The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.
Example 1
def read_wav_data(filename): ''' ????wav???????????????????? ''' wav =,"rb") # ????wav???????? num_frame = wav.getnframes() # ???? num_channel=wav.getnchannels() # ????? framerate=wav.getframerate() # ????? num_sample_width=wav.getsampwidth() # ?????????????????? str_data = wav.readframes(num_frame) # ?????? wav.close() # ??? wave_data = np.fromstring(str_data, dtype = np.short) # ???????????????? wave_data.shape = -1, num_channel # ????????????????????????????????? wave_data = wave_data.T # ????? #wave_data = wave_data return wave_data, framerate
Example 2
def read_gzip_wave_file(filename): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): raise ValueError("File does not exist") with, 'rb') as wav_file: with, 'rb') as s: if (s.getnchannels() != 1): raise ValueError("Wave file should be mono") #if (s.getframerate() != 22050): #raise ValueError("Sampling rate of wave file should be 16000") strsig = s.readframes(s.getnframes()) x = np.fromstring(strsig, np.short) fs = s.getframerate() s.close() return fs, x
Example 3
def read_wave_file(filename): """ Read a wave file from disk # Arguments filename : the name of the wave file # Returns (fs, x) : (sampling frequency, signal) """ if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): raise ValueError("File does not exist") s =, 'rb') if (s.getnchannels() != 1): raise ValueError("Wave file should be mono") # if (s.getframerate() != 22050): # raise ValueError("Sampling rate of wave file should be 16000") strsig = s.readframes(s.getnframes()) x = np.fromstring(strsig, np.short) fs = s.getframerate() s.close() x = x/32768.0 return fs, x
Example 4
def read_wave_file_not_normalized(filename): """ Read a wave file from disk # Arguments filename : the name of the wave file # Returns (fs, x) : (sampling frequency, signal) """ if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): raise ValueError("File does not exist") s =, 'rb') if (s.getnchannels() != 1): raise ValueError("Wave file should be mono") # if (s.getframerate() != 22050): # raise ValueError("Sampling rate of wave file should be 16000") strsig = s.readframes(s.getnframes()) x = np.fromstring(strsig, np.short) fs = s.getframerate() s.close() return fs, x
Example 5
def initializeGL(self): self.sdf_shader = self.gls.shader_cache.get("image_vert", "tex_frag") self.buffer_dtype = numpy.dtype([ ("vertex", numpy.float32, 2), ("texpos", numpy.float32, 2) ]) self.b1 = vbobind(self.sdf_shader, self.buffer_dtype, "vertex") self.b2 = vbobind(self.sdf_shader, self.buffer_dtype, "texpos") self.tex = Texture() # TODO: implement short-int caching # build a De-bruijn sequence (shorted substring containing all substrings) # self.int_seq = de_bruijn(4) # self.int_seq += self.int_seq[:3]
Example 6
def init_audio(self, wav=None, path=None, show_pic=False): """ ?????? :param wav: ????????wave?? :param path: ?????? :param show_pic: ????? :return: None """ if wav is None: if path is None: print('Error: ?????????') self.__wav =, 'rb') else: self.__wav = wav nframes = self.__wav.getnframes() '''byte??????????''' str_data = self.__wav.readframes(nframes) '''????????''' self.__wdata = np.fromstring(str_data, dtype=np.short) '''???????''' if self.__wav.getnchannels() == 2: '''??????2????????''' self.__wdata.shape = -1, 2 self.__wdata = self.__wdata.T '''???????????????wdata[0]?''' for _ in range(len(self.__wdata[0])): if self.__wdata[0][_] < self.__wdata[1][_]: self.__wdata[0][_] = self.__wdata[1][_] self.__wdata = self.__wdata[0] self.__wdata = np.delete(self.__wdata, np.where(self.__wdata == 0)) if show_pic: x = [_ for _ in range(len(self.__wdata))] pylab.plot(x, self.__wdata, 'b')
Example 7
