Python numpy.degrees() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def cov_ellipse(cov, q=None, nsig=None, **kwargs):
    """ Code is slightly modified, but essentially borrowed from:
    if q is not None:
        q = np.asarray(q)
    elif nsig is not None:
        q = 2 * norm.cdf(nsig) - 1
        raise ValueError('Either `q` or `nsig` should be specified')

    r2 = chi2.ppf(q, 2)
    val, vec = np.linalg.eigh(cov)
    width, height = 2 * np.sqrt(val[:, None] * r2)
    rotation = np.degrees(np.arctan2(*vec[::-1, 0]))

    return width, height, rotation 

Example 2

def decimal_to_dms(decimal_value):
    This converts from decimal degrees to DD:MM:SS, returned as a tuple.


    if decimal_value < 0:
        negative = True
        dec_val = fabs(decimal_value)
        negative = False
        dec_val = decimal_value

    degrees = trunc(dec_val)
    minutes_deg = dec_val - degrees

    minutes_mm = minutes_deg * 60.0
    minutes_out = trunc(minutes_mm)
    seconds = (minutes_mm - minutes_out)*60.0

    if negative:
        degrees = degrees
        return '-', degrees, minutes_out, seconds
        return '+', degrees, minutes_out, seconds 

Example 3

def plot_ellipse(ax, mu, sigma, color="k"):
    Based on

    # Compute eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors
    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(sigma)

    # Compute "tilt" of ellipse using first eigenvector
    x, y = vecs[:, 0]
    theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x))

    # Eigenvalues give length of ellipse along each eigenvector
    w, h = 2 * np.sqrt(vals)

    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)
    ellipse = Ellipse(mu, w, h, theta, color=color)  # color="k")

Example 4

def plot_ellipse(ax, mu, sigma, color="b"):
    Based on

    # Compute eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors
    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(sigma)

    # Compute "tilt" of ellipse using first eigenvector
    x, y = vecs[:, 0]
    theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x))

    # Eigenvalues give length of ellipse along each eigenvector
    w, h = 2 * np.sqrt(vals)
    ellipse = Ellipse(mu, w, h, theta, color=color)  # color="k")

Example 5

def plot_ellipse(ax, mu, sigma, color="b"):
    Based on

    # Compute eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors
    vals, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(sigma)

    # Compute "tilt" of ellipse using first eigenvector
    x, y = vecs[:, 0]
    theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y, x))

    # Eigenvalues give length of ellipse along each eigenvector
    w, h = 2 * np.sqrt(vals)
    ellipse = Ellipse(mu, w, h, theta, color=color)  # color="k")

Example 6

def angle_wrap(angle,radians=False):
    Wraps the input angle to 360.0 degrees.

    if radians is True: input is assumed to be in radians, output is also in


    if radians:
        wrapped = angle % (2.0*PI)
        if wrapped < 0.0:
            wrapped = 2.0*PI + wrapped


        wrapped = angle % 360.0
        if wrapped < 0.0:
            wrapped = 360.0 + wrapped

    return wrapped 

Example 7

def dms_to_decimal(sign, degrees, minutes, seconds):
    Converts from DD:MM:SS to a decimal value. Returns decimal degrees.


    dec_deg = fabs(degrees) + fabs(minutes)/60.0 + fabs(seconds)/3600.0

    if sign == '-':
        return -dec_deg
        return dec_deg


Example 8

def ecliptic_longitude(hUTC, dayofyear, year):
    """ Ecliptic longitude

        hUTC: fractional hour (UTC time)
        dayofyear (int):
        year (int):

        (float) the ecliptic longitude (degrees)

        World Meteorological Organization (2006).Guide to meteorological
        instruments and methods of observation. Geneva, Switzerland.

    jd = julian_date(hUTC, dayofyear, year)
    n = jd - 2451545
    # mean longitude (deg)
    L = numpy.mod(280.46 + 0.9856474 * n, 360)
    # mean anomaly (deg)
    g = numpy.mod(357.528 + 0.9856003 * n, 360)

    return L + 1.915 * numpy.sin(numpy.radians(g)) + 0.02 * numpy.sin(
        numpy.radians(2 * g)) 

Example 9

def hour_angle(hUTC, dayofyear, year, longitude):
    """ Sun hour angle

        hUTC: fractional hour (UTC time)
        dayofyear (int):
        year (int):
        longitude (float): the location longitude (degrees, east positive)

        (float) the hour angle (hour)

