


改进:1 代码优化

         2 添加了指定获取月份最后一天的功能


            添加了-d选项,-d date date_format,既可以指定时间字符串和时间格式,格式可以不指定默认为 %Y%m%d或%Y-%m-%d


            1 修进了一些bug

            2 把入口函数添加到类中,方便其他python的调用,而不是单纯的脚本




            修改了-d参数从对时间戳的支持,例:-d “
” “%s”




  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # _*_coding:utf8_*_
  3. # Auth by raysuen
  4. # version v7.0
  5. import datetime
  6. import time
  7. import calendar
  8. import sys
  9. import re
  10. # 时间计算的类
  11. class DateColculation(object):
  12.     rdate = {
  13.         “time_tuple”: time.localtime(),
  14.         “time_format”: “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %A”,
  15.         “colculation_string”: None,
  16.         “last_day”: False,
  17.         “input_time”: None,
  18.         “input_format”: None
  19.     }
  20.     def __init__(self,time_tuple=None,out_format=None,col_string=None,isLastday=None,in_time=None,in_format=None):
  21.         if time_tuple != None:
  22.             self.rdate[“time_tuple”] = time_tuple
  23.         if out_format != None:
  24.             self.rdate[“time_format”] = out_format
  25.         if col_string != None:
  26.             self.rdate[“colculation_string”] = col_string
  27.         if isLastday != None:
  28.             self.rdate[“last_day”] = isLastday
  29.         if in_time != None:
  30.             self.rdate[“input_time”] = in_time
  31.         if in_format != None:
  32.             self.rdate[“input_format”] = in_format
  33.     # 月计算的具体实现函数
  34.     def __R_MonthAdd(self, col_num, add_minus, lastday, time_truct):
  35.         R_MA_num = 0 # 记录计算的月的数字
  36.         R_ret_tuple = None # 返回值,None或者时间元组
  37.         R_MA_datetime = None # 临时使用的datetime类型
  38.         if type(col_num) != int: # 判断传入的参数是否为数字
  39.             print(“the parameter type is wrong!”)
  40.             exit(5)
  41.         if time_truct == None:
  42.             R_MA_datetime = # 获取当前时间
  43.         else:
  44.             R_MA_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_truct))
  45.         if add_minus.lower() == “add”: # 判断是否为+
  46.             R_MA_num = R_MA_datetime.month + col_num
  47.             if R_MA_num > 12: # 判断相加后的月份数是否大于12,如果大于12,需要在年+1
  48.                 while R_MA_num > 12:
  49.                     R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(year=R_MA_datetime.year + 1)
  50.                     R_MA_num = R_MA_num 12
  51.                 R_ret_tuple = self.__days_add(R_MA_datetime, R_MA_num, lastday).timetuple()
  52.             else:
  53.                 R_ret_tuple = self.__days_add(R_MA_datetime, R_MA_num, lastday).timetuple()
  54.         elif add_minus.lower() == “minus”: # 判断是否为
  55.             while col_num >= 12: # 判断传入的参数是否大于12,如果大于12则对年做处理
  56.                 R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(year=R_MA_datetime.year 1)
  57.                 col_num = col_num 12
  58.             # R_MA_num = 12 + (R_MA_datetime.month col_num) # 获取将要替换的月份的数字
  59.             if R_MA_datetime.month col_num < 0: # 判断当前月份数字是否大于传入参数(取模后的),小于0表示,年需要减1,并对月份做处理
  60.                 if > calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year 1, R_MA_datetime.month)[
  61.                     1]: # 如果年减一后,当前日期的天数大于年减一后的天数,则在月份加1,天变更为当前日期天数减变更后的月份天数
  62.                     R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(year=R_MA_datetime.year 1, month=R_MA_datetime.month + 1,
  63.                                                           day=( >
  64.                                                                calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year 1,
  65.                                                                                    R_MA_datetime.month)[1])) # 年减1
  66.                 else:
  67.                     R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(year=R_MA_datetime.year 1) # 年减1
  68.                 R_MA_datetime = self.__days_add(R_MA_datetime, 12 abs(R_MA_datetime.month col_num), lastday)
  69.             elif R_MA_datetime.month col_num == 0: # 判断当前月份数字是否等于传入参数(取模后的),等于0表示,年减1,月份替换为12,天数不变(12月为31天,不可能会存在比31大的天数)
  70.                 R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(year=R_MA_datetime.year 1, month=12)
  71.             elif R_MA_datetime.month col_num > 0: # 默认表示当前月份传入参数(需要减去的月数字)大于0,不需要处理年
  72.                 R_MA_datetime = self.__days_add(R_MA_datetime, R_MA_datetime.month col_num, lastday)
  73.             R_ret_tuple = R_MA_datetime.timetuple()
  74.         return R_ret_tuple # 返回时间元组
  75.     def __days_add(self, formal_MA_datetime, formal_MA_num, lastday):
