【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理


博主简介:段石石,1号店精准化推荐算法工程师,主要负责1号店用户画像构建,喜欢钻研点Machine Learning的黑科技,对Deep Learning感兴趣,喜欢玩kaggle、看9神,对数据和Machine Learning有兴趣咱们可以一起聊聊,个人博客: hacker.duanshishi.com



  • UCI机器学习源:http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/
  • Amazon AWS公共数据集:http://aws.amazon. com/publicdatasets/
  • Kaggle:http://www.kaggle.com/competitions
  • KDnuggets:http://www.kdnuggets.com/datasets/index.html

在本章中,我们使用一个经典的电影数据集MovieLens(http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/ movielens/ml-100k.zip)



《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


使用Python notebook看看用户数据


1 2 user_data = sc . textFile ( ‘../data/ML_spark/MovieLens/u.user’ ) user_data . first ( )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 5 6 user_fields = user_data . map ( lambda line : line . split ( ‘|’ ) ) num_users = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 0 ] ) . count ( ) = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 2 ] ) . distinct ( ) . count ( ) num_occupations = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 3 ] ) . distinct ( ) . count ( ) num_zipcodes = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 4 ] ) . distinct ( ) . count ( ) print “Users: %d, genders: %d, occupations: %d, ZIP codes: %d” % ( num_users , num_genders , num_occupations , num_zipcodes )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 5 6 import matplotlib . pyplot as plt from matplotlib . pyplot import hist ages = user_fields . map ( lambda x : int ( x [ 1 ] ) ) . collect ( ) hist ( ages , bins = 20 , color = ‘lightblue’ , normed = True ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 16 , 10 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 import numpy as np count_by_occupation = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : ( fields [ 3 ] , 1 ) ) . reduceByKey ( lambda x , y : x + y ) . collect ( ) print count_by_occupation x_axis1 = np . array ( [ c [ 0 ] for c in count_by_occupation ] ) y_axis1 = np . array ( [ c [ 1 ] for c in count_by_occupation ] ) x_axis = x_axis1 [ np . argsort ( y_axis1 ) ] y_axis = y_axis1 [ np . argsort ( y_axis1 ) ] pos = np . arange ( len ( x_axis ) ) width = 1.0 ax = plt . axes ( ) ax . set_xticks ( pos + ( width ) / 2 ) ax . set_xticklabels ( x_axis )   plt . bar ( pos , y_axis , width , color = ‘lightblue’ ) plt . xticks ( rotation = 30 ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 10 , 6 )



《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

使用IPython notebook看看电影数据


1 2 3 4 movie_data = sc . textFile ( “../data/ML_spark/MovieLens/u.item” ) print movie_data . first ( ) num_movies = movie_data . count ( ) print ‘Movies: %d’ % num_movies


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 def convert_year ( x ) :      try :          return int ( x [ 4 : ] )      except :          return 1900   movie_fields = movie_data . map ( lambda lines : lines . split ( ‘|’ ) ) years = movie_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 2 ] ) . map ( lambda x : convert_year ( x ) ) years_filtered = years . filter ( lambda x : x != 1900 ) print years_filtered . count ( ) movie_ages = years_filtered . map ( lambda yr : 1998 yr ) . countByValue ( ) values = movie_ages . values ( ) bins = movie_ages . keys ( ) hist ( values , bins = bins , color = ‘lightblue’ , normed = True ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 8 , 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

使用Ipython notebook看看用户对电影排序的数据集


1 2 3 4 rating_data = sc . textFile ( ‘../data/ML_spark/MovieLens/u.data’ ) print rating_data . first ( ) num_ratings = rating_data . count ( ) print ‘Ratings: %d’ % num_ratings



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 rating_data = rating_data . map ( lambda line : line . split ( ‘\t’ ) ) ratings = rating_data . map ( lambda fields : int ( fields [ 2 ] ) ) max_rating = ratings . reduce ( lambda x , y : max ( x , y ) ) min_rating = ratings . reduce ( lambda x , y : min ( x , y ) ) mean_rating = ratings . reduce ( lambda x , y : x + y ) / num_ratings median_rating = np . median ( ratings . collect ( ) ) ratings_per_user = num_ratings / num_users ; ratings_per_movie = num_ratings / num_movies print ‘Min rating: %d’ % min_rating print ‘max rating: %d’ % max_rating print ‘Average rating: %2.2f’ % mean_rating print ‘Median rating: %d ‘ % median_rating print ‘Average # of ratings per user: %2.2f’ % ratings_per_user print ‘Average # of ratings per movie: %2.2f’ % ratings_per_movie


