ibm-mq – WebSphere MQ中的MQRC资源问题




AMQ9532: Program cannot set queue

EXPLANATION: The attempt to set the
attributes of queue
queue manager ‘QMGR.SERVER6A’ failed
with reason code 2102.

ACTION: Ensure
that the queue is available and retry
the operation.

—– amqrmssa.c : 690 ——————————————————–
AMQ9999: Channel program ended

EXPLANATION: Channel program
‘Channel.Coord00’ ended abnormally.

ACTION: Look at previous error
messages for channel program
‘Channel.Coord00’ in the error files to
determine the cause of the failure.

—– amqrccca.c : 883 ——————————————————–
03/06/11 08:24:26 AMQ9544: Messages
not put to destination queue.

EXPLANATION: During the processing of
channel ‘Channel.Server6A’ one or more
messages could not be put to the
destination queue and attempts were
made to put them to a dead-letter
queue. The location of the queue is
1, where 1 is the local dead-letter
queue and 2 is the remote dead-letter

ACTION: Examine the contents of
the dead-letter queue. Each message
is contained in a structure that
describes why the message was put to
the queue, and to where it was
originally addressed. Also look at
previous error messages to see if the
attempt to put messages to a
dead-letter queue failed. The program
identifier (PID) of the processing
program was ‘1372200’.

—– amqrmrca.c : 1318 ——————————————————-



最佳答案 日志中显示了三个不同且不相关的问题.


AMQ9532: Program cannot set queue

EXPLANATION: The attempt to set the
attributes of queue
queue manager ‘QMGR.SERVER6A’ failed
with reason code 2102.

2102是MQRC_RESOURCE_PROBLEM,可能是发布中提到的资源问题. 2102可以是任何类型的稀缺资源,包括信号量,用户进程,队列句柄等.由于QMgr试图设置队列的属性,它本来已经有一个线程实例化但它需要额外的队列句柄.当发生类似这样的事情时,使用您的管理工具(WMQ Explorer,mqmon或许多第三方工具之一)来查看打开的队列句柄,打开的通道等的数量.请注意,对于资源错误,它将是必要的保持与QMgr的开放连接,否则当资源短缺时,该工具将无法建立新连接.

AMQ9999: Channel program ended

EXPLANATION: Channel program
‘Channel.Coord00’ ended abnormally.

ACTION: Look at previous error
messages for channel program
‘C00.US.MP00’ in the error files to
determine the cause of the failure.


03/06/11 08:24:26 AMQ9544: Messages
not put to destination queue.

EXPLANATION: During the processing of
channel ‘Channel.Server6A’ one or more
messages could not be put to the
destination queue and attempts were
made to put them to a dead-letter
queue. The location of the queue is 1,
where 1 is the local dead-letter queue
and 2 is the remote dead-letter queue.

ACTION: Examine the contents of the
dead-letter queue. Each message is
contained in a structure that
describes why the message was put to
the queue, and to where it was
originally addressed. Also look at
previous error messages to see if the
attempt to put messages to a
dead-letter queue failed. The program
identifier (PID) of the processing
program was ‘1372200’.


对于资源错误,我建议您查看适合您平台的效果报告.转到SupportPacs page并查找名为MP *的SupportPac,然后查找适用于您的平台的SupportPac.性能报告为您提供特定的调整建议.

您可能还需要查看“系统管理”手册中的Problem Determination章节,以获取有关如何识别资源问题的其他建议.

developerWorks Mission:Messaging系列中的WebSphere MQ cluster design and operation文章提供了有关保持集群健康的具体建议.

最后但并非最不重要的是,WebSphere MQ MustGather页面包含有关所有主要平台的故障排除和按问题区域分类的部分.
