Python numpy.arccos() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def abs_angle_diff(v_i, v_j):
    Returns the absolute value of the angle between two 3D vectors.
    v_i : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        the first 3D array
    v_j : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        the second 3D array
    # compute angle distance
    dot_prod = min(max(, -1), 1)
    angle_diff = np.arccos(dot_prod)
    return np.abs(angle_diff)

# dictionary of distance functions 

Example 2

def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1 

Example 3

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64 

Example 4

def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b)) 

Example 5

def interp_z(z0, z1, ratio, interp='linear'):
    if interp == 'linear':
        z_t = (1 - ratio) * z0 + ratio * z1

    if interp == 'slerp':
        N = len(z0)
        z_t = []
        for i in range(N):
            z0_i = z0[i]
            z1_i = z1[i]
            z0_n = z0_i / np.linalg.norm(z0_i)
            z1_n = z1_i / np.linalg.norm(z1_i)
            omega = np.arccos(, z1_n))
            sin_omega = np.sin(omega)
            if sin_omega == 0:
                z_i = interp_z(z0_i, z1_i, ratio, 'linear')
                z_i = np.sin((1 - ratio) * omega) / sin_omega * z0_i + np.sin(ratio * omega) / sin_omega * z1_i
        z_t = np.concatenate(z_t, axis=0)
    return z_t 

Example 6

def adjust(self, rh, rv, frequency, eps_1, mu1):
        # in place modification of rh and rv for the rough soil reflectivity model of Wegmüller & Mätzler (1999)

        #  Calculate ksigma = wavenumber*soilp%sigma(standard deviation of surface height)

        ksigma = 2*np.pi*frequency*np.sqrt((1/2.9979e8)**2*eps_1) * self.roughness_rms
        ksigma = ksigma.real

        #  Calculation of rh with ksigma
        rh *= np.exp(-ksigma**(np.sqrt(0.1 * mu1)))  # H pola

        # calculation of rv with rh (the model is valid for angle between 0-70°

        mask = mu1 < np.cos(60*np.pi/180)

        rv[~mask] = rh[~mask] * mu1[~mask]**0.655   #  <-- * ou ** ??
        rv[mask] = rh[mask] * (0.635-0.0014*(np.arccos(mu1[mask])*180/np.pi-60)) 

Example 7

def angles(self):
        Returns the angles (alpha, beta, gamma) of the lattice.
        if self._angles is None:
            # Angles
            angles = np.zeros(3)
            for i in range(3):
                j = (i + 1) % 3
                k = (i + 2) % 3
                angles[i] =
                    self._matrix[k]) / (self.lengths[j] * self.lengths[k])
            angles = np.clip(angles, -1.0, 1.0)
            self._angles = np.arccos(angles) * 180. / np.pi
        return self._angles 

Example 8

def _plot_mpl(scheme):
    # pylint: disable=relative-import, unused-variable
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

    flt = numpy.vectorize(float)
    pts = flt(scheme.points)
    wgs = flt(scheme.weights)

    for p, w in zip(pts, wgs):
        # <>
        w *= 4 * numpy.pi
        theta = numpy.arccos(1.0 - abs(w) / (2*numpy.pi))
        color = '#1f77b4' if w >= 0 else '#d62728'
        _plot_spherical_cap_mpl(ax, p, theta, color)


Example 9

def _draw_frame(self, frame):
        for sph in frame.sphlist:
            glTranslatef(sph.pos[0], sph.pos[1], sph.pos[2])
            glutSolidSphere(sph.radius, self.sphere_slices, self.sphere_slices)

        for cyl in frame.cyllist:
            p1, p2 = cyl.p1, cyl.p2
            vec = p2 - p1
            vlen = float(np.sqrt(np.square(vec).sum()))
            angle = np.arccos(vec[2] / vlen) * 180.0 / np.pi
            if vec[2] < 0:
                angle = -angle
            glTranslatef(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2])
            glRotatef(angle, -vec[1]*vec[2], vec[0]*vec[2], 0.0)
            gluCylinder(self._quadric, 3.0, 3.0, vlen, 10, 10)

Example 10

def sample_sphere3d(radius=1., n_samples=1):
    Sample points from 3D sphere.