def recode(self): pa=PyAudio(),channels=1,rate=self.SAMPLES_RATE,input=True,frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) save_count=0 save_buffer=[] time_count=self.TIME_COUNT print '\n\n\n??????????????' while True: time_count-=1 audio_data=numpy.fromstring(string_audio_data,dtype=numpy.short) large_sample_count=numpy.sum(audio_data>self.LEVEL) print(numpy.max(audio_data)) if large_sample_count>self.COUNT_NUM: save_count=self.SAVE_LENGTH else: save_count-=1 if save_count<0: save_count=0 if save_count>0: save_buffer.append(string_audio_data) else: if len(save_buffer): self.Voice_String=save_buffer save_buffer=[] print '????????' return True if not time_count: if len(save_buffer): self.Voice_String=save_buffer save_buffer=[] print '????????' return True else: return False
Example 8
def amean (inarray,dimension=None,keepdims=0): """ Calculates the arithmatic mean of the values in the passed array. That is: 1/n * (x1 + x2 + ... + xn). Defaults to ALL values in the passed array. Use dimension=None to flatten array first. REMEMBER: if dimension=0, it collapses over dimension 0 ('rows' in a 2D array) only, and if dimension is a sequence, it collapses over all specified dimensions. If keepdims is set to 1, the resulting array will have as many dimensions as inarray, with only 1 'level' per dim that was collapsed over. Usage: amean(inarray,dimension=None,keepdims=0) Returns: arithematic mean calculated over dim(s) in dimension """ if inarray.dtype in [N.int_, N.short,N.ubyte]: inarray = inarray.astype(N.float_) if dimension == None: inarray = N.ravel(inarray) sum = N.add.reduce(inarray) denom = float(len(inarray)) elif type(dimension) in [IntType,FloatType]: sum = asum(inarray,dimension) denom = float(inarray.shape[dimension]) if keepdims == 1: shp = list(inarray.shape) shp[dimension] = 1 sum = N.reshape(sum,shp) else: # must be a TUPLE of dims to average over dims = list(dimension) dims.sort() dims.reverse() sum = inarray *1.0 for dim in dims: sum = N.add.reduce(sum,dim) denom = N.array(N.multiply.reduce(N.take(inarray.shape,dims)),N.float_) if keepdims == 1: shp = list(inarray.shape) for dim in dims: shp[dim] = 1 sum = N.reshape(sum,shp) return sum/denom
Example 9
def atmean(a,limits=None,inclusive=(1,1)): """ Returns the arithmetic mean of all values in an array, ignoring values strictly outside the sequence passed to 'limits'. Note: either limit in the sequence, or the value of limits itself, can be set to None. The inclusive list/tuple determines whether the lower and upper limiting bounds (respectively) are open/exclusive (0) or closed/inclusive (1). Usage: atmean(a,limits=None,inclusive=(1,1)) """ if a.dtype in [N.int_, N.short,N.ubyte]: a = a.astype(N.float_) if limits == None: return mean(a) assert type(limits) in [ListType,TupleType,N.ndarray], "Wrong type for limits in atmean" if inclusive[0]: lowerfcn = N.greater_equal else: lowerfcn = N.greater if inclusive[1]: upperfcn = N.less_equal else: upperfcn = N.less if limits[0] > N.maximum.reduce(N.ravel(a)) or limits[1] < N.minimum.reduce(N.ravel(a)): raise ValueError, "No array values within given limits (atmean)." elif limits[0]==None and limits[1]<>None: mask = upperfcn(a,limits[1]) elif limits[0]<>None and limits[1]==None: mask = lowerfcn(a,limits[0]) elif limits[0]<>None and limits[1]<>None: mask = lowerfcn(a,limits[0])*upperfcn(a,limits[1]) s = float(N.add.reduce(N.ravel(a*mask))) n = float(N.add.reduce(N.ravel(mask))) return s/n
Example 10
def asum (a, dimension=None,keepdims=0): """ An alternative to the Numeric.add.reduce function, which allows one to (1) collapse over multiple dimensions at once, and/or (2) to retain all dimensions in the original array (squashing one down to size. Dimension can equal None (ravel array first), an integer (the dimension over which to operate), or a sequence (operate over multiple dimensions). If keepdims=1, the resulting array will have as many dimensions as the input array. Usage: asum(a, dimension=None, keepdims=0) Returns: array summed along 'dimension'(s), same _number_ of dims if keepdims=1 """ if type(a) == N.ndarray and a.dtype in [N.int_, N.short, N.ubyte]: a = a.astype(N.float_) if dimension == None: s = N.sum(N.ravel(a)) elif type(dimension) in [IntType,FloatType]: s = N.add.reduce(a, dimension) if keepdims == 1: shp = list(a.shape) shp[dimension] = 1 s = N.reshape(s,shp) else: # must be a SEQUENCE of dims to sum over dims = list(dimension) dims.sort() dims.reverse() s = a *1.0 for dim in dims: s = N.add.reduce(s,dim) if keepdims == 1: shp = list(a.shape) for dim in dims: shp[dim] = 1 s = N.reshape(s,shp) return s
