单元测试 – 在如何使用多个步骤测试方法的过程中苦苦挣扎












我喜欢Keith Payne的回答,看着他的界面让我从新的角度看待事物.我还观看了TDD Play by Play课程(http://www.pluralsight.com/courses/play-by-play-wilson-tdd),这真的帮助我理解了这个过程.我从内到外思考过程,而不是从外面思考过程.


最佳答案 困难的测试设置是代码味道,我想你已经看到了这一点.答案是更多的牛铃(抽象).

这是控制器方法中的常见错误,充当UI的控制器和编排业务流程.步骤5& 6可能属于一起,步骤1,3和& 4同样应该抽象到另一种方法.控制器方法应该做的唯一事情就是从视图接收数据,将其交给应用程序或业务层服务,并将结果编译成新视图以显示回用户(映射).




Application Layer

  1. UI (JavaScript/HTML/CSS)
  2. Model-View-Controller (Razor/ViewModel/Navigation)
  3. Application Services (Orchestration/Application Logic)

Business Layer

  1. Domain Services (Domain [EF] Models/Unit Of Work/Transactions)
  2. WCF/Third Party API’s (Adapters/Client Proxies/Messages)

Data Layer

  1. Database

In this architecture, each item references the item below it.





namespace MyApp.Application.Services
    // This component lives in the Application Service layer and is responsible for orchestrating calls into the
    // business layer services and anything else that is specific to the application but not the overall business domain.

    // For instance, sending of a confirmation email is probably a requirement in some application process flows, but not
    // necessarily applicable to every instance of adding a user to the system from every source. Perhaps there is an admin back-end
    // application which may or may not send the email when an administrator registers a new user. So that back-end 
    // application would have a different orchestration component that included a parameter to indicate whether to 
    // send the email, or to send it to more than one recipient, etc.

    interface IAccountManager
        bool RegisterNewUser(string username, string password, string confirmationEmailAddress, ...);

namespace MyApp.Domain.Services
    // This is the business-layer component for registering a new user. It will orchestrate the
    // mapping to EF models, calling into the database, and calls out to the third-party API.

    // This is the public-facing interface. Implementation of this interface will make calls
    // to a INewUserRegistrator and IExternalNewUserRegistrator components.

    public interface IUserRegistrationService
        NewUserRegistrationResult RegisterNewUser(string username, string password, ...);

    public class NewUserRegistrationResult
        public bool IsUserRegistered { get; set; }
        public int? NewUserId { get; set; }

        // Add additional properties for data that is available after
        // the user is registered. This includes all available relevant information
        // which serves a distinctly different purpose than that of the data returned
        // from the adapter (see below).

    internal interface INewUserRegistrator
        // The implementation of this interface will add the user to the database (or DbContext)
        // Alternatively, this could be a repository 
        User RegisterNewUser(User newUser) ;

    internal interface IExternalNewUserRegistrator
        // Call the adapter for the API and update the user registration (steps 5 & 6)
        // Replace the return type with a class if more detailed information is required

        bool UpdateUserRegistrationFromExternalSystem(User newUser);

    // Note: This is an adapter, the purpose of which is to isolate details of the third-party API
    // from yor application. This means that what comes out from the adapter is determined not by what
    // is provided by the third party API but rather what is needed by the consumer. Oftentimes these
    // are similar.

    // An example of a difference can be some mundance detail. For instance, say that the API
    // returns -1 for some non-nullable int value when the intent is to indicate lack of a match.
    // The adapter would protect the application from that detail by using some logic to interpret
    // the -1 value and set a bool to indicate that no match was found, and to use int?
    // with a null value instead of propagating the magic number (-1) throughout your application.

    internal interface IThirdPartyUserRegistrationAdapter
        // Call the API and interpret the response from the API.
        // Also perform any logging, exception handling, etc.
        AdapterResult RegisterUser(...);

    internal class AdapterResult
        public bool IsSuccessful { get; set; }

        // Additional properties for the response data that is needed by your application only.
        // Do not include data provided by the API response that is not used.

需要记住的是,这种设计 – 一次性与TDD相反.在TDD中,当您从外向内测试和编写代码时,对这些抽象的需求变得明显.我在这里所做的就是跳过所有这些并直接跳到设计内部工作的基础上我脑海中的图片.在几乎所有情况下,这都会导致过度设计和过度抽象,这是TDD自然会阻止的.