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

计算ratings value的分布:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 count_by_rating = ratings . countByValue ( ) x_axis = np . array ( count_by_rating . keys ( ) ) y_axis = np . array ( [ float ( c ) for c in count_by_rating . values ( ) ] ) y_axis_normed = y_axis / y_axis . sum ( ) pos = np . arange ( len ( x_axis ) ) width = 1.0 ax = plt . axes ( ) ax . set_xticks ( pos + ( width / 2 ) ) ax . set_xticklabels ( x_axis )   plt . bar ( pos , y_axis_normed , width , color = ‘lightblue’ ) plt . xticks ( rotation = 30 ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 8 , 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 user_ratings_grouped = rating_data . map ( lambda fields : ( int ( fields [ 0 ] ) , int ( fields [ 2 ] ) ) ) . groupByKey ( ) user_rating_byuser = user_ratings_grouped . map ( lambda ( k , v ) : ( k , len ( v ) ) ) user_rating_byuser . take ( 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 user_ratings_byuser_local = user_rating_byuser . map ( lambda ( k , v ) : v ) . collect ( ) hist ( user_ratings_byuser_local , bins = 200 , color = ‘lightblue’ , normed = True ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 8 , 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 # 为每部电影计算他的被评论的次数的分布 movie_ratings_group = rating_data . map ( lambda fields : ( int ( fields [ 1 ] ) , int ( fields [ 2 ] ) ) ) . groupByKey ( ) movie_ratings_byuser = movie_ratings_group . map ( lambda ( k , v ) : ( k , len ( v ) ) ) movie_ratings_byuser . take ( 5 )


1 2 3 4 movie_ratings_byuser_local = movie_ratings_byuser . map ( lambda ( k , v ) : v ) . collect ( ) hist ( movie_ratings_byuser_local , bins = 200 , color = ‘lightblue’ , normed = True ) fig = plt . gcf ( ) fig . set_size_inches ( 8 , 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》



  • 滤除或移除bad values和missing values
  • 用给定值来替换bad values和missing values
  • 针对异值点使用一些鲁棒性强的技术
  • 对潜在异值点进行转换

用指定值替换bad values和missing values

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 years_pre_processed = movie_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 2 ] ) . map ( lambda x : convert_year ( x ) ) . collect ( ) years_pre_processed_array = np . array ( years_pre_processed ) mean_year = np . mean ( years_pre_processed_array [ years_pre_processed_array != 1900 ] ) median_year = np . median ( years_pre_processed_array [ years_pre_processed_array != 1900 ] ) index_bad_data = np . where ( years_pre_processed_array == 1900 ) years_pre_processed_array [ index_bad_data ] = median_year print ‘Mean year of release: %d’ % mean_year print ‘Median year of release: %d ‘ % median_year print “Index of ‘1900’ after assigning median: %s” % np . where ( years_pre_processed_array == 1900 ) [ 0 ]


用中位数的值来替代哪些bad values



  • Numerical features
  • Categorical features,如性别
  • Text features,如标题
  • Other features,如经纬度信息
  • Derived features,如前面的movie age

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 all_occupations = user_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 3 ] ) . distinct ( ) . collect ( ) all_occupations . sort ( ) idx = 0 all_occupations_dict = { } for o in all_occupations :      all_occupations_dict [ o ] = idx      idx += 1 print “Encoding of ‘doctor’: %d” % all_occupations_dict [ ‘doctor’ ] print “Encoding of ‘programmer’: %d” % all_occupations_dict [ ‘programmer’ ]


上面将categorical features转换到数值型的,但是经常我们在做数据处理的时候,这类彼此之间没有潜在排序信息的数据,应该进行dummies处理:

1 2 3 4 5 6 K = len ( all_occupations_dict ) binary_x = np . zeros ( K ) k_programmer = all_occupations_dict [ ‘programmer’ ] binary_x [ k_programmer ] = 1 print ‘Binary feature vector: %s’ % binary_x print ‘Length of binray vector: %d’ % K




《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

时间戳转为categorical feature

1 2 3 4 5 6 def extract_datetime ( ts ) :      import datetime      return datetime . datetime . fromtimestamp ( ts ) timestamps = rating_data . map ( lambda fields : int ( fields [ 3 ] ) ) hour_of_day = timestamps . map ( lambda ts : extract_datetime ( ts ) . hour ) hour_of_day . take ( 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

