Spring Boot Cache + redis 设置有效时间和自动刷新缓存,时间支持在配置文件中配置


Spring Cache提供的@Cacheable注解不支持配置过期时间,还有缓存的自动刷新。

@Bean public CacheManager cacheManager(RedisTemplate redisTemplate) { RedisCacheManager cacheManager= new RedisCacheManager(redisTemplate); cacheManager.setDefaultExpiration(60); Map<String,Long> expiresMap=new HashMap<>(); expiresMap.put("Product",5L); cacheManager.setExpires(expiresMap); return cacheManager; } 


@Cacheable(value = "people#120#90", key = "#person.id") public Person findOne(Person person) { Person p = personRepository.findOne(person.getId()); System.out.println("为id、key为:" + p.getId() + "数据做了缓存"); return p; } 



@Cacheable(value = "people#${select.cache.timeout:1800}#${select.cache.refresh:600}", key = "#person.id", sync = true)//3 public Person findOne(Person person) { Person p = personRepository.findOne(person.getId()); System.out.println("为id、key为:" + p.getId() + "数据做了缓存"); return p; } 





public interface CacheManager { /** * 根据名称获取一个Cache(在实现类里面是如果有这个Cache就返回,没有就新建一个Cache放到Map容器中) * @param name the cache identifier (must not be {@code null}) * @return the associated cache, or {@code null} if none found */ Cache getCache(String name); /** * 返回一个缓存名称的集合 * @return the names of all caches known by the cache manager */ Collection<String> getCacheNames(); } 



public interface Cache { ValueWrapper get(Object key); void put(Object key, Object value); void evict(Object key); ... } 


  1. 请求进来,在方法上面扫描@Cacheable注解,那么会触发org.springframework.cache.interceptor.CacheInterceptor缓存的拦截器。
  2. 然后会调用CacheManager的getCache方法,获取Cache,如果没有(第一次访问)就新建一Cache并返回。
  3. 根据获取到的Cache去调用get方法获取缓存中的值。RedisCache这里有个bug,源码是先判断key是否存在,再去缓存获取值,在高并发下有bug。


在最上面我们说了Spring Cache可以通过配置CacheManager来配置过期时间。那么这个过期时间是在哪里用的呢?设置默认的时间setDefaultExpiration,根据特定名称设置有效时间setExpires,获取一个缓存名称(value属性)的有效时间computeExpiration,真正使用有效时间是在createCache方法里面,而这个方法是在父类的getCache方法调用。通过RedisCacheManager源码我们看到:

// 设置默认的时间 public void setDefaultExpiration(long defaultExpireTime) { this.defaultExpiration = defaultExpireTime; } // 根据特定名称设置有效时间 public void setExpires(Map<String, Long> expires) { this.expires = (expires != null ? new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(expires) : null); } // 获取一个key的有效时间 protected long computeExpiration(String name) { Long expiration = null; if (expires != null) { expiration = expires.get(name); } return (expiration != null ? expiration.longValue() : defaultExpiration); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected RedisCache createCache(String cacheName) { // 调用了上面的方法获取缓存名称的有效时间 long expiration = computeExpiration(cacheName); // 创建了Cache对象,并使用了这个有效时间 return new RedisCache(cacheName, (usePrefix ? cachePrefix.prefix(cacheName) : null), redisOperations, expiration, cacheNullValues); } // 重写父类的getMissingCache。去创建Cache @Override protected Cache getMissingCache(String name) { return this.dynamic ? createCache(name) : null; } 


