








package cn.edu.zzuli.api;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import edu.princeton.cs.algs4.*;

public class BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> {
	private Node root;// 二叉查找树的根结点

	private class Node {
		private Key key;// 键
		private Value val;// 值
		private Node left, right;// 指向子树的链接
		private int N;// 以该结点为根的子树中的结点个数

		public Node(Key key, Value val, int N) {
			this.key = key;
			this.val = val;
			this.N = N;

	public BST() {

	public int size() {
		return size(root);

	private int size(Node x) {
		if (x == null)
			return 0;
			return x.N;

	 * 二叉查找树的查找和排序方法的实现

	public Value get(Key key) {
		return get(root, key);

	private Value get(Node x, Key key) {
		// 在以x为根结点的子树中查找并返回key所对应的值
		// 如果找不到则返回null
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmp < 0)
			return get(x.left, key);
		else if (cmp > 0)
			return get(x.right, key);
		return x.val;

	public void put(Key key, Value val) {
		// 查找key,找到则更新它的值,否则为它创建一个新的结点
		root = put(root, key, val);

	private Node put(Node x, Key key, Value val) {
		if (x == null)
			x = new Node(key, val, 1);
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmp < 0)
			x.left = put(x.left, key, val);
		else if (cmp > 0)
			x.right = put(x.right, key, val);
			x.val = val;
		x.N = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
		return x;

	 * 二叉查找树中max(),min(),floor(),ceiling()方法的实现

	public Key min() {
		if (size(root) == 0)
			throw new NoSuchElementException("calls min() with empty symbol table");
		return min(root).key;

	private Node min(Node x) {
		if (x.left == null)
			return x;
		return min(x.left);

	public Key max() {
		if (size(root) == 0)
			throw new NoSuchElementException("calls min() with empty symbol table");
		return max(root).key;

	private Node max(Node x) {
		if (x.right != null)
			return max(x.right);
		return x;

	public Key floor(Key key) {
		Node x = floor(root, key);
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		return x.key;

	private Node floor(Node x, Key key) {
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmp == 0)
			return x;
		// 如果key小于根结点root.key,那么小于等于key的最大键floor(key)一定在根结点的左子树中
		if (cmp < 0) {
			return floor(x.left, key);
		// 如果key大于根结点root.key,那么只有当根结点右子树中存在小于等于key的结点时小于等于key的最大键才会出现在右子树中
		Node t = floor(x.right, key);
		if (t != null)
			return t;
		// 否则根结点就是小于等于key的最大键
			return x;

	public Key ceiling(Key key) {
		Node x = ceiling(root, key);
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		return x.key;

	private Node ceiling(Node x, Key key) {
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmp == 0)
			return x;
		// 如果key大于根结点root.key,那么大于等于key的最小值ceiling(key)一定在根结点的右子树中
		if (cmp > 0) {
			return ceiling(x.right, key);
		// 如果key小于根结点root.key,那么只有当根结点左子树中存在大于等于key的结点时大于等于可以的最小键才会出现在左子树中
		Node t = ceiling(x.left, key);
		if (t != null)
			return t;
		// 否则根结点就是大于等于key的最小键
			return x;

	 * 二叉查找树select()和rank()方法的实现

	// 找到排名为k的键
	public Key select(int k) {
		return select(root, k).key;

	private Node select(Node x, int k) {
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		int t = size(x.left);
		// 如果左子树中的结点数t > k,那么我们就继续(递归地)在左子树中查找排名为k的键
		if (t > k) {
			return select(x.left, k);
		// 如果t < k,我们就(递归地)在右子树中查找排名为(k-t-1)的键
		else if (t < k) {
			return select(x.right, k - t - 1);
		// 如果t == k,我们就返回根结点中的键
		else {
			return x;

	// 给给定的键排名
	public int rank(Key key) {
		return rank(root, key);

	private int rank(Node x, Key key) {
		if (x == null)
			return 0;
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		// 如果给定的键小于根结点我们会返回该键在左子树中的排名(递归计算)
		if (cmp < 0)
			return rank(x.left, key);
		// 如果给定的键大于根结点,我们会返回t+1(根结点)加它在右子树中的排名(递归计算)
		else if (cmp > 0)
			return size(x.left) + 1 + rank(x.right, key);
		// 如果给定的键和根结点的键相等,我们返回左子树中的结点总数t
			return size(x.left);

	 * 二叉查找树的delete()方法的实现

	public void deleteMin() {
		root = deleteMin(root);

	private Node deleteMin(Node x) {
		// 不断深入根结点的左子树中直至遇见一个空链接
		// 然后将指向该结点的链接指向该结点的右子树(只需要在递归调用中返回它的右链接即可)
		if (x.left == null) {
			return x.right;
		x.left = deleteMin(x.left);
		x.N = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
		return x;

	public void delete(Key key) {
		root = delete(root, key);

	private Node delete(Node x, Key key) {
		if (x == null)
			return null;
		int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmp < 0)
			x.left = delete(x.left, key);
		else if (cmp > 0)
			x.right = delete(x.right, key);
		else {
			if (x.left == null)
				return x.right;
			if (x.right == null)
				return x.left;
			// 将指向即将被删除的结点的链接保存为t
			Node t = x;
			// 将x指向它的后继结点min(x.right)
			x = min(t.right);
			x.right = deleteMin(t.right);
			x.left = t.left;
		x.N = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
		return x;

	public Iterable<Key> keys() {
		return keys(min(), max());

	public Iterable<Key> keys(Key lo, Key hi) {
		Queue<Key> queue = new Queue<Key>();
		keys(root, queue, lo, hi);
		return queue;

	public void keys(Node x, Queue<Key> queue, Key lo, Key hi) {
		if (x == null)
		int cmplo = lo.compareTo(x.key);
		int cmphi = hi.compareTo(x.key);
		if (cmplo < 0)
			keys(x.left, queue, lo, hi);
		if (cmplo <= 0 && cmphi >= 0)
		if (cmphi > 0)
			keys(x.right, queue, lo, hi);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		BST<String, Integer> st;
		st = new BST<String, Integer>();
		for (int i = 0; !StdIn.isEmpty(); i++) {
			String key = StdIn.readString();
			st.put(key, i);
		for (String s : st.keys())
			StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s));
		StdOut.println("/*****************test min()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test max()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test floor()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test ceiling()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test select()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test rank()*****************/");
		StdOut.println("/*****************test delete()*****************/");
		for (String s : st.keys())
			StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s));
		StdOut.println("/*****************test deleteMin()*****************/");
		for (String s : st.keys())
			StdOut.println(s + " " + st.get(s));

 * S E A R C H E X A M P L E
 * A 8 C 4 E 12 H 5 L 11 M 9 P 10 R 3 S 0 X 7


    原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42480264/article/details/82531869