    @param radius: radius of the sphere
    @type radius: float

    @param n_samples: number of samples to return
    @type n_samples: int

    @return: n_samples times random cartesian coordinates inside the sphere
    @rtype: numpy array
    from numpy.random  import random
    from numpy import arccos, transpose, cos, sin, pi, power

    r = radius * power(random(n_samples), 1 / 3.)
    theta = arccos(2. * (random(n_samples) - 0.5))
    phi = 2 * pi * random(n_samples)

    x = cos(phi) * sin(theta) * r
    y = sin(phi) * sin(theta) * r
    z = cos(theta) * r

    return transpose([x, y, z]) 

Example 11

def polar3d(x):
    Polar coordinate representation of a three-dimensional vector.

    @param x: vector (i.e. rank one array)
    @return: polar coordinates (radius and polar angles)

    if x.shape != (3,):
        raise ValueError(x)
    r = norm(x)
    theta = numpy.arccos(x[2] / r)
    phi = numpy.arctan2(x[1], x[0])

    return numpy.array([r, theta, phi]) 

Example 12

def hav_dist(locs1, locs2):
    Return a distance matrix between two set of coordinates.
    Use geometric distance (default) or haversine distance (if longlat=True).

    locs1 : numpy.array
        The first set of coordinates as [(long, lat), (long, lat)].
    locs2 : numpy.array
        The second set of coordinates as [(long, lat), (long, lat)].

    mat_dist : numpy.array
        The distance matrix between locs1 and locs2
    locs1 = np.radians(locs1)
    locs2 = np.radians(locs2)
    cos_lat1 = np.cos(locs1[..., 0])
    cos_lat2 = np.cos(locs2[..., 0])
    cos_lat_d = np.cos(locs1[..., 0] - locs2[..., 0])
    cos_lon_d = np.cos(locs1[..., 1] - locs2[..., 1])
    return 6367000 * np.arccos(
        cos_lat_d - cos_lat1 * cos_lat2 * (1 - cos_lon_d)) 

Example 13

def compute_document_similarity(X):
    From a matrix of unit distances, computes the cosine similarity
    then changes to the angular distance (for a proper metric).

    S = cdist(X, X, metric='cosine')
    S -= 1
    S *= -1
    S[S > 1] = 1.0
    S[S < 0] = 0.0

    # Set nan values to zero
    S[np.isnan(S)] = 0

    # Convert to angular distance (a proper metric)
    S = 1 - (np.arccos(S) / np.pi)
    assert(not np.isnan(S).any())
    assert(not np.isinf(S).any())

    return S 

Example 14

def value(self, xyz):
        xyz = xyz.reshape(-1,3)
        a = self.a
        b = self.b
        c = self.c
        # vector from first atom to central atom
        vector1 = xyz[a] - xyz[b]
        # vector from last atom to central atom
        vector2 = xyz[c] - xyz[b]
        # norm of the two vectors
        norm1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vector1**2))
        norm2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vector2**2))
        dot =, vector2)
        # Catch the edge case that very rarely this number is -1.
        if dot / (norm1 * norm2) <= -1.0:
            if (np.abs(dot / (norm1 * norm2)) + 1.0) < -1e-6:
                raise RuntimeError('Encountered invalid value in angle')
            return np.pi
        if dot / (norm1 * norm2) >= 1.0:
            if (np.abs(dot / (norm1 * norm2)) - 1.0) > 1e-6:
                raise RuntimeError('Encountered invalid value in angle')
            return 0.0
        return np.arccos(dot / (norm1 * norm2)) 

Example 15

def value(self, xyz):
        xyz = xyz.reshape(-1,3)
        a = np.array(self.a)
        b = self.b
        c = np.array(self.c)
        xyza = np.mean(xyz[a], axis=0)
        xyzc = np.mean(xyz[c], axis=0)
        # vector from first atom to central atom
        vector1 = xyza - xyz[b]
        # vector from last atom to central atom
        vector2 = xyzc - xyz[b]
        # norm of the two vectors
        norm1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vector1**2))
        norm2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(vector2**2))
        dot =, vector2)
        # Catch the edge case that very rarely this number is -1.
        if dot / (norm1 * norm2) <= -1.0:
            if (np.abs(dot / (norm1 * norm2)) + 1.0) < -1e-6:
                raise RuntimeError('Encountered invalid value in angle')
            return np.pi
        return np.arccos(dot / (norm1 * norm2)) 