// 根据名称获取Cache如果没有调用getMissingCache方法,生成新的Cache,并将其放到Map容器中去。 @Override public Cache getCache(String name) { Cache cache = this.cacheMap.get(name); if (cache != null) { return cache; } else { // Fully synchronize now for missing cache creation... synchronized (this.cacheMap) { cache = this.cacheMap.get(name); if (cache == null) { // 如果没找到Cache调用该方法,这个方法默认返回值NULL由子类自己实现。上面的就是子类自己实现的方法 cache = getMissingCache(name); if (cache != null) { cache = decorateCache(cache); this.cacheMap.put(name, cache); updateCacheNames(name); } } return cache; } } } 



package com.xiaolyuh.redis.cache; import com.xiaolyuh.redis.cache.helper.SpringContextHolder; import com.xiaolyuh.redis.utils.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory; import org.springframework.cache.Cache; import org.springframework.data.redis.cache.RedisCacheManager; import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisOperations; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * 自定义的redis缓存管理器 * 支持方法上配置过期时间 * 支持热加载缓存:缓存即将过期时主动刷新缓存 * * @author yuhao.wang */ public class CustomizedRedisCacheManager extends RedisCacheManager { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CustomizedRedisCacheManager.class); /** * 父类cacheMap字段 */ private static final String SUPER_FIELD_CACHEMAP = "cacheMap"; /** * 父类dynamic字段 */ private static final String SUPER_FIELD_DYNAMIC = "dynamic"; /** * 父类cacheNullValues字段 */ private static final String SUPER_FIELD_CACHENULLVALUES = "cacheNullValues"; /** * 父类updateCacheNames方法 */ private static final String SUPER_METHOD_UPDATECACHENAMES = "updateCacheNames"; /** * 缓存参数的分隔符 * 数组元素0=缓存的名称 * 数组元素1=缓存过期时间TTL * 数组元素2=缓存在多少秒开始主动失效来强制刷新 */ private static final String SEPARATOR = "#"; /** * SpEL标示符 */ private static final String MARK = "$"; RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = null; @Autowired DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory; public CustomizedRedisCacheManager(RedisOperations redisOperations) { super(redisOperations); } public CustomizedRedisCacheManager(RedisOperations redisOperations, Collection<String> cacheNames) { super(redisOperations, cacheNames); } public RedisCacheManager getInstance() { if (redisCacheManager == null) { redisCacheManager = SpringContextHolder.getBean(RedisCacheManager.class); } return redisCacheManager; } @Override public Cache getCache(String name) { String[] cacheParams = name.split(SEPARATOR); String cacheName = cacheParams[0]; if (StringUtils.isBlank(cacheName)) { return null; } // 有效时间,初始化获取默认的有效时间 Long expirationSecondTime = getExpirationSecondTime(cacheName, cacheParams); // 自动刷新时间,默认是0 Long preloadSecondTime = getExpirationSecondTime(cacheParams); // 通过反射获取父类存放缓存的容器对象 Object object = ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(getInstance(), SUPER_FIELD_CACHEMAP); if (object != null && object instanceof ConcurrentHashMap) { ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cache> cacheMap = (ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cache>) object; // 