
我有一个凌乱的csv文件(只是扩展名为csv).但是当我用ms excel打开这个文件时;划分它看起来如下(虚拟样本) –











car_id   car_type    entry_gate  entry_time(ms)  exit_gate   exit_time(ms)   traveled_dist(m)    avg_speed(m/s)  trajectory(x[m]    y[m]    speed[m/s]  a_tangential[ms-2]  a_lateral[ms-2] timestamp[ms]   )                                           
24   Bus    25  4300    26  48520   118.47  2.678999    509552.78   5039855.59  10.074  0.429   0.2012  0   509552.97   5039855.57  10.0821 0.3853  0.2183  20                      
25   Car    25  20  26  45900   113.91  2.482746    509583.7    5039848.78  4.5344  -0.1649 0.2398  0   509583.77   5039848.71                                      
26   Car     -   -   -   -  109.68  8.859805    509572.75   5039862.75  4.0734  -0.7164 -0.1066 0   509572.67   5039862.76  4.0593  -0.7021 -0.1141 20  509553.17   5039855.55  10.0886 0.2636  0.2356  40
27   Car     -   -   -   -  119.84  3.075936    509582.73   5039862.78  1.191   0.5247  0.0005  0   509582.71   5039862.78  1.2015  0.5322                              
28   Car     -   -   -   -  129.64  4.347466    509591.07   5039862.9   1.6473  0.1987  -0.0033 0   509591.04   5039862.89  1.6513  0.2015  -0.0036 20  


car_id   car_type    entry_gate  entry_time(ms)  exit_gate   exit_time(ms)   traveled_dist(m)    avg_speed(m/s)  trajectory(x[m]    y[m]    speed[m/s]  a_tangential[ms-2]  a_lateral[ms-2] timestamp[ms]   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12
24   Bus    25  4300    26  48520   118.47  2.678999    509552.78   5039855.59  10.074  0.429   0.2012  0   509552.97   5039855.57  10.0821 0.3853  0.2183  20                      
25   Car    25  20  26  45900   113.91  2.482746    509583.7    5039848.78  4.5344  -0.1649 0.2398  0   509583.77   5039848.71                                      
26   Car     -   -   -   -  109.68  8.859805    509572.75   5039862.75  4.0734  -0.7164 -0.1066 0   509572.67   5039862.76  4.0593  -0.7021 -0.1141 20  509553.17   5039855.55  10.0886 0.2636  0.2356  40
27   Car     -   -   -   -  119.84  3.075936    509582.73   5039862.78  1.191   0.5247  0.0005  0   509582.71   5039862.78  1.2015  0.5322                              
28   Car     -   -   -   -  129.64  4.347466    509591.07   5039862.9   1.6473  0.1987  -0.0033 0   509591.04   5039862.89  1.6513  0.2015  -0.0036 20      

最佳答案 预处理


第一行的最后一个值是),所以我通过firstline [: – 1]删除它,然后我添加
以1 rng = range(1,m – lenfirstline 2)排列缺失的列.


import pandas as pd
import csv

def get_names():
    with open('test/file.txt', 'r') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
        num = []
        for i, row in enumerate(reader):
            if i ==0:
                firstline = ''.join(row).split()
                lenfirstline = len(firstline)
                #print firstline, lenfirstline
        m = max(num)
        rng = range(1, m - lenfirstline + 2)
        #remove )
        rng = firstline[:-1] + rng
        return rng

#names is list return from function
df = pd.read_csv('test/file.txt', sep="\s+", names=get_names(), index_col=[0], skiprows=1)


#temporaly display 10 rows and 30 columns
with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 10, 'display.max_columns', 30):
    print df

       car_type entry_gate entry_time(ms) exit_gate exit_time(ms)  \
24          Bus         25           4300        26         48520   
25          Car         25             20        26         45900   
26          Car          -              -         -             -   
27          Car          -              -         -             -   
28          Car          -              -         -             -   

        traveled_dist(m)  avg_speed(m/s)  trajectory(x[m]        y[m]  \
24                118.47        2.678999        509552.78  5039855.59   
25                113.91        2.482746        509583.70  5039848.78   
26                109.68        8.859805        509572.75  5039862.75   
27                119.84        3.075936        509582.73  5039862.78   
28                129.64        4.347466        509591.07  5039862.90   

        speed[m/s]  a_tangential[ms-2]  a_lateral[ms-2]  timestamp[ms]  \
24         10.0740              0.4290           0.2012              0   
25          4.5344             -0.1649           0.2398              0   
26          4.0734             -0.7164          -0.1066              0   
27          1.1910              0.5247           0.0005              0   
28          1.6473              0.1987          -0.0033              0   

                1           2        3       4       5   6          7  \
24      509552.97  5039855.57  10.0821  0.3853  0.2183  20        NaN   
25      509583.77  5039848.71      NaN     NaN     NaN NaN        NaN   
26      509572.67  5039862.76   4.0593 -0.7021 -0.1141  20  509553.17   
27      509582.71  5039862.78   1.2015  0.5322     NaN NaN        NaN   
28      509591.04  5039862.89   1.6513  0.2015 -0.0036  20        NaN   

                 8        9      10      11  12  
24             NaN      NaN     NaN     NaN NaN  
25             NaN      NaN     NaN     NaN NaN  
26      5039855.55  10.0886  0.2636  0.2356  40  
27             NaN      NaN     NaN     NaN NaN  
28             NaN      NaN     NaN     NaN NaN  


首先你必须估计最大列数N.我知道他们的实数是26,所以我估计N = 30.函数read_csv参数名称=范围(N)返回NaN列,估计和实际长度之间有什么区别列.

删除后,您可以选择第一行的列名,其中不是NaN(我删除最后一列)[:-1]) – df1.loc [0] .dropna()[: – 1].

#set more as estimated number of columns
N = 30

df1 = pd.read_csv('test/file.txt', sep="\s+", names=range(N))

df1 = df1.dropna(axis=1, how='all')  #drop columns with all NaN

df1.columns = df1.loc[0].dropna()[:-1].append(pd.Series(range(1, len(df1.columns) - len(df1.loc[0].dropna()[:-1]) + 1 )))

#remove first line with uncomplete column names
df1 = df1.ix[1:]
print df1.head()