  76.         R_MA_datetime = formal_MA_datetime
  77.         R_MA_num = formal_MA_num
  78.         if lastday: # 如果计算月最后一天,则直接把月份替换,天数为月份替换后的最后一天
  79.             R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(month=R_MA_num,
  80.                                                   day=calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year, R_MA_num)[
  81.                                                       1]) # 月份替换,天数为替换月的最后一天
  82.         else:
  83.             if > \
  84.                     calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year, R_MA_num)[
  85.                         1]: # 判断当前日期的天数是否大于替换后的月份天数,如果大于,月份在替换后的基础上再加1,天数替换为当前月份天数减替换月份天数
  86.                 R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(month=R_MA_num + 1,
  88.                                                           calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year, R_MA_num)[
  89.                                                               1]) # 月份在替换月的数字上再加1,天数替换为当前月份天数减替换月份天数
  90.             else:
  91.                 R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(month=R_MA_num) # 获取替换月份,day不变
  92.         return R_MA_datetime
  93.     # 月计算的入口函数
  94.     def R_Month_Colculation(self, R_ColStr, lastday, time_truct):
  95.         R_ret_tuple = None
  96.         if R_ColStr.find(“-“) != 1: # 判断是否存在字符串
  97.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“-“)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  98.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  99.                 R_ret_tuple = self.__R_MonthAdd(int(col_num.strip()), “minus”, lastday, time_truct) # 获取tuple time时间格式
  100.             else: # 如果获取的数字不为正整数,则退出程序
  101.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  102.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  103.                 exit(4)
  104.         elif R_ColStr.find(“+”) != 1: # 判断+是否存在字符串
  105.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“+”)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  106.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  107.                 R_ret_tuple = self.__R_MonthAdd(int(col_num.strip()), “add”, lastday, time_truct) # 获取tuple time时间格式
  108.             else:
  109.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  110.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  111.                 exit(4)
  112.         return R_ret_tuple
  113.     # 天计算的实现函数
  114.     def R_Day_Colculation(self, R_ColStr, time_truct):
  115.         R_ret_tuple = None
  116.         if time_truct == None: # 判断是否指定了输入时间,没指定则获取当前时间,否则使用指定的输入时间
  117.             R_Datatime =
  118.         else:
  119.             R_Datatime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_truct))
  120.         if R_ColStr.find(“-“) != 1: # 判断是否存在字符串
  121.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“-“)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  122.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  123.                 R_ret_tuple = (R_Datatime + datetime.timedelta(
  124.                     int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  125.             else: # 如果获取的数字不为正整数,则退出程序
  126.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  127.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  128.                 exit(4)
  129.         elif R_ColStr.find(“+”) != 1: # 判断+是否存在字符串
  130.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“+”)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  131.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  132.                 R_ret_tuple = (R_Datatime + datetime.timedelta(
  133.                     int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  134.             else:
  135.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  136.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  137.                 exit(4)
  138.         return R_ret_tuple
  139.     # 周计算的实现函数
  140.     def R_Week_Colculation(self, R_ColStr, time_truct):
  141.         R_ret_tuple = None
  142.         if time_truct == None: # 判断是否指定了输入时间,没指定则获取当前时间,否则使用指定的输入时间
  143.             R_Datatime =
  144.         else:
  145.             R_Datatime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_truct))
  146.         if R_ColStr.find(“-“) != 1: # 判断是否存在字符串
  147.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“-“)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  148.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  149.                 R_ret_tuple = (R_Datatime + datetime.timedelta(