Example 11
def __init__(self, v_min, v_max, phase, pulse_shaper_interpolation): gr.interp_block.__init__(self, name="pulse_shaper_bs", in_sig=[numpy.int8], out_sig=[numpy.short], interp=pulse_shaper_interpolation) self.min = v_min self.max = v_max self.phase = phase self.ps_interpolation = pulse_shaper_interpolation
Example 12
def my_record(self): while self.start_flag == 1: pa = PyAudio() stream =, channels=1, rate=self.framerate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) save_buffer = [] count = 0 while count < self.TIME * 20: string_audio_data = audio_data = np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short) large_sample_count = np.sum(audio_data > self.LEVEL) print large_sample_count if large_sample_count < self.mute_count_limit: self.mute_begin = 1 else: save_buffer.append(string_audio_data) self.mute_begin = 0 self.mute_end = 1 count += 1 if (self.mute_end - self.mute_begin) > 9: self.mute_begin = 0 self.mute_end = 1 break if self.mute_begin: self.mute_end += 1 print '.' save_buffer = save_buffer[:] # my_buf.append(string_audio_data) # count+=1 # print '.' if save_buffer: if self.file_name_index < 11: pass else: self.file_name_index = 1 filename = str(self.file_name_index) + '.wav' self.save_wave_file(filename=filename, data=save_buffer) self.writeQ(queue=self.wav_queue, data=filename) self.file_name_index += 1 print filename, 'saved' else: print 'file not saved!' # self.save_wave_file('01.wav',my_buf) save_buffer = [] stream.close()
Example 13
def recoder(self): pa = PyAudio() stream =, channels=1, rate=self.SAMPLING_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) save_count = 0 save_buffer = [] time_count = self.TIME_COUNT while True: time_count -= 1 # print time_count # ??NUM_SAMPLES??? string_audio_data = # ??????????? audio_data = np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short) # ????LEVEL?????? large_sample_count = np.sum( audio_data > self.LEVEL ) print(np.max(audio_data)) # ??????COUNT_NUM??????SAVE_LENGTH?? if large_sample_count > self.COUNT_NUM: save_count = self.SAVE_LENGTH else: save_count -= 1 if save_count < 0: save_count = 0 if save_count > 0 : # ??????????save_buffer? #print save_count > 0 and time_count >0 save_buffer.append( string_audio_data ) else: #print save_buffer # ?save_buffer??????WAV???WAV???????????? #print "debug" if len(save_buffer) > 0 : self.Voice_String = save_buffer save_buffer = [] print("Recode a piece of voice successfully!") return True if time_count==0: if len(save_buffer)>0: self.Voice_String = save_buffer save_buffer = [] print("Recode a piece of voice successfully!") return True else: return False
Example 14
def record_wave(self,temp): while self.start_flag==1: pa=PyAudio(),channels=1, rate=framerate,input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) my_buf=[] count=0 print "* start recoding *" while count<self.TIME*20: audio_data=np.fromstring(string_audio_data,dtype=np.short) large_sample_count=np.sum(audio_data>self.LEVEL) print large_sample_count if large_sample_count<self.mute_count_limit: self.mute_begin=1 else: my_buf.append(string_audio_data) self.mute_begin=0 self.mute_end=1 count+=1 if(self.mute_end-self.mute_begin)>9: self.mute_begin=0 self.mute_end=1 break if self.mute_begin: self.mute_end+=1 print '.' my_buf=my_buf[:] if my_buf: if self.file_name_index<11: pass else: self.file_name_index=1 filename=str(self.file_name_index)+'.wav' self.save_wave_file(filename=filename,data=my_buf) self.writeQ(queue=self.wav_queue,data=filename) self.file_name_index+=1 print filename,"saved" else: print '* Error: file not saved! *' #self.save_wave_file(filename, my_buf) my_buf=[] stream.close()
Example 15
