Railo和Tomcat – 根目录在哪里

我已经安装了TurnKey Tomcat并部署了一个Railo WAR.默认的www目录似乎无法识别.cfm文件,但请注意192.168.91.128/railo正在使用.cfm文件. Railo和Tomcat根是否依赖于扩展名.我在哪里需要部署.cfm文件或如何更改www以使用.cfm? 最佳答案 Tomcat默认不支持ColdFusion,因为它不是
Java EE规范的一部分.如果要在Tomcat上部署cfm文件,则需要先安装ColdFusion.我找到了以下链接:

> http://www.andyallan.com/blog/post.cfm/installing-an-configuring-coldfusion-9-01-on-tomcat-7
> http://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/j2ee/phase2-tomcat-deploy.html



显然你安装了Railo(ColdFusion Engine)我的建议是你在http://www.getrailo.org/查看文档.从这个网站我发现了以下内容:

First is is important to know that the architecture in Railo is
different than in other CFML engines. In Railo configuration can be
made either per web context level or per global context. Now what is a
web context?

What is a web context?
A web context is a secured area provided by the application server (and NOT by the webserver). A web context is
defined by a entry in the corresponding configuration file of
the application server. These files differ from app server to app
server. In Resin for example this file is called resin.conf or
resin.xml, whereas in Tomcat it is called server.xml. Please check the
corresponding documentation of your application server in order to see
how to define these web contexts.

The fact that you define new web contexts in the application server is
the reason why any definition of a new website in the webserver can
only be defined differently on a web context basis if you have
mirrored the configuration of the webserver in the application server
by using virtual host definitions.