  150.                     weeks=int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  151.             else: # 如果获取的数字不为正整数,则退出程序
  152.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  153.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  154.                 exit(4)
  155.         elif R_ColStr.find(“+”) != 1: # 判断+是否存在字符串
  156.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“+”)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  157.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  158.                 R_ret_tuple = (R_Datatime + datetime.timedelta(
  159.                     weeks=int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  160.             else:
  161.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  162.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  163.                 exit(4)
  164.         return R_ret_tuple
  165.     # 年计算的实现函数
  166.     def R_Year_Colculation(self, R_ColStr, time_truct):
  167.         R_ret_tuple = None
  168.         if time_truct == None: # 判断是否指定了输入时间,没指定则获取当前时间,否则使用指定的输入时间
  169.             R_Y_Datatime =
  170.         else:
  171.             R_Y_Datatime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_truct))
  172.         if R_ColStr.find(“-“) != 1: # 判断是否存在字符串
  173.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“-“)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  174.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  175.                 # 判断当前时间是否为闰年并且为二月29日,如果是相加/减后不为闰年则在月份加1,日期加1
  176.                 if calendar.isleap(
  177.                         R_Y_Datatime.year) and R_Y_Datatime.month == 2 and == 29 and calendar.isleap(
  178.                         R_Y_Datatime.year int(col_num.strip())) == False:
  179.                     R_ret_tuple = (
  180.                     R_Y_Datatime.replace(year=R_Y_Datatime.year int(col_num.strip()), month=R_Y_Datatime.month + 1,
  181.                                          day=1)).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  182.                 else:
  183.                     R_ret_tuple = (
  184.                         R_Y_Datatime.replace(
  185.                             year=R_Y_Datatime.year int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  186.             else: # 如果获取的数字不为正整数,则退出程序
  187.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  188.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  189.                 exit(4)
  190.         elif R_ColStr.find(“+”) != 1: # 判断+是否存在字符串
  191.             col_num = R_ColStr.split(“+”)[1].strip() # 获取需要计算的数字
  192.             if col_num.strip().isdigit(): # 判断获取的数字是否为正整数
  193.                 # 判断当前时间是否为闰年并且为二月29日,如果是相加/减后不为闰年则在月份加1,日期加1
  194.                 if calendar.isleap(
  195.                         R_Y_Datatime.year) and R_Y_Datatime.month == 2 and == 29 and calendar.isleap(
  196.                     R_Y_Datatime.year + col_num.strip()) == False:
  197.                     R_ret_tuple = (
  198.                         R_Y_Datatime.replace(year=R_Y_Datatime.year int(col_num.strip()),
  199.                                              month=R_Y_Datatime.month + 1, day=1)).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  200.                 else:
  201.                     R_ret_tuple = (
  202.                         R_Y_Datatime.replace(
  203.                             year=R_Y_Datatime.year + int(col_num.strip()))).timetuple() # 获取tuple time时间格式
  204.             else:
  205.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  206.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  207.                 exit(4)
  208.         return R_ret_tuple
  209.     # 获取月的最后一天
  210.     def R_Month_lastday(self, time_tuple):
  211.         R_MA_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_tuple)) # time_tuple
  212.         R_MA_datetime = R_MA_datetime.replace(day=(calendar.monthrange(R_MA_datetime.year, R_MA_datetime.month)[1]))
  213.         return R_MA_datetime.timetuple()
  214.     def R_colculation(self):
  215.         ret_tupletime = None
  216.         ColStr = self.rdate[“colculation_string”]
  217.         lastday = self.rdate[“last_day”]
  218.         input_time = None
  219.         if ColStr != None:
  220.             if type(ColStr) != str:
  221.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  222.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  223.                 exit(3)
  224.             if (ColStr.find(“-“) != 1) and (ColStr.find(“+”) != 1):
  225.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol!!”)