Example 16

def calc_fac_dfac(q0):
    Calculate the prefactor mapping the quaternion to the exponential map
    and also its derivative. Takes the first element of the quaternion only
    # Ill-defined around q0=1.0
    qm1 = q0-1.0
    # if np.abs(q0) == 1.0:
    #     fac = 2
    #     dfac = -2/3
    if np.abs(qm1) < 1e-8:
        fac = 2 - 2*qm1/3
        dfac = -2/3
        fac = 2*np.arccos(q0)/np.sqrt(1-q0**2)
        dfac = -2/(1-q0**2)
        dfac += 2*q0*np.arccos(q0)/(1-q0**2)**1.5
    return fac, dfac 

Example 17

def getProjectedAngleInXYPlane(self, z=0, ref_axis=[0,1], centre=[0,0], inDeg=True):	
      Project the OA vector to z=z, calculate the XY position, construct a 
      2D vector from [centre] to this XY and measure the angle subtended by 
      this vector from [ref_axis] (clockwise).
    ref_axis = np.array(ref_axis)
    centre = np.array(centre)
    point_vector_from_fit_centre = np.array(self.getXY(z=z)) - centre
    dotP =, point_vector_from_fit_centre)
    crossP = np.cross(ref_axis, point_vector_from_fit_centre)
    angle = np.arccos(dotP/(np.linalg.norm(ref_axis)*np.linalg.norm(point_vector_from_fit_centre)))
    if np.sign(crossP) > 0:
      angle = (np.pi-angle) + np.pi
    if inDeg:
      dir_v = self._eval_direction_vector()
      return np.degrees(angle)
      return angle 

Example 18

def _box_vectors_to_lengths_angles(box_vectors):

    unitcell_lengths = []
    for basis in box_vectors:
        unitcell_lengths.append(np.array([np.linalg.norm(frame_v) for frame_v in basis]))

    unitcell_angles = []
    for vs in box_vectors:

        angles = np.array([np.degrees(
                            np.arccos([i], vs[j])/
                                      (np.linalg.norm(vs[i]) * np.linalg.norm(vs[j]))))
                           for i, j in [(0,1), (1,2), (2,0)]])


    unitcell_angles = np.array(unitcell_angles)

    return unitcell_lengths, unitcell_angles 

Example 19

def angular(embedding, other_embedding=None):
        """Compute angular distance

        embedding : (n_samples, n_dimension) numpy array
        other_embedding : (n_other_samples, n_dimension, ) numpy array, optional
            L2-normalized embeddings

        distance : (n_samples, n_other_samples) numpy array or float
            Angular distance

        n_samples, _ = embedding.shape

        if other_embedding is None:
            other_embedding = embedding

        return arccos(ag_np.stack(
            ag_np.sum(embedding[i] * other_embedding, axis=1)
            for i in range(n_samples))) 

Example 20

def test_fit_from_points(self):
        # Set up a collection of points in the X-Y plane.
        points = np.hstack([
            np.random.random((100, 2)),
            np.zeros(100).reshape(-1, 1)
        plane = Plane.fit_from_points(points)

        # The normal vector should be closely aligned with the Z-axis.
        z_axis = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
        angle = np.arccos(
  , z_axis) /
        self.assertTrue(angle % np.pi < 1e-6) 

Example 21

def _gather_stats(mesh):
    # The cosines of the angles are the negative dot products of
    # the normalized edges adjacent to the angle.
    norms = numpy.sqrt(mesh.ei_dot_ei)
    normalized_ei_dot_ej = numpy.array([
        mesh.ei_dot_ej[0] / norms[1] / norms[2],
        mesh.ei_dot_ej[1] / norms[2] / norms[0],
        mesh.ei_dot_ej[2] / norms[0] / norms[1],
    # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
    angles = numpy.arccos(-normalized_ei_dot_ej) / (2*numpy.pi) * 360.0

    hist, bin_edges = numpy.histogram(
        bins=numpy.linspace(0.0, 180.0, num=19, endpoint=True)
    return hist, bin_edges 