按时间段划分为morning,lunch, afternoon, evening, night(下面有原书代码是错误的 ’night’:[23,7]):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 def assign_tod ( hr ) :      times_of_day = {          ‘morning’ : range ( 7 , 12 ) ,          ‘lunch’ : range ( 12 , 14 ) ,          ‘afternoon’ : range ( 14 , 18 ) ,          ‘evening’ : range ( 18 , 23 ) ,          ‘night’ : [ 23 , 24 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]          }      for k , v in times_of_day . iteritems ( ) :          if hr in v :              return k


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 time_of_day_unique = time_of_day . map ( lambda fields : fields ) . distinct ( ) . collect ( ) time_of_day_unique . sort ( ) idx = 0 time_of_day_unique_dict = { } for o in time_of_day_unique :      time_of_day_unique_dict [ o ] = idx      idx += 1 print “Encoding of ‘afternoon’: %d” % time_of_day_unique_dict [ ‘afternoon’ ] print “Encoding of ‘morning’: %d” % time_of_day_unique_dict [ ‘morning’ ] print “Encoding of ‘lunch’: %d” % time_of_day_unique_dict [ ‘lunch’ ]


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


  • Tokenization
  • Stop word removal
  • Stemming
  • Vectorization



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 def extract_title ( raw ) :      import re      grps = re . search ( \((\w+)\)” , raw )      if grps :          return raw [ : grps . start ( ) ] . strip ( )      else :          return raw raw_titles = movie_fields . map ( lambda fields : fields [ 1 ] ) for raw_title in raw_titles . take ( 5 ) :      print extract_title ( raw_title )



1 2 3 movie_titles = raw_titles . map ( lambda m : extract_title ( m ) ) title_terms = movie_titles . map ( lambda m : m . split ( ‘ ‘ ) ) print title_terms . take ( 5 )



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all_terms = title_terms . flatMap ( lambda x : x ) . distinct ( ) . collect ( ) idx = 0 all_terms_dict = { } for term in all_terms :      all_terms_dict [ term ] = idx      idx += 1      print “Total number of terms: %d” % len ( all_terms_dict ) print “Index of term ‘Dead’: %d” % all_terms_dict [ ‘Dead’ ] print “Index of term ‘Rooms’: %d” % all_terms_dict [ ‘Rooms’ ]


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

1 2 3 all_terms_dict2 = title_terms . flatMap ( lambda x : x ) . distinct ( ) . zipWithIndex ( ) . collectAsMap ( ) print “Index of term ‘Dead %d” % all_terms_dict [ ‘Dead’ ] print “Index of term ‘Rooms’: %d” % all_terms_dict [ ‘Rooms’ ]



到了这里,我们就要想着如何把这些数据存储下来,如何使用,如果按前面对categorical var的处理方式,做dummies处理直接存储,显然会浪费太多的空间,我们在这里采用压缩稀疏(csc_matrix)的存储方式。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 def create_vector ( terms , term_dict ) :      from scipy import sparse as sp      num_terms = len ( term_dict )      x = sp . csc_matrix ( ( 1 , num_terms ) )      for t in terms :          if t in term_dict :              idx = term_dict [ t ]              x [ 0 , idx ] = 1      return x all_terms_bcast = sc . broadcast ( all_terms_dict ) term_vectors = title_terms . map ( lambda terms : create_vector ( terms , all_terms_bcast . value ) ) term_vectors . take ( 5 )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》


  • 归一化单一特征
  • 归一化特征向量


1 2 3 4 from pyspark . mllib . feature import Normalizer normlizer = Normalizer ( ) vector = sc . parallelize ( [ X ] ) normalized_x_mllib = normlizer . transform ( vector ) . first ( ) . toArray ( )


1 2 3 4 5 print “x:\n%s” % X print “2-Norm of x: %2.4f” % norm_x_2 print “Normalized x:\n%s” % normalized_x print “Normalized x MLlib:\n%s” % normalized_x_mllib print “2-Norm of normalized_x_mllib: %2.4f” % np . linalg . norm ( normalized_x_mllib )


《【投稿】Machine Learning With Spark Note 1:数据基本处理》

总结:spark支持多种语言,如scala,java, python,可以使用相应的包来进行特征处理,例如python下scikit-learn,gensim,svikit-image,matplotlib,notebook文件在github上