  226.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  227.                 exit(3)
  228.         if self.rdate[“input_time”] != None:
  229.             if self.rdate[“input_format”] == None:
  230.                 i = 1
  231.                 while 1:
  232.                     try:
  233.                         if i < 2:
  234.                             input_time = time.strptime(self.rdate[“input_time”], “%Y%m%d”)
  235.                         else:
  236.                             input_time = time.strptime(self.rdate[“input_time”], “%Y-%m-%d”)
  237.                         break
  238.                     except ValueError as e:
  239.                         if i < 2:
  240.                             i+=1
  241.                             continue
  242.                         print(“The input time and format do not match.”)
  243.                         exit(98)
  244.             elif self.rdate[“input_format”] == “%s”:
  245.                 if self.rdate[“input_time”].isdigit():
  246.                     input_time = time.localtime(int(self.rdate[“input_time”]))
  247.                 else:
  248.                     print(“The input time must be number.”)
  249.                     exit(97)
  250.             else:
  251.                 try:
  252.                     input_time = time.strptime(self.rdate[“input_time”], self.rdate[“input_format”])
  253.                 except ValueError as e:
  254.                     print(“The input time and format do not match.”)
  255.                     exit(98)
  256.         if lastday:
  257.             if ColStr == None:
  258.                 if input_time != None:
  259.                     ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(input_time)
  260.                 else:
  261.                     ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(time.localtime())
  262.             # day的计算
  263.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“day”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  264.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(self.R_Day_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time))
  265.             # month的计算
  266.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“month”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  267.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(self.R_Month_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), lastday, input_time))
  268.             # week的计算
  269.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“week”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  270.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(self.R_Week_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time))
  271.             # year的计算
  272.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“year”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  273.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_lastday(self.R_Year_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time))
  274.             else:
  275.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol of -c.”)
  276.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  277.                 exit(3)
  278.         else:
  279.             if ColStr == None:
  280.                 if self.rdate[“input_time”] != None:
  281.                     ret_tupletime = input_time
  282.                 else:
  283.                     ret_tupletime = time.localtime()
  284.             # day的计算
  285.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“day”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  286.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Day_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time)
  287.             # month的计算
  288.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“month”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  289.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Month_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), lastday, input_time)
  290.             # week的计算
  291.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“week”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  292.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Week_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time)
  293.             # year的计算
  294.             elif ColStr.strip().lower().find(“year”) != 1: # 判断是否传入的字符串中是否存在day关键字
  295.                 ret_tupletime = self.R_Year_Colculation(ColStr.strip().lower(), input_time)
  296.             else:
  297.                 print(“Please enter right format symbol of -c.”)
  298.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  299.                 exit(3)
  300.         return ret_tupletime
  301. def func_help():
  302.     print(“”
  303.     NAME:
  304.         rdate –display date and time
  305.     SYNOPSIS:
  306.         rdate [-f] [time format] [-c] [colculation format] [-d] [input_time] [input_time_format]
  307.     DESCRIPTION:
  308.         -c: value is day/week/month/year,plus +/-,plus a number which is number to colculate
  309.         -l: obtain a number which is last day of month
  310.         -d:
  311.             input_time: enter a time string
  312.             input_time_format: enter a time format for input time,default %Y%m%d or %Y-%m-%d
  313.         -f:
  314.          %A is replaced by national representation of the full weekday name.