Example 22

def gen_single_ps(self):
        Generate single point source, and return its data as a list.
        # Redshift and luminosity
        self.z, self.lumo = self.get_lumo_redshift()
        # angular diameter distance
        self.param = PixelParams(self.z)
        self.dA = self.param.dA
        # W/Hz/Sr to Jy
        dA = self.dA * 3.0856775814671917E+22  # Mpc to meter
        self.lumo = self.lumo / dA**2 / (10.0**-24)  # [Jy]
        # Position
        x = np.random.uniform(0, 1) = (np.arccos(2 * x - 1) / np.pi * 180 - 90)  # [deg]
        self.lon = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2) / np.pi * 180  # [deg]
        # Radius
        self.radius = self.param.get_angle(self.get_radius())  # [rad]
        # Area
        self.area = np.pi * self.radius**2  # [sr]

        ps_list = [self.z, self.dA, self.lumo,, self.lon,
                   self.area, self.radius]

        return ps_list 

Example 23

def gen_single_ps(self):
        Generate single point source, and return its data as a list.
        # Redshift and luminosity
        self.z, self.lumo = self.get_lumo_redshift()
        # angular diameter distance
        self.param = PixelParams(self.z)
        self.dA = self.param.dA
        # W/Hz/Sr to Jy
        dA = self.dA * 3.0856775814671917E+22  # Mpc to meter
        self.lumo = self.lumo / dA**2 / (10.0**-24)  # [Jy]
        # Position
        x = np.random.uniform(0, 1) = (np.arccos(2 * x - 1) / np.pi * 180 - 90)  # [deg]
        self.lon = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2) / np.pi * 180  # [deg]
        # lobe
        lobe = self.gen_lobe()
        # Area
        self.area = np.pi * self.lobe_maj * self.lobe_min

        ps_list = [self.z, self.dA, self.lumo,, self.lon, self.area]

        return ps_list 

Example 24

def gen_single_ps(self):
        Generate single point source, and return its data as a list.
        # Redshift and luminosity
        self.z, self.lumo = self.get_lumo_redshift()
        # angular diameter distance
        self.param = PixelParams(self.z)
        self.dA = self.param.dA
        # W/Hz/Sr to Jy
        dA = self.dA * 3.0856775814671917E+22  # Mpc to meter
        self.lumo = self.lumo / dA**2 / (10.0**-24)  # [Jy]
        # Position
        x = np.random.uniform(0, 1) = (np.arccos(2 * x - 1) / np.pi * 180 - 90)   # [deg]
        self.lon = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2) / np.pi * 180  # [deg]
        # Area
        npix = hp.nside2npix(self.nside)
        self.area = 4 * np.pi / npix  # [sr]

        ps_list = [self.z, self.dA, self.lumo,, self.lon, self.area]
        return ps_list 

Example 25

def gen_single_ps(self):
        Generate single point source, and return its data as a list.
        # Redshift and luminosity
        self.z, self.lumo = self.get_lumo_redshift()
        # angular diameter distance
        self.param = PixelParams(self.z)
        self.dA = self.param.dA
        # Radius
        self.radius = self.param.get_angle(self.get_radius())  # [rad]
        # W/Hz/Sr to Jy
        dA = self.dA * 3.0856775814671917E+22  # Mpc to meter
        self.lumo = self.lumo / dA**2 / (10.0**-24)  # [Jy]
        # Position
        x = np.random.uniform(0, 1) = (np.arccos(2 * x - 1) / np.pi * 180 - 90)  # [deg]
        self.lon = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi * 2) / np.pi * 180  # [deg]
        # Area
        self.area = np.pi * self.radius**2  # [sr] ?

        ps_list = [self.z, self.dA, self.lumo,, self.lon,
                   self.area, self.radius]

        return ps_list 

Example 26

def run(self):
        # pr = cProfile.Profile()
        print '[LOG]: start new thread '+str(self.threadID)
        curTime = time.time()
        distM = self.matrix[self.sfrom].dot(
        distM = np.maximum(
            np.arccos(np.minimum(distM, np.ones(distM.shape))) /

        # np.savetxt(, distM, fmt = '%d') + '.npy', distM)
        print('[LOG]: thread %d finished after %d' %
              (self.threadID, time.time() - curTime))

        # # sortby = 'cumulative'
        # # pstats.Stats(pr).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sortby).print_stats()