生成Cache对象,并将其保存到父类的Cache容器中 return getCache(cacheName, expirationSecondTime, preloadSecondTime, cacheMap); } else { return super.getCache(cacheName); } } /** * 获取过期时间 * * @return */ private long getExpirationSecondTime(String cacheName, String[] cacheParams) { // 有效时间,初始化获取默认的有效时间 Long expirationSecondTime = this.computeExpiration(cacheName); // 设置key有效时间 if (cacheParams.length > 1) { String expirationStr = cacheParams[1]; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(expirationStr)) { // 支持配置过期时间使用EL表达式读取配置文件时间 if (expirationStr.contains(MARK)) { expirationStr = beanFactory.resolveEmbeddedValue(expirationStr); } expirationSecondTime = Long.parseLong(expirationStr); } } return expirationSecondTime; } /** * 获取自动刷新时间 * * @return */ private long getExpirationSecondTime(String[] cacheParams) { // 自动刷新时间,默认是0 Long preloadSecondTime = 0L; // 设置自动刷新时间 if (cacheParams.length > 2) { String preloadStr = cacheParams[2]; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(preloadStr)) { // 支持配置刷新时间使用EL表达式读取配置文件时间 if (preloadStr.contains(MARK)) { preloadStr = beanFactory.resolveEmbeddedValue(preloadStr); } preloadSecondTime = Long.parseLong(preloadStr); } } return preloadSecondTime; } /** * 重写父类的getCache方法,真假了三个参数 * * @param cacheName 缓存名称 * @param expirationSecondTime 过期时间 * @param preloadSecondTime 自动刷新时间 * @param cacheMap 通过反射获取的父类的cacheMap对象 * @return Cache */ public Cache getCache(String cacheName, long expirationSecondTime, long preloadSecondTime, ConcurrentHashMap<String, Cache> cacheMap) { Cache cache = cacheMap.get(cacheName); if (cache != null) { return cache; } else { // Fully synchronize now for missing cache creation... synchronized (cacheMap) { cache = cacheMap.get(cacheName); if (cache == null) { // 调用我们自己的getMissingCache方法创建自己的cache cache = getMissingCache(cacheName, expirationSecondTime, preloadSecondTime); if (cache != null) { cache = decorateCache(cache); cacheMap.put(cacheName, cache); // 反射去执行父类的updateCacheNames(cacheName)方法 Class<?>[] parameterTypes = {String.class}; Object[] parameters = {cacheName}; ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(getInstance(), SUPER_METHOD_UPDATECACHENAMES, parameterTypes, parameters); } } return cache; } } } /** * 创建缓存 * * @param cacheName 缓存名称 * @param expirationSecondTime 过期时间 * @param preloadSecondTime 制动刷新时间 * @return */ public CustomizedRedisCache getMissingCache(String cacheName, long expirationSecondTime, long preloadSecondTime) { logger.info("缓存 cacheName:{},过期时间:{}, 自动刷新时间:{}", cacheName, expirationSecondTime, preloadSecondTime); Boolean dynamic = (Boolean) ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(getInstance(), SUPER_FIELD_DYNAMIC); Boolean cacheNullValues = (Boolean) ReflectionUtils.getFieldValue(getInstance(), SUPER_FIELD_CACHENULLVALUES); return dynamic ? new CustomizedRedisCache(cacheName, (this.isUsePrefix() ? this.getCachePrefix().prefix(cacheName) : null), this.getRedisOperations(), expirationSecondTime, preloadSecondTime, cacheNullValues) : null; } } 