  315.          %a is replaced by national representation of the abbreviated weekday name.
  316.          %B is replaced by national representation of the full month name.
  317.          %b is replaced by national representation of the abbreviated month name.
  318.          %C is replaced by (year / 100) as decimal number; single digits are preceded by a zero.
  319.          %c is replaced by national representation of time and date.
  320.          %D is equivalent to “%m/%d/%y”.
  321.          %d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
  322.          %E* %O*
  323.                 POSIX locale extensions. The sequences %Ec %EC %Ex %EX %Ey %EY %Od %Oe %OH %OI %Om %OM %OS %Ou %OU %OV %Ow %OW %Oy are supposed to provide alternate
  324.                 representations.
  325.                 Additionally %OB implemented to represent alternative months names (used standalone, without day mentioned).
  326.          %e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (1-31); single digits are preceded by a blank.
  327.          %F is equivalent to “%Y-%m-%d”.
  328.          %G is replaced by a year as a decimal number with century. This year is the one that contains the greater part of the week (Monday as the first day of
  329.                 the week).
  330.          %g is replaced by the same year as in “%G”, but as a decimal number without century (00-99).
  331.          %H is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
  332.          %h the same as %b.
  333.          %I is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12).
  334.          %j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number (001-366).
  335.          %k is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (0-23); single digits are preceded by a blank.
  336.          %l is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12); single digits are preceded by a blank.
  337.          %M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number (00-59).
  338.          %m is replaced by the month as a decimal number (01-12).
  339.          %n is replaced by a newline.
  340.          %O* the same as %E*.
  341.          %p is replaced by national representation of either ante meridiem (a.m.) or post meridiem (p.m.) as appropriate.
  342.          %R is equivalent to “%H:%M”.
  343.          %r is equivalent to “%I:%M:%S %p”.
  344.          %S is replaced by the second as a decimal number (00-60).
  345.          %s is replaced by the number of seconds since the Epoch, UTC (see mktime(3)).
  346.          %T is equivalent to “%H:%M:%S”.
  347.          %t is replaced by a tab.
  348.          %U is replaced by the week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53).
  349.          %u is replaced by the weekday (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (1-7).
  350.          %V is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (01-53). If the week containing January 1 has
  351.                 four or more days in the new year, then it is week 1; otherwise it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
  352.          %v is equivalent to “%e-%b-%Y”.
  353.          %W is replaced by the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (00-53).
  354.          %w is replaced by the weekday (Sunday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (0-6).
  355.          %X is replaced by national representation of the time.
  356.          %x is replaced by national representation of the date.
  357.          %Y is replaced by the year with century as a decimal number.
  358.          %y is replaced by the year without century as a decimal number (00-99).
  359.          %Z is replaced by the time zone name.
  360.          %z is replaced by the time zone offset from UTC; a leading plus sign stands for east of UTC, a minus sign for west of UTC, hours and minutes follow with
  361.                 two digits each and no delimiter between them (common form for RFC 822 date headers).
  362.          %+ is replaced by national representation of the date and time (the format is similar to that produced by date(1)).
  363.          %-* GNU libc extension. Do not do any padding when performing numerical outputs.
  364.          %_* GNU libc extension. Explicitly specify space for padding.
  365.          %0* GNU libc extension. Explicitly specify zero for padding.
  366.          %% is replaced by `%’.