        World Meteorological Organization (2006).Guide to meteorological
        instruments and methods of observation. Geneva, Switzerland.
    jd = julian_date(hUTC, dayofyear, year)
    n = jd - 2451545
    gmst = numpy.mod(6.697375 + 0.0657098242 * n + hUTC, 24)
    lmst = numpy.mod(gmst + longitude / 15., 24)
    ra = right_ascension(hUTC, dayofyear, year)
    ha = numpy.mod(lmst - ra / 15. + 12, 24) - 12
    return ha 

Example 10

def sun_elevation(hUTC, dayofyear, year, latitude, longitude):
    """ Sun elevation

        hUTC: fractional hour (UTC time)
        dayofyear (int):
        year (int):
        latitude (float): the location latitude (degrees)
        longitude (float): the location longitude (degrees)

        (float) the sun elevation (degrees)

        World Meteorological Organization (2006).Guide to meteorological
        instruments and methods of observation. Geneva, Switzerland.
    dec = declination(hUTC, dayofyear, year)
    lat = numpy.radians(latitude)
    ha = numpy.radians(hour_angle(hUTC, dayofyear, year, longitude) * 15)
    sinel = numpy.sin(dec) * numpy.sin(lat) + numpy.cos(dec) * numpy.cos(
        lat) * numpy.cos(ha)

    return numpy.degrees(numpy.arcsin(sinel)) 

Example 11

def _vlines(lines, ctrs=None, lengths=None, vecs=None, angle_lo=20, angle_hi=160, ransac_options=RANSAC_OPTIONS):
    ctrs = ctrs if ctrs is not None else lines.mean(1)
    vecs = vecs if vecs is not None else lines[:, 1, :] - lines[:, 0, :]
    lengths = lengths if lengths is not None else np.hypot(vecs[:, 0], vecs[:, 1])

    angles = np.degrees(np.arccos(vecs[:, 0] / lengths))
    points = np.column_stack([ctrs[:, 0], angles])
    point_indices, = np.nonzero((angles > angle_lo) & (angles < angle_hi))
    points = points[point_indices]
    if len(points) > 2:
        model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(**ransac_options)[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), points[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1))
        inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
        valid_lines = lines[point_indices[inlier_mask], :, :]
        valid_lines = []
    return valid_lines 

Example 12

def _hlines(lines, ctrs=None, lengths=None, vecs=None, angle_lo=20, angle_hi=160, ransac_options=RANSAC_OPTIONS):
    ctrs = ctrs if ctrs is not None else lines.mean(1)
    vecs = vecs if vecs is not None else lines[:, 1, :] - lines[:, 0, :]
    lengths = lengths if lengths is not None else np.hypot(vecs[:, 0], vecs[:, 1])

    angles = np.degrees(np.arccos(vecs[:, 1] / lengths))
    points = np.column_stack([ctrs[:, 1], angles])
    point_indices, = np.nonzero((angles > angle_lo) & (angles < angle_hi))
    points = points[point_indices]
    if len(points) > 2:
        model_ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(**ransac_options)[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), points[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1))
        inlier_mask = model_ransac.inlier_mask_
        valid_lines = lines[point_indices[inlier_mask], :, :]
        valid_lines = []
    return valid_lines 

Example 13

def screw_axis(self):
    """ The rotation, translation and screw axis from the dual quaternion. """
    rotation = 2. * np.degrees(np.arccos(self.q_rot.w))
    rotation = np.mod(rotation, 360.)

    if (rotation > 1.e-12):
      translation = -2. * self.q_dual.w / np.sin(rotation / 2. * np.pi / 180.)
      screw_axis = self.q_rot.q[0:3] / np.sin(rotation / 2. * np.pi / 180.)
      translation = 2. * np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(self.q_dual.q[0:3], 2.)))
      if (translation > 1.e-12):
        screw_axis = 2. * self.q_dual.q[0:3] / translation
        screw_axis = np.zeros(3)

    # TODO(ntonci): Add axis point for completeness

    return screw_axis, rotation, translation 

Example 14

def getProjectedAngleInXYPlane(self, z=0, ref_axis=[0,1], centre=[0,0], inDeg=True):	
      Project the OA vector to z=z, calculate the XY position, construct a 
      2D vector from [centre] to this XY and measure the angle subtended by 
      this vector from [ref_axis] (clockwise).
    ref_axis = np.array(ref_axis)
    centre = np.array(centre)
    point_vector_from_fit_centre = np.array(self.getXY(z=z)) - centre
    dotP =, point_vector_from_fit_centre)
    crossP = np.cross(ref_axis, point_vector_from_fit_centre)
    angle = np.arccos(dotP/(np.linalg.norm(ref_axis)*np.linalg.norm(point_vector_from_fit_centre)))
    if np.sign(crossP) > 0:
      angle = (np.pi-angle) + np.pi
    if inDeg:
      dir_v = self._eval_direction_vector()
      return np.degrees(angle)
      return angle 

