Python 2.7).
data_frame.replace(to_replace'"', value = '')
最佳答案 您可以使用regex = True尝试
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'ItemID': {0: 8988, 1: 8988, 2: 6547, 3: 6547},
'Description': {0: 'Tall Chair', 1: 'Tall Chair', 2: 'Big" Pillow', 3: 'Big Pillow'},
'Feedback': {0: 'I hated it""', 1: 'Best chair" ever', 2: 'Soft and amazing', 3: 'Horrific color'}})
print df
Description Feedback ItemID
0 Tall Chair I hated it"" 8988
1 Tall Chair Best chair" ever 8988
2 Big" Pillow Soft and amazing 6547
3 Big Pillow Horrific color 6547
print df.replace({'"': ''}, regex=True)
Description Feedback ItemID
0 Tall Chair I hated it 8988
1 Tall Chair Best chair ever 8988
2 Big Pillow Soft and amazing 6547
3 Big Pillow Horrific color 6547