/** * 缓存主动在失效前强制刷新缓存的时间 * 单位:秒 */ private long preloadSecondTime = 0; // 重写后的构造方法 public CustomizedRedisCache(String name, byte[] prefix, RedisOperations<? extends Object, ? extends Object> redisOperations, long expiration, long preloadSecondTime) { super(name, prefix, redisOperations, expiration); this.redisOperations = redisOperations; // 指定自动刷新时间 this.preloadSecondTime = preloadSecondTime; this.prefix = prefix; } // 重写后的构造方法 public CustomizedRedisCache(String name, byte[] prefix, RedisOperations<? extends Object, ? extends Object> redisOperations, long expiration, long preloadSecondTime, boolean allowNullValues) { super(name, prefix, redisOperations, expiration, allowNullValues); this.redisOperations = redisOperations; // 指定自动刷新时间 this.preloadSecondTime = preloadSecondTime; this.prefix = prefix; } 




/** * 重写get方法,获取到缓存后再次取缓存剩余的时间,如果时间小余我们配置的刷新时间就手动刷新缓存。 * 为了不影响get的性能,启用后台线程去完成缓存的刷。 * 并且只放一个线程去刷新数据。 * * @param key * @return */ @Override public ValueWrapper get(final Object key) { RedisCacheKey cacheKey = getRedisCacheKey(key); String cacheKeyStr = new String(cacheKey.getKeyBytes()); // 调用重写后的get方法 ValueWrapper valueWrapper = this.get(cacheKey); if (null != valueWrapper) { // 刷新缓存数据 refreshCache(key, cacheKeyStr); } return valueWrapper; } /** * 重写父类的get函数。 * 父类的get方法,是先使用exists判断key是否存在,不存在返回null,存在再到redis缓存中去取值。这样会导致并发问题, * 假如有一个请求调用了exists函数判断key存在,但是在下一时刻这个缓存过期了,或者被删掉了。 * 这时候再去缓存中获取值的时候返回的就是null了。 * 可以先获取缓存的值,再去判断key是否存在。 * * @param cacheKey * @return */ @Override public RedisCacheElement get(final RedisCacheKey cacheKey) { Assert.notNull(cacheKey, "CacheKey must not be null!"); // 根据key获取缓存值 RedisCacheElement redisCacheElement = new RedisCacheElement(cacheKey, fromStoreValue(lookup(cacheKey))); // 判断key是否存在 Boolean exists = (Boolean) redisOperations.execute(new RedisCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException { return connection.exists(cacheKey.getKeyBytes()); } }); if (!exists.booleanValue()) { return null; } return redisCacheElement; } /** * 刷新缓存数据 */ private void refreshCache(Object key, String cacheKeyStr) { Long ttl = this.redisOperations.getExpire(cacheKeyStr); if (null != ttl && ttl <= CustomizedRedisCache.this.preloadSecondTime) { // 尽量少的去开启线程,因为线程池是有限的 ThreadTaskHelper.run(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // 加一个分布式锁,只放一个请求去刷新缓存 RedisLock redisLock = new RedisLock((RedisTemplate) redisOperations, cacheKeyStr + "_lock"); try { if (redisLock.lock()) { // 获取锁之后再判断一下过期时间,看是否需要加载数据 Long ttl = CustomizedRedisCache.this.redisOperations.getExpire(cacheKeyStr); if (null != ttl && ttl <= CustomizedRedisCache.this.preloadSecondTime) { // 通过获取代理方法信息重新加载缓存数据 CustomizedRedisCache.this.getCacheSupport().refreshCacheByKey(CustomizedRedisCache.super.getName(), key.toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.info(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { redisLock.unlock(); } } }); } } 




public final class CachedInvocation { private Object key; private final Object targetBean; private final Method targetMethod; private Object[] arguments; public CachedInvocation(Object key, Object targetBean, Method targetMethod, Object[] arguments) { this.key = key; this.targetBean = targetBean; this.targetMethod = targetMethod; if (arguments != null && arguments.length != 0) { this.arguments = Arrays.copyOf(arguments, arguments.length); } } public Object[] getArguments() { return arguments; } public Object getTargetBean() { return targetBean; } public Method getTargetMethod() { return targetMethod; } public Object getKey() { return key; } /** * 必须重写equals和hashCode方法,否则放到set集合里没法去重 * @param o * @return */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } CachedInvocation that = (CachedInvocation) o; return key.equals(that.key); } @Override public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } } 

(方案一)维护缓存方法信息的容器(在内存中建一个MAP)和刷新缓存的类CacheSupportImpl 关键代码:

