask: each entry is a np.void whose elements are standard Python
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic))
        # w/ mask: each entry is a ma.void whose elements should be
        # standard Python
        a.mask[0] = (0, 1)
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) 

Example 38

def test_masked_where_oddities(self):
        # Tests some generic features.
        atest = ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=float)
        btest = zeros(atest.shape, MaskType)
        ctest = masked_where(btest, atest)
        assert_equal(atest, ctest) 

Example 39

def feature_names(self, names):
        "Stores the text labels for features"

        if len(names) != self.num_features:
            raise ValueError("Number of names do not match the number of features!")
        if not isinstance(names, (Sequence, np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise ValueError("Input is not a sequence. Ensure names are in the same order and length as features.")

        self.__feature_names = np.array(names) 

Example 40

def is_np_scalar(x):
    Check np types like np.int64
    return isinstance(x, np.generic) 

Example 41

def contains(self, x):
        if not isinstance(x, (tuple, list, np.generic, np.ndarray)):
            return False
        return np.shape(x) == self.shape and np.sum(x) == 1 and np.max(x) == 1 

Example 42

def contains(self, x):
    if isinstance(x, int):
      as_int = x
    elif isinstance(x, (np.generic, np.ndarray)) and (x.dtype.kind in np.typecodes['AllInteger'] and x.shape == ()):
      as_int = int(x)
      return False
    return as_int >= 0 and as_int < self.n 

Example 43

def __setitem__(self, in_slice, value):
        """Set ndarray value"""
        if (not isinstance(in_slice, slice) or
                in_slice.start is not None
                or in_slice.stop is not None):
            raise ValueError('Array only support set from numpy array')
        if isinstance(value, NDArray):
            if value.handle is not self.handle:
        elif isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
            raise TypeError('type %s not supported' % str(type(value))) 

Example 44

def _validate_date_like_dtype(dtype):
        typ = np.datetime_data(dtype)[0]
    except ValueError as e:
        raise TypeError('%s' % e)
    if typ != 'generic' and typ != 'ns':
        raise ValueError('%r is too specific of a frequency, try passing %r' %
                         (, dtype.type.__name__)) 

Example 45

def _get_dtype_from_object(dtype):
    """Get a numpy dtype.type-style object. This handles the datetime64[ns]
    and datetime64[ns, TZ] compat

    If nothing can be found, returns ``object``.
    # type object from a dtype
    if isinstance(dtype, type) and issubclass(dtype, np.generic):
        return dtype
    elif is_categorical(dtype):
        return CategoricalDtype().type
    elif is_datetimetz(dtype):
        return DatetimeTZDtype(dtype).type
    elif isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):  # dtype object
        except TypeError:
            # should still pass if we don't have a datelike
        return dtype.type
    elif isinstance(dtype, compat.string_types):
        if dtype == 'datetime' or dtype == 'timedelta':
            dtype += '64'

            return _get_dtype_from_object(getattr(np, dtype))
        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
            # handles cases like _get_dtype(int)
            # i.e., python objects that are valid dtypes (unlike user-defined
            # types, in general)
            # TypeError handles the float16 typecode of 'e'
            # further handle internal types

    return _get_dtype_from_object(np.dtype(dtype)) 

Example 46

def test_oddfeatures_3(self):
        # Tests some generic features
        atest = array([10], mask=True)
        btest = array([20])
        idx = atest.mask
        atest[idx] = btest[idx]
        assert_equal(atest, [20]) 

Example 47

def test_tolist_specialcase(self):
        # Test mvoid.tolist: make sure we return a standard Python object
        a = array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)])
        # w/o mask: each entry is a np.void whose elements are standard Python
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic))
        # w/ mask: each entry is a ma.void whose elements should be
        # standard Python
        a.mask[0] = (0, 1)
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) 

Example 48

def to_numpy(var):
    #if ia.is_numpy_array(var):
    if isinstance(var, (np.ndarray, np.generic)):
        return var

Example 49

def test_oddfeatures_3(self):
        # Tests some generic features
        atest = array([10], mask=True)
        btest = array([20])
        idx = atest.mask
        atest[idx] = btest[idx]
        assert_equal(atest, [20]) 

Example 50

def test_tolist_specialcase(self):
        # Test mvoid.tolist: make sure we return a standard Python object
        a = array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=[('a', int), ('b', int)])
        # w/o mask: each entry is a np.void whose elements are standard Python
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic))
        # w/ mask: each entry is a ma.void whose elements should be
        # standard Python
        a.mask[0] = (0, 1)
        for entry in a:
            for item in entry.tolist():
                assert_(not isinstance(item, np.generic)) 