Example 27

def process_coords_for_computations(self, coords_for_computations, t):
        if self._teffext:
            return coords_for_computations

        x, y, z, r = coords_for_computations[:,0], coords_for_computations[:,1], coords_for_computations[:,2], np.sqrt((coords_for_computations**2).sum(axis=1))
        theta = np.arccos(z/r)
        phi = np.arctan2(y, x)

        xi_r = self._radamp * Y(self._m, self._l, theta, phi) * np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*self._freq*t)
        xi_t = self._tanamp * self.dYdtheta(self._m, self._l, theta, phi) * np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*self._freq*t)
        xi_p = self._tanamp/np.sin(theta) * self.dYdphi(self._m, self._l, theta, phi) * np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*self._freq*t)

        new_coords = np.zeros(coords_for_computations.shape)
        new_coords[:,0] = coords_for_computations[:,0] + xi_r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
        new_coords[:,1] = coords_for_computations[:,1] + xi_r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
        new_coords[:,2] = coords_for_computations[:,2] + xi_r * np.cos(theta)

        return new_coords 

Example 28

def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1 

Example 29

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64 

Example 30

def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b)) 

Example 31

def get_sph_theta(coords, normal):
    # The angle (theta) with respect to the normal (J), is the arccos
    # of the dot product of the normal with the normalized coordinate
    # vector.

    res_normal = resize_vector(normal, coords)

    # check if the normal vector is normalized
    # since arccos requires the vector to be normalised
    res_normal = normalize_vector(res_normal)

    tile_shape = [1] + list(coords.shape)[1:]

    J = np.tile(res_normal,tile_shape)

    JdotCoords = np.sum(J*coords,axis=0)

    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        ret = np.arccos( JdotCoords / np.sqrt(np.sum(coords**2,axis=0)))

    ret[np.isnan(ret)] = 0

    return ret 

Example 32

def segment_angle(line1, line2):
        """ Angle between two segments """
        vector_a = np.array([line1[0][0]-line1[1][0],
        vector_b = np.array([line2[0][0]-line2[1][0],
        # Get dot prod
        dot_prod =, vector_b)
        # Get magnitudes
        magnitude_a =, vector_a)**0.5
        magnitude_b =, vector_b)**0.5
        # Get angle in radians and then convert to degrees
        angle = np.arccos(dot_prod/magnitude_b/magnitude_a)
        # Basically doing angle <- angle mod 360
        ang_deg = np.rad2deg(angle)%360

        if ang_deg-180 >= 0:
            # As in if statement
            return 360 - ang_deg
            return ang_deg 

Example 33

def eval(self, coords, grad=False):
        v1 = (coords[self.i]-coords[self.j])/bohr
        v2 = (coords[self.k]-coords[self.j])/bohr
        dot_product =, v2)/(norm(v1)*norm(v2))
        if dot_product < -1:
            dot_product = -1
        elif dot_product > 1:
            dot_product = 1
        phi = np.arccos(dot_product)
        if not grad:
            return phi
        if abs(phi) > pi-1e-6:
            grad = [
            grad = [
                (v1+v2)/(norm(v1)*norm(v2)*np.sin(phi)) -
        return phi, grad 

Example 34

def angle(a,b,c):
    # In case returns larger than 1
    # and we cannot take acos() to that number
    acos_out_of_bound = 1.0
    v1 = a - b
    v2 = c - b
    v1 = v1 / np.sqrt(v1[0]**2 + v1[1]**2 + v1[2]**2)
    v2 = v2 / np.sqrt(v2[0]**2 + v2[1]**2 + v2[2]**2)
    dot_product =,v2)

    if dot_product > acos_out_of_bound:
        dot_product = acos_out_of_bound
    if dot_product < -1.0 * acos_out_of_bound:
        dot_product = -1.0 * acos_out_of_bound

    return np.arccos(dot_product) 

Example 35

def cartesian_to_spherical(x,degrees=True,normalize=False):
   Coverts a cartesian vector in R3 to spherical coordinates
   r = np.linalg.norm(x)
   theta = np.arccos(x[2]/r)
   phi = np.arctan2(x[1],x[0])

   if degrees:
      theta = np.degrees(theta)
      phi = np.degrees(phi)

   s = [r,theta,phi]

   if normalize:
      s /= np.linalg.norm(s)

   return s 

Example 36

def createCirclePolygon(h, k, r, dx):
    """Create shapely polygon of a circle.

    usage: p = createCirclePolygon(h, k, r, dx)

        h: x coordinate of center.
        k: y coordinate of center.
        r: radius of circle.
        dx: approximate distance between points * 10.

