GitPython git python 的开发库

需要安装先安装: gitdb 

    from git import * repo = Repo(repo_path) assert repo.bare == False 创建裸库 repo = Repo.init(repo_path,bare=True) assert repo.bare == True 仓库数据高层接口可以新增/删除 heads/tags/remotes和访问仓库的配置信息 repo.config_reader() #获得仓库中只读的配置信息 repo.config_writer() #更新仓库中的配置信息 获取活动分支、未被管理的文件和判断是否有变更 repo.is_dirty() #返回布尔值 repo.untracked_files #返回未被管理的文件列表 克隆和初始化一个新的仓库 cloned_repo = repo.clone(to/this/path) new_repo = repo.init(path/for/new/repo) 




在操作大文件时,GitDB可以使用更少的内存,但处理速度慢2到5倍 repo = Repo('path/to/repo',odbt=GitDB) 


repo = Repo('path/to/repo',odbt=GitCmdObjectDB) 


    heads = repo.heads
    master = heads.master #lists can be accessed by name for convenience
    master.commit #the commit pointed to by head called master master.rename('new_name') #rename heads tag(tag通常是不变的)是一个commit或tag对象的引用 tags = repo.tags tagref = tags[0] #tag可以有一个tag对象,存储额外的信息 tagref.commit #tag总是指向一个commit repo.delete_tag(tagref) #删除一个tag repo.create_tag('my_tag') #创建一个tag 符号引用可以替代具体commit指向一个引用 head = repo.head #the head points to the active branch/ref master = head.reference #but they always point to commits master.commit #from here you use it as any other reference 访问reflog log = master.log() log[0] #first reflog entry log[-1] #last reflog entry 修改引用 创建、删除各种引用和修改指向 repo.delete_head('master') #delete an existing head master = repo.create_head('master') #create a new one master.commit = 'HEAD~10' #set branch to another commit without changing index or working tree 创建、删除tags new_tag = repo.create_tag('my_tag','my message') repo.delete_tag(new_tag) 分支直接切换 new_branch = repo.craete_head('new_branch') repo.head.reference = new_branch git库的各种对象 git的所有对象都存在git数据库中。对象包含的信息有类型、未压缩的大小、每个对象都有一个20个字节的唯一的SHA1值。 git有四类对象Blobs、Trees、Commits and Tags git所有的对象都可以访问,但通常是通过引用或git仓库的方法来访问,不是直接从数据库中读取。 hc = repo.head.commit hct = hc.tree hc != hct hc != repo.tags[0] hc == repo.head.reference.commit git对象基本字段有 hct.type hct.size hct.hexsha hct.binsha 索引对象可以用作git的索引,这些对象是Trees/Blobs和Submodules ,这些对象含有文件路径的信息。 hct.path #root tree has no path hct.trees[0].path #the first subdirectory has one though hct.mode #trees have the mode of a linux directory hct.blobs[0].mode #blobs have a specific mode though compareable to a standard linux fs 使用stream访问blob数据或者其他对象数据 hct.blobs[0] #stream object to read data from hct.blobs[0].stream_data(open("blob_data","w")) #write data to given stream Commit对象 commit对象包含固定commit的信息。通过引用或者指定版本可以获取到commit对象 repo.commit('master') repo.commit('v0.1') repo.commit('HEAD~10') 获取100指定引用上100commit repo.iter_commits('master',max_count=100) 分页显示 显示21-30的记录 repo.iter_commits('master',max_count=10,skip=20) headcommit = repo.head.commit headcommit.hexsha headcommit.parents headcommit.tree headcommit.committer headcommit.committed_date headcommit.message 时间格式化 import time time.asctime(time.gmtime(headcommit.committed_date)) #'Web May 7 05:56:02 2013' tiem.strftime("%a,%d %b %Y %H:%M",time.gmtime(headcommit.committed_date)) #'Web,7 May 2013 05:56' 访问commit祖先 headcommit.parents[0].parents[0].parents[0].parents[0] 等价于master^^^^ 或者master~4 Tree对象 tree对象指向当前目录的内容。获取master分支最新提交的根tree对象 tree = repo.heads.master.commit.tree 通过tree对象可以获取的内容有 tree.trees #trees are subdirectories tree.blobs #blobs are files 可以通过名称获取tree对象 tree[0] = tree['dir'] #access by index and by sub-path blob = tree[0][0] blob.path blob.abspath 有简便的方法通过子目录名称就可以获取对象 tree/"lib" tree/"dir/file" == blob 如果指定tree对象的名称也可以直接从git数据库中读取 repo.tree() #返回<git.Tree "master"> repo.tree("c1c7214dde86...") repo.tree('0.1.6') 遍历tree对象 tree.traverse() for entry in tree.traverse():do_something_with(entry) 如果tree对象返回的是子模块对象,默认为是当前head的commit 索引对象 git的索引对象包含了commit变更和合并信息。通过索引对象可以获得更复杂的信息 index = repo.index 读取、添加、删除实例,Commit变更: for stage,blob in index.iter_blobs():do_something(...) #Access blob object for (path,stage),entry in index.entries.iteritems: pass #Access the entries directly index.add(['my_new_file']) #add a new file to the index index.remove(['dir/existing_file']) new_commit = index.commit("my commit message") 通过tree或者merge创建新索引 tmp_index = Index.from_tree(repo,'HEAD~1') #load a tree into a temporary index merge_index = Index.from_tree(repo,'base','HEAD','some_branch') #merge two trees three-way merge_index.write('merged_index') 远程仓库 远程名称作为外部从仓库的别名,可以通过它push和fetch数据 test_remote = repo.create_remote('test','git@server:repo.git') repo.delete_remote(test_remote) # create and delete remotes origin = repo.remotes.origin #get default remote by name origin.refs #local remote reference o = origin.rename('new_origin') #rename remotes o.fetch() #fetch,pull and push from and to the remote o.pull() o.push() 远程库的配置信息 o.url 修改配置信息 o.config_writer.set('pushurl','other_url') 子模块 对象比较 可以比较index和Trees或者Index和working tree 或者trees和trees以及trees和working copy hcommit = repo.head.commit idiff = hcommit.diff() #diff tree against index tdiff = hcommit.diff('HEAD~1') #diff tree against previous tree wdiff = hcommit.diff(None) #diff tree against working tree index = repo.index index.diff() #diff index agginst itself yielding empty idff index.diff(None) #diff index against working copy index.diff('HEAD') #diff index against current HEAD tree 比较返回的比较索引本质上是一个Diff对象列表,通过额外的过滤方法你可以找到你想要的内容 for diff_added in wdiff.iter_change_type('A'): do_something_with(diff_added) 分支切换 想切换分支,你需要设置HEAD指向新分支,重置index和工作区 repo.head.reference = repo.heads.other_branch repo.head.reset(index=True,working_tree=True) 上面的方法会覆盖掉工作区中所有修改未提交的边更新,下面的方法则不会 repo.heads.master.checkout() #checkout the branch using git-checkout repo.heads.other_branch.checkout() 直接使用git库 通过git实例使用git命令 git = repo.git git.checkout('head',b='my_new_branch') #default command git.for_each_ref() #'-' becomes '_' when calling it