Example 15

def _box_vectors_to_lengths_angles(box_vectors):

    unitcell_lengths = []
    for basis in box_vectors:
        unitcell_lengths.append(np.array([np.linalg.norm(frame_v) for frame_v in basis]))

    unitcell_angles = []
    for vs in box_vectors:

        angles = np.array([np.degrees(
                            np.arccos([i], vs[j])/
                                      (np.linalg.norm(vs[i]) * np.linalg.norm(vs[j]))))
                           for i, j in [(0,1), (1,2), (2,0)]])


    unitcell_angles = np.array(unitcell_angles)

    return unitcell_lengths, unitcell_angles 

Example 16

def angle_map(self):
        '''Returns a map of the angle for each pixel (w.r.t. origin).
        0 degrees is vertical, +90 degrees is right, -90 degrees is left.'''

        if self.angle_map_data is not None:
            return self.angle_map_data
        x = (np.arange(self.width) - self.x0)
        y = (np.arange(self.height) - self.y0)
        X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
        #M = np.degrees(np.arctan2(Y, X))
        # Note intentional inversion of the usual (x,y) convention.
        # This is so that 0 degrees is vertical.
        #M = np.degrees(np.arctan2(X, Y))

        # TODO: Lookup some internal parameter to determine direction
        # of normal. (This is what should befine the angle convention.)
        M = np.degrees(np.arctan2(X, -Y))

        self.angle_map_data = M
        return self.angle_map_data 

Example 17

def plot_motion(motion_mat):
	time = motion_mat[:,0]
	plt.plot(time,motion_mat[:,1]* 1000,label='x')
	plt.plot(time,motion_mat[:,2]* 1000,label='y')
	plt.plot(time,motion_mat[:,3]* 1000,label='z')
	plt.xlabel('Time / s')
	plt.ylabel('Translation / mm')
	plt.ylabel('Rotations / degrees')
	plt.xlabel('Time / s')

Example 18

def random_points(self, n=1):
        Generate uniformly distributed random points within the sky
        (i.e., all sky; on an unit sphere).

        lon : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Longitudes (Galactic/equatorial), [0, 360) [deg].
        lat : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Latitudes (Galactic/equatorial), [-90, 90] [deg].
        theta, phi = spherical_uniform(n)
        lon = np.degrees(phi)
        lat = 90.0 - np.degrees(theta)
        return (lon, lat)


Example 19

def threshold_test(self):
        mx_adj, my_adj, mz_adj = self.mag_adj()
        m_normal = np.sqrt(np.square(mx_adj)+np.square(my_adj)+np.square(mz_adj))

        heading = np.degrees(np.arctan2(mx_adj/m_normal, my_adj/m_normal))

        heading_diff = np.diff(heading)

        rotate_index =  np.insert(np.where(np.absolute(heading_diff)>20.0), 0, 0)


        angle_lst = []
        for i in range(rotate_index.size):
                angle_onestep = np.mean(heading[rotate_index[i]: rotate_index[i+1]])

        print angle_lst 

Example 20

def raw_mag_heading(self):
        mx = self.raw_data['mx'].astype(np.float32)
        my = self.raw_data['my'].astype(np.float32)
        mz = self.raw_data['mz'].astype(np.float32)
        m_normal = np.sqrt(np.square(mx)+np.square(my)+np.square(mz))

        heading = np.arctan2(mx/m_normal, my/m_normal)
        roll = np.arctan2(my/m_normal, mz/m_normal)
        pitch = np.arctan2(mx/m_normal, mz/m_normal)

        plt.plot(np.degrees(heading), "red", label="heading")
        #plt.plot(np.degrees(roll), "green", label="roll")
        #plt.plot(np.degrees(pitch), "blue", label="pitch")
        #plt.plot(m_normal, "yellow", label='m_normal')
        plt.legend(loc='upper left') 

Example 21

def ra_distance(declination, ra_a, ra_b):