        Tuple (x, y) of numpy arrays of x and y coordinates of points.
    D = 10.0
    theta = 2 * np.arccos((r - (dx / D)) / r)
    npoints = int(360.0 / theta)
    x, y = getPointsInCircum(r, n=npoints, h=h, k=k)
    p = Polygon(list(zip(x, y)))
    return p 

Example 37

def _samp_sphere(self, radius = 1):
        # from
        if radius is not np.array:
            radius = np.array(radius)
        n = radius.size
        phi = np.random.rand(n) * 2 * np.pi
        costheta = np.random.rand(n) * 2 - 1
        u = np.random.rand(n)
        theta = np.arccos( costheta )
        r = radius * u ** (1. / 3)
        x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
        y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
        z = r * np.cos(theta)
        return x, y, z

Example 38

def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1 

Example 39

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64 

Example 40

def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b)) 

Example 41

def angle_between(v1, v2):
    """ Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'::

            >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0))
            >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0))
            >>> angle_between((1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0))
    v1_u = _unit_vector(v1)
    v2_u = _unit_vector(v2)
    angle = np.arccos(, v2_u))
    if np.isnan(angle):
        if (v1_u == v2_u).all():
            return 0.0
            return np.pi
    return angle 

Example 42

def _malicious():
    This function places the malicious mote in the middle of the network, not too close by the root.
    global min_range, motes
    # add the malicious mote in the middle of the network
    # get the average of the squared x and y deltas
    avg_x = average([sign(m['x']) * m['x'] ** 2 for m in motes])
    x = sign(avg_x) * sqrt(abs(avg_x))
    avg_y = average([sign(m['y']) * m['y'] ** 2 for m in motes])
    y = sign(avg_y) * sqrt(abs(avg_y))
    # if malicious mote is too close by the root, just push it away
    radius = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    if radius < min_range:
        angle = arccos(x / radius)
        x, y = min_range * cos(angle), min_range * sin(angle)
    return {'id': len(motes), 'type': 'malicious', 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': 0}

# ************************************** NETWORK GENERATION FUNCTIONS **************************************** 

Example 43

def iotaDistanceGrid( iota, distance, Niota, Ndistance, minDistance=1, maxDistance=1000, padding=2., **kwargs ):
    returns a grid over iota and distance

    return iotaGRID, distanceGRID
    cosIotaGRID = np.outer(np.linspace(-1, 1, Niota), np.ones(Ndistance)) ### spacing of inclinations

    ### maximum allowed "scaling constant" for placing distance grid
    ### take into account the detectability (malmquist prior -> gets rid of a lot of otherwise very densely sampled parameter-space
    cosIota2 = np.cos(iota)**2 
    dM3 = ( (padding*distance)**2 / (0.25*(1+cosIota2)**2+cosIota2) )**(3./2)

    ### minimum allowed "scaling constant" for distance grid
    dm3 = (minDistance/2**0.5)**3

    do = np.outer(np.ones(Niota), np.linspace(dm3, dM3, Ndistance)**(1./3)) ### constants for scaling relation

    cosIota2GRID = cosIotaGRID**2
    distanceGRID = do*(0.25*(1+cosIota2GRID)**2 + cosIota2GRID)**0.5

    distanceGRID = distanceGRID.flatten()
    truth = (distanceGRID>=minDistance)*(distanceGRID<=maxDistance) ### exclude points outside of prior bounds

    return np.arccos(cosIotaGRID).flatten()[truth], distanceGRID[truth] 

Example 44

def initVelocities(velocities):             
    # Generate total velocity
    speed = stats.maxwell.rvs(loc=0,scale=config.a,size=config.nParticles)          
    # Generate a random direction  
    phi = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi*2, config.nParticles)
    costheta = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, config.nParticles)
    theta = np.arccos( costheta )
    # Initalize the velocity vectors    
    velocities[:,0] = speed * np.sin( theta ) * np.cos( phi )
    velocities[:,1] = speed * np.sin( theta ) * np.sin( phi )
    velocities[:,2] = speed * np.cos( theta )
    # Set center of mass velocity to zero
    velocities -= np.mean(velocities,axis=0); 

