colors – gnuplot – 为不同颜色的一些抽搐或轴编号着色


我只找到了一种方法,用set xtics textcolor rgb“red”改变x轴红色中所有数字的颜色.

我需要的是能够将x = 0,3,6,…更改为抽搐或数字的颜色为红色,其他所有颜色应保持黑色.这可能与gnuplot有关吗?

最佳答案 tic标记的颜色由边框颜色设置,因此可以执行以下操作:

set multiplot

set xrange [-5:5]

set xtics -5,1,0                  # these tic marks will show up in black (the  default border color)
set yrange [] writeback           # save auto-generated y range for later
plot sin(x)

set border 0 linecolor "red"      # change border color, and turn off drawing of the border
set xtics 1,1,5 textcolor "blue"  # these tic marks will show up in the new border color, and we can specify the color of the labels
unset ytics                       # we  don't want to display the y tics again
set yrange restore                # use same range for  y axis as before

unset key
plot NaN

unset multiplot

《colors – gnuplot – 为不同颜色的一些抽搐或轴编号着色》