    This function ...
    :param declination: dec in degrees
    :param ra_a: ra in degrees
    :param ra_b: ra in degrees

    cos_ra_distance = np.sin(np.radians(declination))**2 + np.cos(np.radians(declination))**2 * np.cos(np.radians(ra_b-ra_a))

    if cos_ra_distance > 1.0 and np.isclose(cos_ra_distance, 1.0): cos_ra_distance = 1.0 # Avoid crashes of np.arcos

    # Return ...
    return np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_ra_distance))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 22

def ra_distance(declination, ra_a, ra_b):

    This function ...
    :param declination: dec in degrees
    :param ra_a: ra in degrees
    :param ra_b: ra in degrees

    cos_ra_distance = np.sin(np.radians(declination))**2 + np.cos(np.radians(declination))**2 * np.cos(np.radians(ra_b-ra_a))

    if cos_ra_distance > 1.0 and np.isclose(cos_ra_distance, 1.0): cos_ra_distance = 1.0 # Avoid crashes of np.arcos

    # Return ...
    return np.degrees(np.arccos(cos_ra_distance))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Example 23

def tiltFactor(self, midpointdepth=None,
        get tilt factor from inverse distance law
        # TODO: can also be only def. with FOV, rot, tilt
        beta2 = self.viewAngle(midpointdepth=midpointdepth)
            angles, vals = getattr(
                emissivity_vs_angle, self.opts['material'])()
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError("material[%s] is not in list of know materials: %s" % (
                self.opts['material'], [o[0] for o in getmembers(emissivity_vs_angle)
                                        if isfunction(o[1])]))
        if printAvAngle:
            avg_angle = beta2[self.foreground()].mean()
            print('angle: %s DEG' % np.degrees(avg_angle))

        # use averaged angle instead of beta2 to not overemphasize correction
        normEmissivity = np.clip(
                np.radians(angles), vals)(beta2), 0, 1)
        return normEmissivity 

Example 24

def _moveruler(self, evt):
        x, y = self.mouseCoord(evt)
        txtPosX = (self.rulersStartX + x) * 0.5
        txtPosY = (self.rulersStartY + y) * 0.5
        dx = x - self.rulersStartX
        dy = y - self.rulersStartY
        lenruler = (dx**2 + dy**2)**0.5
        lenruler *= self.scale
        self.rulersLen[-1].setPos(txtPosX, txtPosY)
        if lenruler > 1:
            txt = '%.3f' % lenruler
            txt = '%s' % lenruler
        if self.pAngle.value():
            txt += ';  angle=%.2f DEG' % np.degrees(np.arctan2(-dy, dx))
            (self.rulersStartX, x),
            (self.rulersStartY, y)) 

Example 25

def __init__(self, img, batch, usage, ID, p, a=0, v=60, l=4, ):
        pyglet.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, img=img, batch=batch, usage=usage)
        self.a = a
        self.v = v/3.6  # convert to m/s
        self.p = p
        self.l = l              # length
        self.ID = ID
        self.scale = 0.05
        self.image.anchor_x = self.image.width / 2
        self.image.anchor_y = self.image.height / 2
        self.length = self.image.width
        window.pixel_unit = self.l / self.width
        self.central_radian = window.unit_to_screen(self.p)/window.centre_radius
        dx = window.centre_radius * np.cos(self.central_radian)
        dy = window.centre_radius * np.sin(self.central_radian)
        self.position = window.region_centre + np.array([dx, dy])
        self.rotation = -np.degrees([self.central_radian + np.pi/2])
        self.isCollide = False
        self.reward = 0 

Example 26

def test_calc_ocb_vec_sign(self):
        """ Test the calculation of the OCB vector signs

        # Set the initial values
        self.vdata.ocb_aacgm_mlt = self.ocb.phi_cent[self.vdata.ocb_ind] / 15.0
        self.vdata.ocb_aacgm_lat = 90.0 - self.ocb.r_cent[self.vdata.ocb_ind]
         self.vdata.ocb_mlt) = self.ocb.normal_coord(self.vdata.aacgm_lat,

        vmag = np.sqrt(self.vdata.aacgm_n**2 + self.vdata.aacgm_e**2)
        self.vdata.aacgm_naz = np.degrees(np.arccos(self.vdata.aacgm_n / vmag))