Example 45

def test_branch_cuts(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1 

Example 46

def test_branch_cuts_complex64(self):
        # check branch cuts and continuity on them
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log,   -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log2,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log10, -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.log1p, -1.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.sqrt,  -0.5, 1j, 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [ -2, 2],   [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [0-2j, 2j],  [1,  1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [0-2j,  2j], [1,   1], -1, 1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [ -1, 0.5], [1j,  1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [ -2,   2], [1j, 1j], 1, -1, True, np.complex64

        # check against bogus branch cuts: assert continuity between quadrants
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsin, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccos, [0-2j, 2j], [ 1,  1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctan, [ -2,  2], [1j, 1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64

        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arcsinh, [ -2,  2, 0], [1j, 1j, 1], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arccosh, [0-2j, 2j, 2], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64
        yield _check_branch_cut, np.arctanh, [0-2j, 2j, 0], [1,  1,  1j], 1, 1, False, np.complex64 

Example 47

def test_against_cmath(self):
        import cmath

        points = [-1-1j, -1+1j, +1-1j, +1+1j]
        name_map = {'arcsin': 'asin', 'arccos': 'acos', 'arctan': 'atan',
                    'arcsinh': 'asinh', 'arccosh': 'acosh', 'arctanh': 'atanh'}
        atol = 4*np.finfo(np.complex).eps
        for func in self.funcs:
            fname = func.__name__.split('.')[-1]
            cname = name_map.get(fname, fname)
                cfunc = getattr(cmath, cname)
            except AttributeError:
            for p in points:
                a = complex(func(np.complex_(p)))
                b = cfunc(p)
                assert_(abs(a - b) < atol, "%s %s: %s; cmath: %s" % (fname, p, a, b)) 

Example 48

def calculate_angle(p1, p2, p3):
    """ Calculate angle for three given points in space
      p2 ->  o
            / \
    p1 ->  o   o  <- p3
    p1 = np.array(p1)
    p2 = np.array(p2)
    p3 = np.array(p3)

    v21 = p1 - p2
    v23 = p3 - p2
    angle = np.arccos(, v23) / (np.linalg.norm(v21) * np.linalg.norm(v23)))
    return np.degrees(angle) 

Example 49

def angle_between_vectors(v0, v1, directed=True, axis=0):
    """Return angle between vectors.

    If directed is False, the input vectors are interpreted as undirected axes,
    i.e. the maximum angle is pi/2.

    >>> a = angle_between_vectors([1, -2, 3], [-1, 2, -3])
    >>> numpy.allclose(a, math.pi)
    >>> a = angle_between_vectors([1, -2, 3], [-1, 2, -3], directed=False)
    >>> numpy.allclose(a, 0)
    >>> v0 = [[2, 0, 0, 2], [0, 2, 0, 2], [0, 0, 2, 2]]
    >>> v1 = [[3], [0], [0]]
    >>> a = angle_between_vectors(v0, v1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(a, [0, 1.5708, 1.5708, 0.95532])
    >>> v0 = [[2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [2, 0, 0]]
    >>> v1 = [[0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 3], [3, 3, 3]]
    >>> a = angle_between_vectors(v0, v1, axis=1)
    >>> numpy.allclose(a, [1.5708, 1.5708, 1.5708, 0.95532])

    v0 = numpy.array(v0, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
    v1 = numpy.array(v1, dtype=numpy.float64, copy=False)
    dot = numpy.sum(v0 * v1, axis=axis)
    dot /= vector_norm(v0, axis=axis) * vector_norm(v1, axis=axis)
    return numpy.arccos(dot if directed else numpy.fabs(dot)) 

Example 50

def slerp(val, low, high):
    """Code from"""
    omega = np.arccos(np.clip(, high/np.linalg.norm(high)), -1, 1))
    so = np.sin(omega)
    if so == 0:
        return (1.0-val) * low + val * high # L'Hopital's rule/LERP
    return np.sin((1.0-val)*omega) / so * low + np.sin(val*omega) / so * high 