Python numpy.gradient() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def inflection_points(points, axis, span):
    Find the list of vertices that preceed inflection points in a curve. The curve is differentiated
    with respect to the coordinate system defined by axis and span.

    axis: A vector representing the vertical axis of the coordinate system.
    span: A vector representing the the horiztonal axis of the coordinate system.

    returns: a list of points in space corresponding to the vertices that
    immediately preceed inflection points in the curve

    coords_on_span =
    dx = np.gradient(coords_on_span)
    coords_on_axis =

    # Take the second order finite difference of the curve with respect to the
    # defined coordinate system
    finite_difference_2 = np.gradient(np.gradient(coords_on_axis, dx), dx)

    # Compare the product of all neighboring pairs of points in the second derivative
    # If a pair of points has a negative product, then the second derivative changes sign
    # at one of those points, signalling an inflection point
    is_inflection_point = [finite_difference_2[i] * finite_difference_2[i + 1] <= 0 for i in range(len(finite_difference_2) - 1)]

    inflection_point_indices = [i for i, b in enumerate(is_inflection_point) if b]

    if len(inflection_point_indices) == 0: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition
        return []

    return points[inflection_point_indices] 

Example 2

def get_mag_ang(img):

    Gets image gradient (magnitude) and orientation (angle)


        Gradient, orientation

    img = np.sqrt(img)

    gx = cv2.Sobel(np.float32(img), cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
    gy = cv2.Sobel(np.float32(img), cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1)

    mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(gx, gy)

    return mag, ang, gx, gy 

Example 3

def calculate_angle_quality_thread(self,
        """ TODO: Documentation
        for couch_angle in couch:
            qual = self.calculate_angle_quality(voi, gantry, couch_angle, calculate_from, stepsize, avoid, voi_cube,
            q.put({"couch": couch_angle, "gantry": gantry, "data": qual}) 

Example 4

def test_model_monovariate(func, var, par, k):
    model = Model(func, var, par)
    x, dx = np.linspace(0, 10, 100, retstep=True, endpoint=False)
    U = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi / 10)
    fields = model.fields_template(x=x, U=U)
    parameters = dict(periodic=True, k=k)
    F = model.F(fields, parameters)
    J_sparse = model.J(fields, parameters)
    J_dense = model.J(fields, parameters, sparse=False)
    J_approx = model.F.diff_approx(fields, parameters)

    dxU = np.gradient(np.pad(U, 2, mode='wrap')) / dx
    dxxU = np.gradient(dxU) / dx

    dxU = dxU[2:-2]
    dxxU = dxxU[2:-2]

    assert np.isclose(F, k * dxxU, atol=1E-3).all()
    assert np.isclose(J_approx, J_sparse.todense(), atol=1E-3).all()
    assert np.isclose(J_approx, J_dense, atol=1E-3).all() 

Example 5

def test_model_bivariate(func, var, par):
    model = Model(func, var, par)
    x, dx = np.linspace(0, 10, 100, retstep=True, endpoint=False)
    u = np.cos(x * 2 * np.pi / 10)
    v = np.sin(x * 2 * np.pi / 10)
    fields = model.fields_template(x=x, u=u, v=v)
    parameters = dict(periodic=True, k1=1, k2=1)
    F = model.F(fields, parameters)
    J_sparse = model.J(fields, parameters)
    J_dense = model.J(fields, parameters, sparse=False)
    J_approx = model.F.diff_approx(fields, parameters)

    dxu = np.gradient(np.pad(u, 2, mode='wrap')) / dx
    dxxu = np.gradient(dxu) / dx
    dxu = dxu[2:-2]
    dxxu = dxxu[2:-2]

    dxv = np.gradient(np.pad(v, 2, mode='wrap')) / dx
    dxxv = np.gradient(dxv) / dx
    dxv = dxv[2:-2]
    dxxv = dxxv[2:-2]
    assert np.isclose(F, np.vstack([dxxv, dxxu]).flatten('F'),
    assert np.isclose(J_approx, J_sparse.todense(), atol=1E-3).all()
    assert np.isclose(J_approx, J_dense, atol=1E-3).all() 

Example 6

def calculate_sift_grid(self, image, gridH, gridW):

        H, W = image.shape
        Npatches = gridH.size
        feaArr = np.zeros((Npatches, Nsamples * Nangles))