        # Calculate the vector data signs
        vsigns = self.vdata.calc_ocb_vec_sign(north=True, east=True)

Example 27

def spherical_to_cartesian(s,degrees=True,normalize=False):
   Takes a vector in spherical coordinates and converts it to cartesian.
   Assumes the input vector is given as [radius,colat,lon] 

   if degrees:
      s[1] = np.radians(s[1])  
      s[2] = np.radians(s[2])

   x1 = s[0]*np.sin(s[1])*np.cos(s[2])
   x2 = s[0]*np.sin(s[1])*np.sin(s[2])
   x3 = s[0]*np.cos(s[1])

   x = [x1,x2,x3]

   if normalize:
      x /= np.linalg.norm(x)
   return x 

Example 28

def rotate_delays(lat_r,lon_r,lon_0=0.0,lat_0=0.0,degrees=0):
   Rotates the source and receiver of a trace object around an
   arbitrary axis.

   alpha = np.radians(degrees)
   colat_r = 90.0-lat_r
   colat_0 = 90.0-lat_0

   x_r = lon_r - lon_0
   y_r = colat_0 - colat_r

   #rotate receivers
   lat_rotated = 90.0-colat_0+x_r*np.sin(alpha) + y_r*np.cos(alpha)
   lon_rotated = lon_0+x_r*np.cos(alpha) - y_r*np.sin(alpha)

   return lat_rotated, lon_rotated 

Example 29

def test_planets(date):

    p = np.degrees(_planets(date))

    assert abs(p[0] - 314.9122873) < 1e-7
    assert abs(p[1] - 91.9393769) < 1e-7
    assert abs(p[2] - 169.0970043) < 1e-7
    assert abs(p[3] - 196.7516428) < 1e-7
    assert abs(p[4] - 42.6046467) < 1e-7

    assert abs(p[5] % 360. - 143.319167) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[6] % 360. - 156.221635) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[7] % 360. - 194.890465) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[8] % 360. - 91.262347) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[9] % 360. - 163.710186) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[10] % 360. - 102.168400) < 1e-5  # <== I don't know why but this one is not precise enought
    assert abs(p[11] % 360. - 332.317825) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[12] % 360. - 313.661341) < 1e-6
    assert abs(p[13] % 360. - 0.059545) < 1e-6 

Example 30

def error_ellipse(mu, cov, ax=None, factor=1.0, **kwargs):
    Plot the error ellipse at a point given its covariance matrix.

    # some sane defaults
    facecolor = kwargs.pop('facecolor', 'none')
    edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'k')

    x, y = mu
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(cov)
    theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(U[1, 0], U[0, 0]))
    ellipsePlot = Ellipse(xy=[x, y],
                          width=2 * np.sqrt(S[0]) * factor,
                          height=2 * np.sqrt(S[1]) * factor,
                          facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs)

    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()

    return ellipsePlot 

Example 31

def setUp(self):
        NX = 2
        nx = np.linspace(-NX + 0.5, NX - 0.5, num=2 * NX, endpoint=True)
        vx = np.linspace(-NX, NX, num=2 * NX, endpoint=True)
        meshx, meshy = np.meshgrid(nx, nx)
        self.cartgrid = np.dstack((meshx, meshy))
        self.values = np.repeat(vx[:, np.newaxis], 2 * NX, 1)

        coord = georef.sweep_centroids(4, 1, NX, 0.)
        xx = coord[..., 0]
        yy = np.degrees(coord[..., 1])

        xxx = xx * np.cos(np.radians(90. - yy))
        x = xx * np.sin(np.radians(90. - yy))
        y = xxx

        self.newgrid = np.dstack((x, y))

        self.result = np.array([[0.47140452, 1.41421356],
                                [0.47140452, 1.41421356],
                                [-0.47140452, -1.41421356],
                                [-0.47140452, -1.41421356]]) 

Example 32

def healpixMap(nside, lon, lat, fill_value=0., nest=False):
    Input (lon, lat) in degrees instead of (theta, phi) in radians.
    Returns HEALPix map at the desired resolution 

    lon_median, lat_median = np.median(lon), np.median(lat)
    max_angsep = np.max(ugali.utils.projector.angsep(lon, lat, lon_median, lat_median))
    pix = angToPix(nside, lon, lat, nest=nest)
    if max_angsep < 10:
        # More efficient histograming for small regions of sky
        m = np.tile(fill_value, healpy.nside2npix(nside))
        pix_subset = ugali.utils.healpix.angToDisc(nside, lon_median, lat_median, max_angsep, nest=nest)
        bins = np.arange(np.min(pix_subset), np.max(pix_subset) + 1)
        m_subset = np.histogram(pix, bins=bins - 0.5)[0].astype(float)
        m[bins[0:-1]] = m_subset
        m = np.histogram(pix, np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside) + 1))[0].astype(float)
    if fill_value != 0.:
        m[m == 0.] = fill_value
    return m


