

def checkOWin(board):

    boardHeight = len(board)
    boardWidth = len(board[0])
    tile = 'O'
    # check horizontal spaces
    for y in range(boardHeight):
        for x in range(boardWidth - 3):
            if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y] == tile and board[x+2][y] == tile and board[x+3][y] == tile:
                return True

    # check vertical spaces
    for x in range(boardWidth):
        for y in range(boardHeight - 3):
            if board[x][y] == tile and board[x][y+1] == tile and board[x][y+2] == tile and board[x][y+3] == tile:
                return True

    # check / diagonal spaces
    for x in range(boardWidth - 3):
        for y in range(3, boardHeight):
            if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y-1] == tile and board[x+2][y-2] == tile and board[x+3][y-3] == tile:
                return True

    # check \ diagonal spaces
    for x in range(boardWidth - 3):
        for y in range(boardHeight - 3):
            if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y+1] == tile and board[x+2][y+2] == tile and board[x+3][y+3] == tile:
                return True

    return False


最佳答案 你刚刚混淆了你的尺寸,你应该这样设置它们:

def checkOWin(board):
    boardHeight = len(board[0])
    boardWidth = len(board)

因为当你引用board [x]时,那就是计算电路板中列表的数量,当你引用电路板[x] [y]时,它只是指电路板中一个特定行的长度.

if board[x][y] == tile and board[x+1][y] == tile and board[x+2][y] == tile and board[x+3][y] == tile:

