

Got some old photos you want to save? Several apps can help turn your phone into a scanner. Here’s how to digitize them with Google PhotoScan, Microsoft Office Lens, and TurboScan.

有一些想要保存的旧照片吗? 多个应用程序可以帮助您将手机变成扫描仪。 以下是使用Google PhotoScan,Microsoft Office Lens和TurboScan将其数字化的方法。

By Lance Whitney

通过 兰斯惠特尼

If you have a large collection of old printed photos, you can digitize them using a scanner attached to your computer. However, the easiest and cheapest way is to use a photo-scanning app like Google PhotoScan, Microsoft Office Lens, or TurboScan to help scan, rotate, crop, and add filters to your photos.

如果您有大量的旧打印照片,则可以使用连接到计算机的扫描仪将它们数字化。 但是,最简单,最便宜的方法是使用照片扫描应用程序(例如Google PhotoScan,Microsoft Office Lens或TurboScan)来帮助扫描,旋转,裁剪并为照片添加滤镜。

Despite the benefits of using an app, be aware that it may not be the best choice in every situation. The main drawback is that the overall picture quality and resolution achieved through a mobile app won’t compare with what you can get from a dedicated scanner. You also won’t have access to advanced settings like output file type, color mode, resolution, size, brightness, and contrast with an app.

尽管使用应用程序有很多好处,但是请注意,它不一定在每种情况下都是最佳选择 。 主要缺点是通过移动应用程序获得的整体图像质量和分辨率无法与专用扫描仪获得的图像相比。 您也将无法使用应用程序访问高级设置,如输出文件类型,颜色模式,分辨率,大小,亮度和对比度。

Instead, a mobile app comes in handy if you want to scan a collection of photos quickly and don’t need top quality or resolution. You also won’t need to deal with connection issues or tricky scanning setups; just point and scan. Here are several photo scanning apps and a look at how they work.

相反,如果您想快速扫描照片集并且不需要最高质量或分辨率,则可以使用移动应用程序。 您也将无需处理连接问题或棘手的扫描设置。 指向并扫描。 这里有几个照片扫描应用程序,以及它们的工作方式。

Google PhotoScan (Google PhotoScan)

Google PhotoScan promises glare-free scans, automatic cropping, and smart rotation to keep your images straight and level. Download the free app for Android or iOS and open the app. Line up the photo you want to scan and press the shutter button. The app then displays a white circle in each of the four corners of the photo.

Google PhotoScan承诺可以进行无眩光扫描,自动裁剪和智能旋转,以保持图像平整和水平。 下载适用于AndroidiOS的免费应用程序,然后打开该应用程序。 排列要扫描的照片,然后按快门按钮。 然后,该应用程序在照片的四个角中的每个角处显示一个白色圆圈。


Move your phone horizontally to make contact with each of the circles, one after the other. But try not to tilt your phone; keep it level. After you’ve made contact with all four circles, tap the thumbnail in the lower right to view the scanned image.

水平移动手机,使每个圆圈彼此接触。 但是,请尽量不要倾斜手机。 保持水平。 与所有四个圆圈建立联系后,请点击右下角的缩略图以查看扫描的图像。


At the screen showing the scan, you can rotate the image, adjust the corners, or delete the image to try again. Tap the Share icon, and you can share the scanned image via email, messaging, or other apps and services.

在显示扫描的屏幕上,您可以旋转图像,调整角点或删除图像以重试。 点击共享图标,您可以通过电子邮件,消息传递或其他应用程序和服务共享扫描的图像。


When done, tap the left arrow in the upper-left corner to view the image. Tap the left arrow again to capture another scan.

完成后,点击左上角的左箭头以查看图像。 再次点击左箭头以捕获另一个扫描。

Microsoft Office镜头 (Microsoft Office Lens)

Microsoft Office Lens is designed to scan paper documents, business cards, whiteboards, and photos. Download and install the free app ( Android, iOS), open the app and set the type of scan to Photo. You can also adjust the flash by turning it on or off, or setting it to automatic.