Example 33

def galToCel(ll, bb):
    Converts Galactic (deg) to Celestial J2000 (deg) coordinates
    bb = numpy.radians(bb)
    sin_bb = numpy.sin(bb)
    cos_bb = numpy.cos(bb)

    ll = numpy.radians(ll)
    ra_gp = numpy.radians(192.85948)
    de_gp = numpy.radians(27.12825)
    lcp = numpy.radians(122.932)

    sin_lcp_ll = numpy.sin(lcp - ll)
    cos_lcp_ll = numpy.cos(lcp - ll)

    sin_d = (numpy.sin(de_gp) * sin_bb) \
            + (numpy.cos(de_gp) * cos_bb * cos_lcp_ll)
    ramragp = numpy.arctan2(cos_bb * sin_lcp_ll,
                            (numpy.cos(de_gp) * sin_bb) \
                            - (numpy.sin(de_gp) * cos_bb * cos_lcp_ll))
    dec = numpy.arcsin(sin_d)
    ra = (ramragp + ra_gp + (2. * numpy.pi)) % (2. * numpy.pi)
    return numpy.degrees(ra), numpy.degrees(dec) 

Example 34

def celToGal(ra, dec):
    Converts Celestial J2000 (deg) to Calactic (deg) coordinates
    dec = numpy.radians(dec)
    sin_dec = numpy.sin(dec)
    cos_dec = numpy.cos(dec)

    ra = numpy.radians(ra)    
    ra_gp = numpy.radians(192.85948)
    de_gp = numpy.radians(27.12825)

    sin_ra_gp = numpy.sin(ra - ra_gp)
    cos_ra_gp = numpy.cos(ra - ra_gp)

    lcp = numpy.radians(122.932)    
    sin_b = (numpy.sin(de_gp) * sin_dec) \
            + (numpy.cos(de_gp) * cos_dec * cos_ra_gp)
    lcpml = numpy.arctan2(cos_dec * sin_ra_gp,
                          (numpy.cos(de_gp) * sin_dec) \
                          - (numpy.sin(de_gp) * cos_dec * cos_ra_gp))
    bb = numpy.arcsin(sin_b)
    ll = (lcp - lcpml + (2. * numpy.pi)) % (2. * numpy.pi)
    return numpy.degrees(ll), numpy.degrees(bb) 

Example 35

def hms2dec(hms):
    Convert longitude from hours,minutes,seconds in string or 3-array
    format to decimal degrees.

    ADW: This really should be replaced by astropy
    DEGREE = 360.
    HOUR = 24.
    MINUTE = 60.
    SECOND = 3600.

    if isinstance(hms,basestring):
        hour,minute,second = numpy.array(re.split('[hms]',hms))[:3].astype(float)
        hour,minute,second = hms.T

    decimal = (hour + minute * 1./MINUTE + second * 1./SECOND)*(DEGREE/HOUR)
    return decimal 

Example 36

def dms2dec(dms):
    Convert latitude from degrees,minutes,seconds in string or 3-array
   format to decimal degrees.
    DEGREE = 360.
    HOUR = 24.
    MINUTE = 60.
    SECOND = 3600.

    # Be careful here, degree needs to be a float so that negative zero
    # can have its signbit set:

    if isinstance(dms,basestring):
        degree,minute,second = numpy.array(re.split('[dms]',hms))[:3].astype(float)
        degree,minute,second = dms.T

    sign = numpy.copysign(1.0,degree)
    decimal = numpy.abs(degree) + minute * 1./MINUTE + second * 1./SECOND
    decimal *= sign
    return decimal 

Example 37

def _setup_subpix(self,nside=2**16):
        Subpixels for random position generation.
        # Only setup once...
        if hasattr(self,'subpix'): return

        # Simulate over full ROI
        self.roi_radius  = self.config['coords']['roi_radius']

        # Setup background spatial stuff"Setup subpixels...")
        self.nside_pixel = self.config['coords']['nside_pixel']
        self.nside_subpixel = self.nside_pixel * 2**4 # Could be config parameter
        epsilon = np.degrees(healpy.max_pixrad(self.nside_pixel)) # Pad roi radius to cover edge healpix
        subpix = ugali.utils.healpix.query_disc(self.nside_subpixel,self.roi.vec,self.roi_radius+epsilon)
        superpix = ugali.utils.healpix.superpixel(subpix,self.nside_subpixel,self.nside_pixel)
        self.subpix = subpix[np.in1d(superpix,self.roi.pixels)] 

Example 38

def error_ellipse(mu, cov, ax=None, factor=1.0, **kwargs):
    Plot the error ellipse at a point given its covariance matrix.