        # calculate gradient
        GH, GW = gen_dgauss(self.sigma)
        IH = signal.convolve2d(image, GH, mode='same')
        IW = signal.convolve2d(image, GW, mode='same')
        Imag = np.sqrt(IH ** 2 + IW ** 2)
        Itheta = np.arctan2(IH, IW)
        Iorient = np.zeros((Nangles, H, W))
        for i in range(Nangles):
            Iorient[i] = Imag * np.maximum(np.cos(Itheta - angles[i]) ** alpha, 0)
        for i in range(Npatches):
            currFeature = np.zeros((Nangles, Nsamples))
            for j in range(Nangles):
                currFeature[j] =, \
                                        Iorient[j, gridH[i]:gridH[i] + self.pS, gridW[i]:gridW[i] + self.pS].flatten())
            feaArr[i] = currFeature.flatten()
        return feaArr 

Example 7

def extract_sift_patches(self, image, gridH, gridW):
        # extracts the sift descriptor of patches
        # in positions (gridH,gridW) in the image
        H, W = image.shape
        Npatches = gridH.size
        feaArr = np.zeros((Npatches, Nsamples * Nangles))

        # calculate gradient
        GH, GW = gen_dgauss(self.sigma)
        IH = signal.convolve2d(image, GH, mode='same')
        IW = signal.convolve2d(image, GW, mode='same')
        Imag = np.sqrt(IH ** 2 + IW ** 2)
        Itheta = np.arctan2(IH, IW)
        Iorient = np.zeros((Nangles, H, W))
        for i in range(Nangles):
            Iorient[i] = Imag * np.maximum(np.cos(Itheta - angles[i]) ** alpha, 0)
        for i in range(Npatches):
            currFeature = np.zeros((Nangles, Nsamples))
            for j in range(Nangles):
                currFeature[j] =, \
                                        Iorient[j, gridH[i]:gridH[i] + self.pS, gridW[i]:gridW[i] + self.pS].flatten())
            feaArr[i] = currFeature.flatten()
        # feaArr contains each descriptor in a row
        feaArr = self.normalize_sift(feaArr)
        return feaArr 

Example 8

def test_specific_axes(self):
        # Testing that gradient can work on a given axis only
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=0), dx[0])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=-1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1], dx[0]])

        # test axis=None which means all axes
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), [dx[0], dx[1]])
        # and is the same as no axis keyword given
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), gradient(x))

        # test vararg order
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, 2, 3, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1]/2.0, dx[0]/3.0])
        # test maximal number of varargs
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, 1, 2, axis=1)

        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=-3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, gradient, x, axis=[1,]) 

Example 9

def contour_from_array_at_label_l(im_arr, l, thr=0.3, omit_axis=None, verbose=0):
    if verbose > 0:
    array_label_l = im_arr == l
    assert isinstance(array_label_l, np.ndarray)
    gra = np.gradient(array_label_l.astype(np.bool).astype(np.float64))
    if omit_axis is None:
        norm_gra = np.sqrt(gra[0] ** 2 + gra[1] ** 2 + gra[2] ** 2) > thr
    elif omit_axis == 'x':
        norm_gra = np.sqrt(gra[1] ** 2 + gra[2] ** 2) > thr
    elif omit_axis == 'y':
        norm_gra = np.sqrt(gra[0] ** 2 + gra[2] ** 2) > thr
    elif omit_axis == 'z':
        norm_gra = np.sqrt(gra[0] ** 2 + gra[1] ** 2) > thr
        raise IOError
    return norm_gra 

Example 10

def computeWeightsLocallyNormalized(I, centered_gradient=True, norm_radius=45):
    h,w = I.shape[:2]

    if centered_gradient:
        gy,gx = np.gradient(I)[:2]
        gysq = (gy**2).mean(axis=2) if gy.ndim > 2 else gy**2
        gxsq = (gx**2).mean(axis=2) if gx.ndim > 2 else gx**2

        gxsq_local_mean = cv2.blur(gxsq, ksize=(norm_radius, norm_radius))
        gysq_local_mean = cv2.blur(gysq, ksize=(norm_radius, norm_radius))

        w_horizontal = np.exp( - gxsq * 1.0/(2*np.maximum(1e-6, gxsq_local_mean)))
        w_vertical = np.exp( - gysq * 1.0/(2*np.maximum(1e-6, gysq_local_mean)))

        raise Exception("NotImplementedYet")

    return w_horizontal, w_vertical 

Example 11

def rel_vort(u,v,dx,dy):

