google-chrome-app – 用于访问本地文件系统的Chrome应用程序的替代方案

现在Chrome Apps已被淘汰了
announced,如果想要对文件系统进行读写访问,那么Web编程的替代方案是什么? 最佳答案 不确定你是否错过了它但你可以拥有一个
native helper app + extension.你可以编写一些简单的跨平台C / Java二进制文件,它允许你访问文件系统并让它与你的chrome扩展进行通信.这将显着减少文件大小,而不是使用其他大框架.此外,它为所有主要操作系统交叉编译二进制文件相对简单.

Q: My app uses the chrome.fileSystem API to read and write
user-specified files and / or directories. Can this be done on the
open web? In general, no. The open web can read single files that the
user opens, but cannot retain access to those files, write to those
files, or have any access to directories.

If it is critical for your app to read and write directories (e.g. it
is a text editor with a folder view), you will need to either have a
native helper app and extension combo, or create a native app.