    # some sane defaults
    facecolor = kwargs.pop('facecolor', 'none')
    edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'k')

    x, y = mu
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(cov)
    theta = np.degrees(np.arctan2(U[1, 0], U[0, 0]))
    ellipsePlot = Ellipse(xy=[x, y],
                          width=2 * np.sqrt(S[0]) * factor,
                          height=2 * np.sqrt(S[1]) * factor,
                          facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs)

    if ax is None:
        ax = pl.gca()

    return ellipsePlot 

Example 39

def __init__(self, basis_functions, basis_weights, extra_features=None,
                 smoothing_kernel=None, reward=1e6, ignore_obs='dummy',
                 nside=default_nside, min_alt=30., max_alt=85.):
        min_alt : float (30.)
            The minimum altitude to attempt to chace a pair to (degrees). Default of 30 = airmass of 2.
        max_alt : float(85.)
            The maximum altitude to attempt to chase a pair to (degrees).

        self.min_alt = np.radians(min_alt)
        self.max_alt = np.radians(max_alt)
        self.nside = nside
        self.reward_val = reward
        self.reward = -reward
        if extra_features is None:
            extra_features = {'mjd': features.Current_mjd()}
            extra_features['altaz'] = features.AltAzFeature(nside=nside)
        super(Scripted_survey, self).__init__(basis_functions=basis_functions,

Example 40

def FindSkeleton(self):

        rgb = cv2.cvtColor(self.ImgHSV, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
        angle = 0
        count = 0

        gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.cvtColor(self.ImgHSV,cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        edges = cv2.Canny(gray,50,150,apertureSize = 3)

        lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180,110)

        #print (lines)
        line_count = lines.shape[0]

        for x in range(line_count):

            for rho,theta in lines[x]:
                a = np.cos(theta)
                b = np.sin(theta)
                x0 = a*rho
                y0 = b*rho
                x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
                y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
                x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
                y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))

                crr_angle = np.degrees(b)
                if (crr_angle < 5):
                    angle = angle + crr_angle
                    count = count + 1

        angle = angle / count
        self.angle = angle
        return (angle) 

Example 41

def dip_direction2strike(azimuth):
    Converts a planar measurment of dip direction using the dip-azimuth
    convention into a strike using the right-hand-rule.

    azimuth : number or string
        The dip direction of the plane in degrees. This can be either a
        numerical azimuth in the 0-360 range or a string representing a quadrant
        measurement (e.g. N30W).

    strike : number
        The strike of the plane in degrees following the right-hand-rule.
    azimuth = parse_azimuth(azimuth)
    strike = azimuth - 90
    if strike < 0:
        strike += 360
    return strike 

Example 42

def strike2dip_direction(strike):
    Converts a planar measurement of strike using the right-hand-rule into the
    dip direction (i.e. the direction that the plane dips).

    strike : number or string
        The strike direction of the plane in degrees. This can be either a
        numerical azimuth in the 0-360 range or a string representing a quadrant
        measurement (e.g. N30W).

    azimuth : number
        The dip direction of the plane in degrees (0-360).
    strike = parse_azimuth(strike)
    dip_direction = strike + 90
    if dip_direction > 360:
        dip_direction -= 360
    return dip_direction 

Example 43

def _rotate(lon, lat, theta, axis='x'):
    Rotate "lon", "lat" coords (in _degrees_) about the X-axis by "theta"
    degrees.  This effectively simulates rotating a physical stereonet.
    Returns rotated lon, lat coords in _radians_).
    # Convert input to numpy arrays in radians
    lon, lat = np.atleast_1d(lon, lat)
    lon, lat = map(np.radians, [lon, lat])
    theta = np.radians(theta)

    # Convert to cartesian coords for the rotation
    x, y, z = sph2cart(lon, lat)

    lookup = {'x':_rotate_x, 'y':_rotate_y, 'z':_rotate_z}
    X, Y, Z = lookup[axis](x, y, z, theta)

    # Now convert back to spherical coords (longitude and latitude, ignore R)
    lon, lat = cart2sph(X,Y,Z)
    return lon, lat # in radians! 

