Python numpy.NINF() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def max2(iterable, key=lambda x: x):
    first = None
    second = None
    first_value = np.NINF
    second_value = np.NINF
    for v in iterable:
        n = key(v)
        if n > first_value:
            second = first
            second_value = first_value
            first = v
            first_value = n
        elif n > second_value:
            second = v
            second_value = n
    return first, first_value, second, second_value 

Example 2

def max2(iterable, key=None):
    first = None
    second = None
    first_value = np.NINF
    second_value = np.NINF
    for v in iterable:
        n = key(v) if key is not None else v
        if n > first_value:
            second = first
            second_value = first_value
            first = v
            first_value = n
        elif n > second_value:
            second = v
            second_value = n
    return first, first_value, second, second_value 

Example 3

def _plot_bucket_values(splits, values, title=None, class_labels={0: '0', 1: '1'}):
    class_0 = [val[0] for val in values]
    class_1 = [val[1] for val in values]
    sp = np.asarray(splits)
    non_na = sp[~np.isnan(sp)]
    non_na = np.insert(non_na, 0, np.NINF)
    label = ['({0:6.2f}, {1:6.2f}]'.format(tup[0], tup[1]) for tup in zip(non_na[:-1], non_na[1:])] + ['nan']
    ind = np.arange(len(class_0))
    w = 0.5, class_0, w, label=class_labels[0]), class_1, w, bottom=class_0, color='g', label=class_labels[1])
    plt.xticks(ind + w / 2., label, size=16, rotation=75)
    if title:
        plt.title(title, size=16)
    plt.xlabel('bucket', size=18)
    plt.ylabel('bucket value', size=18) 

Example 4

def _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, node_id=0, depth=0, min_val=np.NINF, max_val=np.PINF):
    left_child = tree.children_left[node_id]
    right_child = tree.children_right[node_id]

    if left_child == sklearn.tree._tree.TREE_LEAF:
        lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        if mdlp and _check_mdlp_stop(tree, node_id):
            lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, left_child, depth=depth + 1, min_val=min_val, max_val=tree.threshold[node_id])

    if right_child == sklearn.tree._tree.TREE_LEAF:
        lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        if mdlp and _check_mdlp_stop(tree, node_id):
            lst.append(((min_val, max_val), tree.value[node_id].flatten().tolist()))
        _recurse_tree(tree, lst, mdlp, right_child, depth=depth + 1, min_val=tree.threshold[node_id], max_val=max_val) 

Example 5

def get_transition_params(label_strs):
  '''Construct transtion scoresd (0 for allowed, -inf for invalid).
    label_strs: A [num_tags,] sequence of BIO-tags.
    A [num_tags, num_tags] matrix of transition scores.  
  num_tags = len(label_strs)
  transition_params = numpy.zeros([num_tags, num_tags], dtype=numpy.float32)
  for i, prev_label in enumerate(label_strs):
    for j, label in enumerate(label_strs):
      if i != j and label[0] == 'I' and not prev_label == 'B' + label[1:]:
        transition_params[i,j] = numpy.NINF
  return transition_params 

Example 6

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 7

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 8

def factor(self, marginals, targets):
        f = np.divide(targets, marginals)  # We compute the factors
        f[f == np.NINF] = 1  # And treat the errors, with the infinites first
        f = f + 1  # and the NaN second
        f = np.nan_to_num(f)  # The sequence of operations is just a resort to
        f[f == 0] = 2  # use at most numpy functions as possible instead of pure Python
        f = f - 1
        return f 

Example 9

def test_frame_from_json_nones(self):
        df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [4, 5, 6]])
        unser = read_json(df.to_json())

        df = DataFrame([['1', '2'], ['4', '5', '6']])
        unser = read_json(df.to_json())
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=False)
        self.assertTrue(unser[2][0] is None)
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), convert_axes=False, dtype=False)
        self.assertTrue(unser['2']['0'] is None)

        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), numpy=False)
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), numpy=False, dtype=False)
        self.assertTrue(unser[2][0] is None)
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), numpy=False,
                          convert_axes=False, dtype=False)
        self.assertTrue(unser['2']['0'] is None)

        # infinities get mapped to nulls which get mapped to NaNs during
        # deserialisation
        df = DataFrame([[1, 2], [4, 5, 6]])
        df.loc[0, 2] = np.inf
        unser = read_json(df.to_json())
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=False)

        df.loc[0, 2] = np.NINF
        unser = read_json(df.to_json())
        unser = read_json(df.to_json(), dtype=False)

Example 10

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 11

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 12

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 13

def compute_weights(data, Nlive):
    """Returns log_ev, log_wts for the log-likelihood samples in data,
    assumed to be a result of nested sampling with Nlive live points."""

    start_data=np.concatenate(([float('-inf')], data[:-Nlive]))


    for i in range(len(end_data)-1):

    log_likes = np.concatenate((start_data,end_data,[end_data[-1]]))

    log_ev = log_integrate_log_trap(log_likes, log_vols)

    log_dXs = logsubexp(log_vols[:-1], log_vols[1:])
    log_wts = log_likes[1:-1] + log_dXs[:-1]

    log_wts -= log_ev

    return log_ev, log_wts 

Example 14

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 15

def _recurse(tree, feature_vec):

    assert isinstance(tree, Tree), "Tree is not a sklearn Tree"

    break_idx = 0
    node_id = 0

    if not isinstance(feature_vec, list):
        feature_vec = list([feature_vec])

    leaf_node_id = 0
    lower = np.NINF
    upper = np.PINF

    while (node_id != TREE_LEAF) & (tree.feature[node_id] != TREE_UNDEFINED):
        feature_idx = tree.feature[node_id]
        threshold = tree.threshold[node_id]

        if np.float32(feature_vec[feature_idx]) <= threshold:
            upper = threshold
            if (tree.children_left[node_id] != TREE_LEAF) and (tree.children_left[node_id] != TREE_UNDEFINED):
                leaf_node_id = tree.children_left[node_id]
            node_id = tree.children_left[node_id]
            lower = threshold
            if (tree.children_right[node_id] == TREE_LEAF) and (tree.children_right[node_id] != TREE_UNDEFINED):
                leaf_node_id = tree.children_right[node_id]
            node_id = tree.children_right[node_id]

        break_idx += 1
        if break_idx > 2 * tree.node_count:
            raise RuntimeError("infinite recursion!")

