SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经



只要您在用Excel PowerPivot或PowerBI来进行数据分析,不久就会发现要掌握这些工具的就必须掌握DAX。然后您很快就会发现在这方面的教学权威是两位意大利的老师:SQLBI.com。
2015年,两位意大利老师出版了《The Definitive Guide to DAX: Business intelligence with Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power BI》,如下:

《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



由于微软对基于DAX引擎(准确讲VertiPaq引擎)打造的产品的不断发展以及市场的需要,已经有包括Excel,PowerBI,SSAS,Azure AS等在内的产品中全部运行着同样的DAX引擎。但由于版本和差异不同,造成了很多麻烦,而且微软官方其实并没有给出很系统完善的DAX教程。


《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》


If you have read the book Alberto and I wrote, “The Definitive Guide to DAX” then by looking at the title you might think that this post is about the book. Not this time. I am talking about the new great website we are launching today, to provide easier navigation within the DAX functions: DAX Guide (https://dax.guide). The feedback from our early users was enthusiastic, yet I do want to explain why we built this service.

如果您已经读过《DAX圣经》,你也许会根据标题就觉得本文是和此书有关的。实际上,这是一个 关于DAX函数 的网站。

The short answer is simple: this is a tool that I myself had been wanting for years!


That short answer justifies a personal effort, but it’s not enough to convince other people to invest in it. The following aspects provide a fuller answer:


What is DAX Guide? 什么是DAX Guide

DAX Guide is a website offering a complete reference to the DAX language. Every function is presented with its complete syntax, a short description, and links to related functions and articles.

DAX Guide是一个提供关于DAX语言完整参考的网站。每个函数都有完整的语法,简短的描述,以及与之相关的函数和文章。

Is DAX Guide a tutorial to learn DAX? 这是用来学习DAX的吗?

No, DAX Guide is not designed as a learning tool. The goal of DAX Guide is to provide a quick reference with accurate information. The only commitment is “quality first”.

非也。DAX Guide的初衷不是一个教学工具。它的目标是提供 准确的 快速参考。唯一目标就是:准确性


What are some unique features of DAX Guide? 它有何与众不同

DAX Guide is updated automatically through the monitoring of new versions of Microsoft products. Every DAX function comes with a compatibility matrix describing in which Microsoft products and versions the function may be available. Additional attributes highlight which functions perform a context transition, which arguments are executed within a row context, and which functions are obsolete or deprecated – in our opinion.
DAX Guide 通过监测微软产品的最新版本来自动更新。每个DAX函数都配有一个兼容性矩阵用来描述可以在哪个微软产品的哪个版本下使用。在附加说明还会强调该函数是否会产生上下文转换以及是否会在行上下文中执行,以及根据我们个人经验判断该函数是否已经过时或废弃。

Who are the authors of DAX Guide? 它是谁创建的

In order to guarantee the desired level of quality, the content of DAX Guide is curated by a small number of authors.
为了保证质量,DAX Guide的策划者们不多。


Is it possible to submit additional content to DAX Guide? 可以提建议吗

Yes. Please report any mistake found in DAX Guide using the CONTRIBUTE button available on every page. Suggestions are welcome too.


Although it took several months for the go-live to be ready, we feel that this is just a starting point. Over the last few months, we completed the validation of the additional attributes applied to 275 DAX functions, and we imported a basic description of each function from the MSDN documentation validating each statement included on DAX Guide. The MSDN documentation might be more complete, and you will typically find a link to the MSDN page if available. However, sometimes the MSDN documentation is inaccurate or obsolete – in those cases, we did not import the irrelevant content.


DAX Guide is not a wiki, by design. The content is typed, organized, and it might be available as a service in the future.

DAX Guide的初衷并不是要做一个DAX wiki。里面的内容都经过组织,未来可能作为一种服务。

I wanted a complete reference that would be easy to access, quick to navigate, with accurate information about context transition and row context for every DAX function. I had been wanting DAX Guide for a few years, and now that I finally got it, I’m super excited to share it with you.

我个人一直希望有一种很容易的方式可以找到关于每个DAX函数的上下文转换以及行上下文的准确描述。我已经等DAX Guide多年了,现在终于有了,我迫不及待得分享给大家。

DAX 在线圣经使用方法

虽然 DAX Guide 的设计初衷并非是教学工具,但我们还是可以简称它为《DAX在线圣经》,它更像是一个 字典,所以也可以叫《DAX在线圣经字典》,这里有关于所有DAX函数的准确描述。


《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》


  1. 函数名称
  2. 语法
  3. 参数
  4. 返回值
  5. 使用说明
  6. 相关文章
  7. 相关函数
  8. 最后编辑
  9. MSDN原文
  10. 兼容性
  11. 行上下文
  12. 返回类型



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》



《SQLBI 发布 PowerBI DAX 在线学习圣经》






    原文地址: https://www.jianshu.com/p/08dc2f314155