  367.     EXAMPLE:
  368.          rdate –2017-10-23 11:04:51 Monday
  369.          rdate -f “%Y%m_%d” –2017-10-23
  370.          rdate -f “%Y%m_%d” -c “day3” –2017-10-20
  371.          rdate -f “%Y%m_%d” -c “day+3” –2017-10-26
  372.          rdate -f “%Y%m_%d” -c “month+3” –2017-7-23
  373.          rdate -f “%Y%m_%d” -c “year+3” –2020-7-23
  374.          rdate -c “week 1” -f “%Y%m%d %V” –2018-02-15 07
  375.          rdate -c “day 30” -f “%Y%m%d” -l –2018-01-31
  376.          rdate -d “19720131” “%Y%m%d” –1972-01-31 00:00:00 Monday
  377.     ““”)
  378. if __name__ == “__main__”:
  379.     d1 = DateColculation()
  380.     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
  381.         i = 1
  382.         while i < len(sys.argv):
  383.             if sys.argv[i] == “-h”: # 判断输入的参数是否为h,既获取帮助
  384.                 func_help()
  385.                 exit(0)
  386.             elif sys.argv[i] == “-f”: # f表示format,表示指定的输出时间格式
  387.                 i = i + 1
  388.                 if i >= len(sys.argv): # 判断f的值的下标是否大于等于参数个数,如果为真则表示没有指定f的值
  389.                     print(“The value of -f must be specified!!!”)
  390.                     exit(1)
  391.                 elif sys.argv[i] == “-c”:
  392.                     print(“The value of -f must be specified!!!”)
  393.                     exit(1)
  394.                 elif re.match(“^-“, sys.argv[i]) != None: # 判断f的值,如果f的下个参数以开头,表示没有指定f值
  395.                     print(“The value of -f must be specified!!!”)
  396.                     exit(1)
  397.                 d1.rdate[“time_format”] = sys.argv[i] # 获取输出时间格式
  398.             elif sys.argv[i] == “-c”: # c表示colculation,计算
  399.                 i = i + 1
  400.                 if i >= len(sys.argv): # 判断f的值的下标是否大于等于参数个数,如果为真则表示没有指定f的值
  401.                     print(“The value of -c must be specified!!!”)
  402.                     exit(2)
  403.                 elif sys.argv[i] == “-f”:
  404.                     print(“The value of -c must be specified!!!”)
  405.                     exit(2)
  406.                 elif (re.match(“^-“, sys.argv[i]) != None): # 判断f的值,如果f的下个参数以开头,表示没有指定f值
  407.                     print(“The value of -c must be specified!!!”)
  408.                     exit(2)
  409.                 d1.rdate[“colculation_string”] = sys.argv[i] # 获取需要计算的字符串参数内容
  410.             elif sys.argv[i] == “-d”: # d date 表示指定输入的时间和输入的时间格式
  411.                 i += 1
  412.                 if i >= len(sys.argv): # 判断d的值的下标是否大于等于参数个数,如果为真则表示没有指定的值
  413.                     print(“The value of -d must be specified!!!”)
  414.                     exit(3)
  415.                 elif (re.match(“^-“, sys.argv[i]) != None): # 判断d的值,如果df的下个参数以开头,表示没有指定df值
  416.                     print(“The value of -c must be specified!!!”)
  417.                     exit(3)
  418.                 d1.rdate[“input_time”] = sys.argv[i]
  419.                 if (i+1 < len(sys.argv) and re.match(“^-“, sys.argv[(i+1)]) == None):
  420.                     d1.rdate[“input_format”] = sys.argv[i+1]
  421.                     i+=1
  422.             elif sys.argv[i] == “-l”: # l表示获取月份的最后一天
  423.                 d1.rdate[“last_day”] = True
  424.             else:
  425.                 print(“You must enter right parametr.”)
  426.                 print(“If you don’t kown what values is avalable,please use -h to get help!”)
  427.                 exit(3)
  428.             i = i + 1
  429.         d1.rdate[“time_tuple”] = d1.R_colculation() # 获取时间的元组,通过R_colculation函数,R_colculation参数为传入一个需要计算的时间字符串
  430.         print(time.strftime(d1.rdate[“time_format”], d1.rdate[“time_tuple”]))
  431.         exit(0)
  432.     else: # 如果不输入参数,则输出默认格式化的本地时间
  433.         print(time.strftime(d1.rdate[“time_format”], d1.rdate[“time_tuple”]))
  434.         exit(0)