    return leaf_node_id, lower, upper 

Example 16

def test_any_ninf(self):
        # atan2(+-y, -infinity) returns +-pi for finite y > 0.
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(1, np.NINF),  np.pi)
        assert_almost_equal(ncu.arctan2(-1, np.NINF), -np.pi) 

Example 17

def describe_1d(data, **kwargs):
    leng = len(data)  # number of observations in the Series
    count = data.count()  # number of non-NaN observations in the Series

    # Replace infinite values with NaNs to avoid issues with
    # histograms later.
    data.replace(to_replace=[np.inf, np.NINF, np.PINF], value=np.nan, inplace=True)

    n_infinite = count - data.count()  # number of infinte observations in the Series

    distinct_count = data.nunique(dropna=False)  # number of unique elements in the Series
    if count > distinct_count > 1:
        mode = data.mode().iloc[0]
        mode = data[0]

    results_data = {'count': count,
                    'distinct_count': distinct_count,
                    'p_missing': 1 - count / leng,
                    'n_missing': leng - count,
                    'p_infinite': n_infinite / leng,
                    'n_infinite': n_infinite,
                    'is_unique': distinct_count == leng,
                    'mode': mode,
                    'p_unique': distinct_count / leng}
        # pandas 0.17 onwards
        results_data['memorysize'] = data.memory_usage()
        results_data['memorysize'] = 0

    result = pd.Series(results_data,

    vartype = get_vartype(data)
    if vartype == 'CONST':
        result = result.append(describe_constant_1d(data))
    elif vartype == 'BOOL':
        result = result.append(describe_boolean_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'NUM':
        result = result.append(describe_numeric_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'DATE':
        result = result.append(describe_date_1d(data, **kwargs))
    elif vartype == 'UNIQUE':
        result = result.append(describe_unique_1d(data, **kwargs))
        result = result.append(describe_categorical_1d(data))
    return result 

Example 18

def compute_loss(self, scores, scores_no_dropout, labels):

        loss = tf.constant(0.0)

        if self.viterbi:
            zero_elements = tf.equal(self.sequence_lengths, tf.zeros_like(self.sequence_lengths))
            count_zeros_per_row = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(zero_elements), axis=1)
            flat_sequence_lengths = tf.add(tf.reduce_sum(self.sequence_lengths, 1),
                                           tf.scalar_mul(2, count_zeros_per_row))

            log_likelihood, transition_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(scores, labels, flat_sequence_lengths,
            loss += tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood)
            if self.which_loss == "mean" or self.which_loss == "block":
                losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=scores, labels=labels)
                masked_losses = tf.multiply(losses, self.input_mask)
                loss += tf.div(tf.reduce_sum(masked_losses), tf.reduce_sum(self.input_mask))
            elif self.which_loss == "sum":
                losses = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=scores, labels=labels)
                masked_losses = tf.multiply(losses, self.input_mask)
                loss += tf.reduce_sum(masked_losses)
            elif self.which_loss == "margin":
                # todo put into utils
                # also todo put idx-into-3d as sep func
                flat_labels = tf.reshape(labels, [-1])
                batch_offsets = tf.multiply(tf.range(self.batch_size), self.max_seq_len * self.num_classes)
                repeated_batch_offsets = tf_utils.repeat(batch_offsets, self.max_seq_len)
                tok_offsets = tf.multiply(tf.range(self.max_seq_len), self.num_classes)
                tiled_tok_offsets = tf.tile(tok_offsets, [self.batch_size])
                indices = tf.add(tf.add(repeated_batch_offsets, tiled_tok_offsets), flat_labels)

                # scores w/ true label set to -inf
                sparse = tf.sparse_to_dense(indices, [self.batch_size * self.max_seq_len * self.num_classes], np.NINF)
                loss_augmented_flat = tf.add(tf.reshape(scores, [-1]), sparse)
                loss_augmented = tf.reshape(loss_augmented_flat, [self.batch_size, self.max_seq_len, self.num_classes])

                # maxes excluding true label
                max_scores = tf.reshape(tf.reduce_max(loss_augmented, [-1]), [-1])
                sparse = tf.sparse_to_dense(indices, [self.batch_size * self.max_seq_len * self.num_classes],
                loss_augmented_flat = tf.add(tf.reshape(scores, [-1]), sparse)
                label_scores = tf.gather(loss_augmented_flat, indices)
                # margin + max_logit - correct_logit == max_logit - (correct - margin)
                max2_diffs = tf.subtract(max_scores, label_scores)
                mask = tf.reshape(self.input_mask, [-1])
                loss += tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(mask, tf.nn.relu(max2_diffs)))
        loss += self.l2_penalty * self.l2_loss

        drop_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.subtract(scores, scores_no_dropout))
        loss += self.drop_penalty * drop_loss
        return loss 