uuid – 为什么版本4 GUID的第17位数仅限于4种可能性?


this great answer所示,用于生成GUID的Version 4算法具有以下格式:


> x是随机的
> 4是常量,这表示版本号.
> y是以下之一:8,9,A或B.

RFC spec for UUIDs说必须以这种方式设置这些位,但我没有看到任何理由.


最佳答案 引用可贵的Lippert先生

First off, what bits are we talking about when we say “the bits”? We already know that in a “random” GUID the first hex digit of the third section is always 4….there is additional version information stored in the GUID in the bits in the fourth section as well; you’ll note that a GUID almost always has 8, 9, a or b as the first hex digit of the fourth section. So in total we have six bits reserved for version information, leaving 122 bits that can be chosen at random.


tl; dr – 它是更多的版本信息.为了得到更具体的信息,我怀疑你将不得不追踪规范的作者.