Example 44

def plunge_bearing2pole(plunge, bearing):
    Converts the given `plunge` and `bearing` in degrees to a strike and dip
    of the plane whose pole would be parallel to the line specified. (i.e. The
    pole to the plane returned would plot at the same point as the specified
    plunge and bearing.)

    plunge : number or sequence of numbers
        The plunge of the line(s) in degrees. The plunge is measured in degrees
        downward from the end of the feature specified by the bearing.
    bearing : number or sequence of numbers
        The bearing (azimuth) of the line(s) in degrees.

    strike, dip : arrays
        Arrays of strikes and dips in degrees following the right-hand-rule.
    plunge, bearing = np.atleast_1d(plunge, bearing)
    strike = bearing + 90
    dip = 90 - plunge
    strike[strike >= 360] -= 360
    return strike, dip 

Example 45

def pole2plunge_bearing(strike, dip):
    Converts the given *strike* and *dip* in dgrees of a plane(s) to a plunge
    and bearing of its pole.

    strike : number or sequence of numbers
        The strike of the plane(s) in degrees, with dip direction indicated by
        the azimuth (e.g. 315 vs. 135) specified following the "right hand
    dip : number or sequence of numbers
        The dip of the plane(s) in degrees.

    plunge, bearing : arrays
        Arrays of plunges and bearings of the pole to the plane(s) in degrees.
    strike, dip = np.atleast_1d(strike, dip)
    bearing = strike - 90
    plunge = 90 - dip
    bearing[bearing < 0] += 360
    return plunge, bearing 

Example 46

def geographic2pole(lon, lat):
    Converts a longitude and latitude (from a stereonet) into the strike and dip
    of the plane whose pole lies at the given longitude(s) and latitude(s).

    lon : array-like
        A sequence of longitudes (or a single longitude) in radians
    lat : array-like
        A sequence of latitudes (or a single latitude) in radians

    strike : array
        A sequence of strikes in degrees
    dip : array
        A sequence of dips in degrees
    plunge, bearing = geographic2plunge_bearing(lon, lat)
    strike = bearing + 90
    strike[strike >= 360] -= 360
    dip = 90 - plunge
    return strike, dip 

Example 47

def azimuth2rake(strike, dip, azimuth):
    Projects an azimuth of a linear feature onto a plane as a rake angle.

    strike, dip : numbers
        The strike and dip of the plane in degrees following the
    azimuth : numbers
        The azimuth of the linear feature in degrees clockwise from north (i.e.
        a 0-360 azimuth).

    rake : number
        A rake angle in degrees measured downwards from horizontal.  Negative
        values correspond to the opposite end of the strike.
    plunge, bearing = plane_intersection(strike, dip, azimuth, 90)
    rake = project_onto_plane(strike, dip, plunge, bearing)
    return rake 

Example 48

def vector2plunge_bearing(x, y, z):
    Converts a vector or series of vectors given as x, y, z in world
    coordinates into plunge/bearings.

    x : number or sequence of numbers
        The x-component(s) of the normal vector
    y : number or sequence of numbers
        The y-component(s) of the normal vector
    z : number or sequence of numbers
        The z-component(s) of the normal vector

    plunge : array
        The plunge of the vector in degrees downward from horizontal.
    bearing : array
        The bearing of the vector in degrees clockwise from north.
    return geographic2plunge_bearing(*xyz2stereonet(x,y,z)) 

Example 49

def set_azimuth_ticks(self, angles, labels=None, frac=None, **kwargs):
        Sets the azimuthal tick locations (Note: tick lines are not currently
        drawn or supported.).

        angles : sequence of numbers
            The tick locations in degrees.
        labels : sequence of strings
            The tick label at each location.  Defaults to a formatted version
            of the specified angles.
        frac : number
            The radial location of the tick labels. 1.0 is the along the edge,
            1.1 would be outside, and 0.9 would be inside.
            Additional parameters are text properties for the labels.
        return self._polar.set_thetagrids(angles, labels, frac, **kwargs) 

Example 50

def pole(self, strike, dip, *args, **kwargs):
        Plot points representing poles to planes on the axes. Additional
        arguments and keyword arguments are passed on to `ax.plot`.

        strike, dip : numbers or sequences of numbers
            The strike and dip of the plane(s) in degrees. The dip direction is
            defined by the strike following the "right-hand rule".
            Additional parameters are passed on to `plot`.

        A sequence of Line2D artists representing the point(s) specified by
        `strike` and `dip`.
        lon, lat = stereonet_math.pole(strike, dip)
        args, kwargs = self._point_plot_defaults(args, kwargs)
        return self.plot(lon, lat, *args, **kwargs) 