def discretize(self, time_slice_length): self.time_slice_length = time_slice_length # clean the data directory if os.path.exists('corpus'): shutil.rmtree('corpus') os.makedirs('corpus') # compute the total number of time-slices time_delta = (self.end_date - self.start_date) time_delta = time_delta.total_seconds()/60 self.time_slice_count = int(time_delta // self.time_slice_length) + 1 self.tweet_count = np.zeros(self.time_slice_count) print(' Number of time-slices: %d' % self.time_slice_count) # create empty files for time_slice in range(self.time_slice_count): dummy_file = open('corpus/' + str(time_slice), 'w') dummy_file.write('') # compute word frequency self.global_freq = dok_matrix((len(self.vocabulary), self.time_slice_count), dtype=np.short) self.mention_freq = dok_matrix((len(self.vocabulary), self.time_slice_count), dtype=np.short) with open(self.source_file_path, 'r') as input_file: csv_reader = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter=self.separator) header = next(csv_reader) text_column_index = header.index('text') date_column_index = header.index('date') for line in csv_reader: tweet_date = datetime.strptime(line[date_column_index], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") time_delta = (tweet_date - self.start_date) time_delta = time_delta.total_seconds() / 60 time_slice = int(time_delta / self.time_slice_length) self.tweet_count[time_slice] += 1 # tokenize the tweet and update word frequency tweet_text = line[text_column_index] words = self.tokenize(tweet_text) mention = '@' in tweet_text for word in set(words): word_id = self.vocabulary.get(word) if word_id is not None: self.global_freq[word_id, time_slice] += 1 if mention: self.mention_freq[word_id, time_slice] += 1 with open('corpus/' + str(time_slice), 'a') as time_slice_file: time_slice_file.write(tweet_text+'\n') self.global_freq = self.global_freq.tocsr() self.mention_freq = self.mention_freq.tocsr()
Example 16
def startAccord(self, Times=100): # ?????? pa = PyAudio() if not self.SAMPLING_RATE: setAudio(self) stream =, channels=1, rate=self.SAMPLING_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) save_count = 0 save_buffer = [] while True: #???? if Times != 100: Times -=1 # ??NUM_SAMPLES??? string_audio_data = # ??????????? audio_data = np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short) # ????LEVEL?????? large_sample_count = np.sum( audio_data > self.LEVEL ) if self.debug: print np.max(audio_data) # ??????COUNT_NUM??????SAVE_LENGTH?? if large_sample_count > self.COUNT_NUM: save_count = self.SAVE_LENGTH else: save_count -= 1 if save_count < 0: save_count = 0 if save_count > 0: # ??????????save_buffer? save_buffer.append( string_audio_data ) else: # ?save_buffer??????WAV???WAV???????????? if len(save_buffer) > 0: filename = "tmp.wav" cacheFile = save_wave_file(self, filename, save_buffer) save_buffer = [] stream.close() if self.debug: print "saved audio stream" return cacheFile break if Times < 0: stream.close() return False break
Example 17
def recode(self): pa = PyAudio() stream =, channels=self.nchannel, rate=self.SAMPLING_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=self.NUM_SAMPLES) save_count = 0 save_buffer = [] time_out = self.TIME_OUT NO_WORDS=self.NO_WORDS while True and NO_WORDS: time_out -= 1 print 'time_out in', time_out # ??NUM_SAMPLES??? string_audio_data = # ??????????? audio_data = np.fromstring(string_audio_data, dtype=np.short) # ?????????? NO_WORDS -= 1 if np.max(audio_data) > self.UPPER_LEVEL: NO_WORDS=self.NO_WORDS print 'self.NO_WORDS ', NO_WORDS print 'np.max(audio_data) ', np.max(audio_data) # ????LOWER_LEVEL?????? large_sample_count = np.sum( audio_data > self.LOWER_LEVEL ) # ??????COUNT_NUM??????SAVE_LENGTH?? if large_sample_count > self.COUNT_NUM: save_count = self.SAVE_LENGTH else: save_count -= 1 #print 'save_count',save_count # ??????????save_buffer? if save_count < 0: save_count = 0 elif save_count > 0 : save_buffer.append( string_audio_data ) else: pass # ?save_buffer??????WAV???WAV???????????? if len(save_buffer) > 0 and NO_WORDS==0: self.Voice_String = save_buffer save_buffer = [] rospy.loginfo( "Recode a piece of voice successfully!") #return self.Voice_String elif len(save_buffer) > 0 and time_out==0: self.Voice_String = save_buffer save_buffer = [] rospy.loginfo( "Recode a piece of voice successfully!") #return self.Voice_String else: pass #rospy.loginfo( '\n\n')