private final String SEPARATOR = "#"; /** * 记录缓存执行方法信息的容器。 * 如果有很多无用的缓存数据的话,有可能会照成内存溢出。 */ private Map<String, Set<CachedInvocation>> cacheToInvocationsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Autowired private CacheManager cacheManager; // 刷新缓存 private void refreshCache(CachedInvocation invocation, String cacheName) { boolean invocationSuccess; Object computed = null; try { // 通过代理调用方法,并记录返回值 computed = invoke(invocation); invocationSuccess = true; } catch (Exception ex) { invocationSuccess = false; } if (invocationSuccess) { if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheToInvocationsMap.get(cacheName))) { // 通过cacheManager获取操作缓存的cache对象 Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName); // 通过Cache对象更新缓存 cache.put(invocation.getKey(), computed); } } } private Object invoke(CachedInvocation invocation) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { final MethodInvoker invoker = new MethodInvoker(); invoker.setTargetObject(invocation.getTargetBean()); invoker.setArguments(invocation.getArguments()); invoker.setTargetMethod(invocation.getTargetMethod().getName()); invoker.prepare(); return invoker.invoke(); } // 注册缓存方法的执行类信息 @Override public void registerInvocation(Object targetBean, Method targetMethod, Object[] arguments, Set<String> annotatedCacheNames, String cacheKey) { // 获取注解上真实的value值 Collection<String> cacheNames = generateValue(annotatedCacheNames); // 获取注解上的key属性值 Class<?> targetClass = getTargetClass(targetBean); Collection<? extends Cache> caches = getCache(cacheNames); Object key = generateKey(caches, cacheKey, targetMethod, arguments, targetBean, targetClass, CacheOperationExpressionEvaluator.NO_RESULT); // 新建一个代理对象(记录了缓存注解的方法类信息) final CachedInvocation invocation = new CachedInvocation(key, targetBean, targetMethod, arguments); for (final String cacheName : cacheNames) { if (!cacheToInvocationsMap.containsKey(cacheName)) { cacheToInvocationsMap.put(cacheName, new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>()); } cacheToInvocationsMap.get(cacheName).add(invocation); } } @Override public void refreshCache(String cacheName) { this.refreshCacheByKey(cacheName, null); } // 刷新特定key缓存 @Override public void refreshCacheByKey(String cacheName, String cacheKey) { // 如果根据缓存名称没有找到代理信息类的set集合就不执行刷新操作。 // 只有等缓存有效时间过了,再走到切面哪里然后把代理方法信息注册到这里来。 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheToInvocationsMap.get(cacheName))) { for (final CachedInvocation invocation : cacheToInvocationsMap.get(cacheName)) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cacheKey) && invocation.getKey().toString().equals(cacheKey)) { logger.info("缓存:{}-{},重新加载数据", cacheName, cacheKey.getBytes()); refreshCache(invocation, cacheName); } } } } 




/** * 缓存拦截,用于注册方法信息 * @author yuhao.wang */ @Aspect @Component public class CachingAnnotationsAspect { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CachingAnnotationsAspect.class); @Autowired private InvocationRegistry cacheRefreshSupport; private <T extends Annotation> List<T> getMethodAnnotations(AnnotatedElement ae, Class<T> annotationType) { List<T> anns = new ArrayList<T>(2); // look for raw annotation T ann = ae.getAnnotation(annotationType); if (ann != null) { anns.add(ann); } // look for meta-annotations for (Annotation metaAnn : ae.getAnnotations()) { ann = metaAnn.annotationType().getAnnotation(annotationType); if (ann != null) { anns.add(ann); } } return (anns.isEmpty() ? null : anns); } private Method getSpecificmethod(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp) { MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) pjp.getSignature(); Method method = methodSignature.getMethod(); // The method may be on an interface, but we need attributes from the // target class. If the target class is null, the method will be // unchanged. Class<?> targetClass = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(pjp.getTarget()); if (targetClass == null && pjp.getTarget() != null) { targetClass = pjp.getTarget().getClass(); } Method specificMethod = ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass); // If we are dealing with method with generic parameters, find the // original method. specificMethod = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod(specificMethod); return specificMethod; } @Pointcut("@annotation(org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable)") public void pointcut() { } @Around("pointcut()") public Object registerInvocation(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable { Method method = this.getSpecificmethod(joinPoint); List<Cacheable> annotations = this.getMethodAnnotations(method, Cacheable.class); Set<String> cacheSet = new HashSet<String>(); String cacheKey = null; for (Cacheable cacheables : annotations) { cacheSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(cacheables.value())); cacheKey = cacheables.key(); } cacheRefreshSupport.registerInvocation(joinPoint.getTarget(), method, joinPoint.getArgs(), cacheSet, cacheKey); return joinPoint.proceed(); } } 



《Spring Boot Cache + redis 设置有效时间和自动刷新缓存,时间支持在配置文件中配置》 image


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    原文作者:Spring Boot
    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/shuxing520/article/details/78787545