【python】jiraAPI使用教程 自动创建jira问题单并置状态为OPEN

环境依赖 : python库 redis jira  

                    安装命令:pip install redis

                                    pip install jira


                                    $sudo aptget update

                                    $sudo aptget install redisserver

                                   启动 Redis 

                                   $ redisserver

                                   查看 redis 是否启动?

                  $ redis-cli



                           是本机 IP ,6379 是 redis 服务端口。现在我们输入 PING 命令。

                  redis> ping PONG


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from jira import JIRA import sys, getopt, redis, os     class JiraTool:      def __init__( self ):          self .server = 'https:/jira。example.net'          self .basic_auth = ( 'username' , 'password' )          self .jiraClinet = None        def login( self ):          self .jiraClinet = JIRA(server = self .server, basic_auth = self .basic_auth)          if self .jiraClinet ! = None :              return True          else :              return False        def findIssueById( self , issueId):          if issueId:              if self .jiraClinet = = None :                  self .login()              return self .jiraClinet.issue(issueId)          else :              return 'Please input your issueId'        def createIssue( self , description, assignee, project, parent, filepath):            issue_dict = {                'project' : { 'key' : project},              'issuetype' : { 'name' : 'Sub-Task' },              'parent' : { 'key' : parent},              'summary' : '[xxx]Auto sync file %s from storage-cnn to storage' % (filepath),              'description' : description,              'assignee' : { 'name' : assignee},              'customfield_12603' : { 'value' : 'xxx' },              'components' : [{ 'name' : 'SCM' }],              'priority' : { 'name' : 'Major' },            }          if self .jiraClinet = = None :              self .login()          return self .jiraClinet.create_issue(issue_dict)     if __name__ = = '__main__' :        redisTool = redis.Redis(host = '' , port = 6379 )      jiraTool = JiraTool()      jiraTool.login()      description = ''      assignee = ''      watchers = None      project = ''      parent = ''      openIssuekey = ''      cnnStoragePath = 'xxxxx'        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[ 1 :], 'd:a:w:p:o:' )      for op, value in opts:          if op = = '-d' :              filepath = value          elif op = = '-a' :              user = jiraTool.jiraClinet.search_users(user = value)              if user:                  assignee = user[ 0 ].key              else :                  print ( 'Please make sure that the user email is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )          elif op = = '-p' :              if 'Austin' in value:                  project = 'xxxx'                  parent = 'xxxx'                  cnnStoragePath = os.path.join(cnnStoragePath, 'xxxx' )              elif 'Ford' in value:                  project = 'xxxxx'                  parent = 'xxxxx'                  cnnStoragePath = os.path.join(cnnStoragePath, 'xxxxx' )              else :                  print ( 'Please make sure that the project is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )          elif op = = '-w' :              watchers = value.split( ',' )          elif op = = '-o' :              openIssuekey = value              if not openIssuekey:                  print ( 'Please make sure that the openIssuekey is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )              break        try :            if openIssuekey:                issuekeyTmp = redisTool.get(openIssuekey)              issue = jiraTool.findIssueById(issuekeyTmp)              print openIssuekey, '----' , issuekeyTmp, '----' , issue.fields.status              if 'Screen' in str (issue.fields.status):                  print 'Update %s status screen ----> open ' % (issuekeyTmp)                  jiraTool.jiraClinet.transition_issue(issue, 151 )                  redisTool.delete(openIssuekey)              else :                  print 'Please make sure the issue status is not screen'            else :                if not filepath:                  print ( 'Please make sure that the file path is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )              if not assignee:                  print ( 'Please make sure that the assignee is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )              if not project:                  print ( 'Please make sure that the project is correct!' )                  sys.exit( - 1 )                print ( 'Creating issue now' )                cnnStoragePath = os.path.join(cnnStoragePath,filepath)              description = '[Files to sync]\n' + cnnStoragePath              print "cnnStoragePath: " + cnnStoragePath              print "description: " + description              print "assignee: " + assignee              issue = jiraTool.createIssue(description, assignee, project, parent,filepath)              issueKey = issue.key              redisTool. set (filepath, issueKey)              print ( 'issue key is ---->' , issueKey)              if watchers:                  for watcherItem in watchers:                      watcher = jiraTool.jiraClinet.search_users(user = watcherItem)                      if watcher:                          watcherKey = watcher[ 0 ].key                          jiraTool.jiraClinet.add_watcher(issue = issueKey, watcher = watcherKey)                      else :                          print ( '%s user does not exis' % (watcherItem))                          jiraTool.jiraClinet.add_comment(issue = issueKey, body = '%s user does not exis' % (watcherItem))        except Exception as e:          print e          sys.exit( - 1 )