Microsoft Office Lens用于扫描纸质文档, 名片 ,白板和照片。 下载并安装免费的应用程序( AndroidiOS ),打开该应用程序并将扫描类型设置为照片。 您也可以通过打开或关闭闪光灯或将其设置为自动来调节闪光灯。

Tap the shutter button to take the scan, then tap the orange circle to move to the next step.



From the photo editor, tap Add if you wish to scan another photo. You can experiment with different filters by tapping the Filters icon or adjust the corners and sides of the scan by choosing Crop. Tap the More icon to access additional features.

如果您想扫描另一张照片,请从照片编辑器中,点击添加。 您可以通过点击“过滤器”图标来尝试使用不同的过滤器,或者通过选择“裁剪”来调整扫描的边角和侧面。 点击更多图标以访问其他功能。


Rotate the image by tapping the Rotate icon, or remove the scan by tapping Delete. Tapping the Ink icon will allow you to draw on the photo and selecting Text will let you create text over the image. When finished, tap Done.

通过点击旋转图标来旋转图像,或者通过点击删除来删除扫描。 点击“墨水”图标将使您能够在照片上绘画,选择“文本”将使您在图像上创建文本。 完成后,点击完成。


At the next screen, you can save your photo to your camera’s photo library or to Microsoft OneDrive, or save it as a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint document. You can also share the photo via Outlook, Mail, and other apps.

在下一个屏幕上,您可以将照片保存到相机的照片库或Microsoft OneDrive中 ,或将其另存为Microsoft Word或PowerPoint文档。 您还可以通过Outlook,Mail和其他应用程序共享照片。


涡轮扫描 (TurboScan)

With TurboScan, you can scan documents, business cards, index cards, and photos. Available for Android and iOS, the free version restricts you to just three scans. A $4.99 in-app purchase removes this restriction, so you can scan an unlimited number of files.

使用TurboScan,您可以扫描文档,名片,索引卡和照片。 免费版适用于AndroidiOS ,免费版只限制您进行3次扫描。 $ 4.99的应用内购买可消除此限制,因此您可以扫描无限数量的文件。

TurboScan offers a healthy array of options and settings, allowing you to set default page size, default filename format and output (including PDF and JPG), and enable the flash to on, off, or automatic.


To use TurboScan, position your photo and press the shutter button. You can also set up the app to take scans automatically once you have the photo lined up and take three photos of the same scan so you can choose the best one.

要使用TurboScan,请放置照片并按快门按钮。 您还可以将应用程序设置为在排队照片后自动进行扫描,并拍摄同一扫描的三张照片,以便选择最佳的一张。


At the next screen, tap the Frame command in the upper left to crop your photo, then tap Done when finished. At the next screen, you can brighten or darken the image, rotate it, or delete it and try again. When done, tap Next. At the next screen, tap the Pencil icon to name the photo or change the size. You can also add a date stamp. Tap Done.

在下一个屏幕上,点击左上角的“相框”命令以裁剪照片,然后在完成后点击“完成”。 在下一个屏幕上,您可以使图像变亮或变暗,旋转或删除图像,然后重试。 完成后,点击下一步。 在下一个屏幕上,点击铅笔图标以命名照片或更改尺寸。 您还可以添加日期戳。 点击完成。


Tap the Share icon to share the photo via email, messaging, or different cloud services. You can also save the photo to your Photos library, copy it elsewhere, or print it. Tap Done to save the photo to the TurboScan gallery.

点按“共享”图标以通过电子邮件,消息传递或其他云服务共享照片。 您也可以将照片保存到“照片”库中,将其复制到其他位置或打印。 点击完成以将照片保存到TurboScan画廊。


Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag.com

翻译自: https://medium.com/pcmag-access/how-to-scan-old-photos-with-your-phone-298d6ad64323


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_26744853/article/details/108167796