以下查询引发ORA-30004错误,但我的分隔符为’ – > ‘未在任何列值中使用:
with temptable as (
select '2624' as id, 'ninechars' as label, '' as parentid from dual union
select '2625' as id, 'erewrettt' as label, '2624' as parentid from dual union
select '2626' as id, 'Im stumped' as label, '' as parentid from dual union
select '2627' as id, '- Unknown -' as label, '' as parentid from dual
select sys_connect_by_path(label, ' -> ' )
from temptable
start with parentid is null
connect by prior id = parentid;
- Changing the value “ninechars” to “ninecharsx” allows the query to work
- Changing the value “ninechars” to “abcdefghi” also breaks the query
- It seems like all nine character values here break the query
- Leaving the value as “ninechars” and removing the last union statement, which is not connected to any of the other records, allows
the query to work- Changing the delimiter from ‘ -> ‘ to ‘ *> ‘ allows the query to work
编辑:感谢bobdylan在评论中留下的这个pastebin.com/Ad1edFcJ 链接有助于说明问题
最佳答案 这闻起来像一个臭虫.如果你需要解决它并实现你的逻辑,或者你可以使用递归子查询因子(recursive With),它在11.2.0.4中正常工作:
SQL> with t (id, label, parentid, reportlevel, fake_connect_by_path) as (
2 select id, label, parentid, 0 as reportlevel, ' -> ' || label as fake_connect_by_path
3 from temptable
4 where parentid is null
5 union all
6 select tt.id, tt.label, tt.parentid, reportlevel + 1, t.fake_connect_by_path || ' -> ' || tt.label as fake_connect_by_path
7 from temptable tt
8 join t on t.id = tt.parentid
9 )
10 select fake_connect_by_path
11 from t;
-> ninechars
-> Im stumped
-> - Unknown -
-> ninechars -> erewrettt