    #get the gradient of the wind in the u- and v-directions
    du = np.gradient(u)
    dv = np.gradient(v)

    #compute the relative vorticity (units : 10^-5 s^-1)
    vort = ((dv[-1]/dx) - (du[-2]/dy))*pow(10,5) 

    #return the vorticity (Units: 10^-5 s-1) 
    return vort

##########################  End function rel_vort()  ##########################

#################### 25.Begin function of wind_chill()   ######################
## Required libraries: numpy                                                  #
##                                                                            #
## Inputs: t2m = ndarray of 2-meter temperature values (Units: F)             #
##                                                                            #
##         wind = ndarray of 10-meter bulk wind values (Units: MPH)           #
##                                                                            #

Example 12

def richardson(self):
        u = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('U')
        v = self.dataSet.readNCVariable('V')
        u_corr = wrf.unstaggerX(u)
        v_corr = wrf.unstaggerY(v)
        wind = (u_corr*u_corr + v_corr*v_corr)**(0.5)
        height = wrf.unstaggerZ(self.height)

        #compute the vertical gradient of theta
        dtheta = np.gradient(self.theta)[0]
        du = np.gradient(wind)[0]
        dz = np.gradient(height)[0]
        #compute the richardson number
        self.u10 = u_corr
        self.v10 = v_corr
        self.var = ((self.g/self.theta)*(dtheta/dz))/(du/dz)**(2)
        self.var2 = self.var
        self.varTitle = "Richardson Number\n" + self.dataSet.getTime()
        #Set short variable title for time series
        self.sTitle = "Richardson Number" 

Example 13

def smooth_abs(x, dx=0.01):
    """smoothed version of absolute vaue function, with quadratic instead of sharp bottom.
    Derivative w.r.t. variable of interest.  Width of quadratic can be controlled"""

    x, n = _checkIfFloat(x)

    y = np.abs(x)
    idx = np.logical_and(x > -dx, x < dx)
    y[idx] = x[idx]**2/(2.0*dx) + dx/2.0

    # gradient
    dydx = np.ones_like(x)
    dydx[x <= -dx] = -1.0
    dydx[idx] = x[idx]/dx

    if n == 1:
        y = y[0]
        dydx = dydx[0]

    return y, dydx 

Example 14

def test_specific_axes(self):
        # Testing that gradient can work on a given axis only
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=0), dx[0])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=-1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1], dx[0]])

        # test axis=None which means all axes
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), [dx[0], dx[1]])
        # and is the same as no axis keyword given
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), gradient(x))

        # test vararg order
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, 2, 3, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1]/2.0, dx[0]/3.0])
        # test maximal number of varargs
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, 1, 2, axis=1)

        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=-3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, gradient, x, axis=[1,]) 

Example 15

def main():
    """Load image, compute derivatives, plot."""
    img =
    imgy_np, imgx_np = np.gradient(img)
    imgx_ski, imgy_ski = _compute_derivatives(img)

    # dx
        [img, dx_symmetric(img), dx_forward(img), dx_backward(img), imgx_np, imgx_ski],
        ["Image", "dx (symmetric)", "dx (forward)", "dx (backward)",
         "Ground Truth (numpy)", "Ground Truth (scikit-image)"]

    # dy
        [img, dy_symmetric(img), dy_forward(img), dy_backward(img), imgy_np, imgy_ski],
        ["Image", "dy (symmetric)", "dy (forward)", "dy (backward)",
         "Ground Truth (numpy)", "Ground Truth (scikit-image)"]

Example 16

def test_specific_axes(self):
        # Testing that gradient can work on a given axis only
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=0), dx[0])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=-1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1], dx[0]])

        # test axis=None which means all axes
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), [dx[0], dx[1]])
        # and is the same as no axis keyword given
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), gradient(x))

        # test vararg order
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, 2, 3, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1]/2.0, dx[0]/3.0])
        # test maximal number of varargs
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, 1, 2, axis=1)

        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=-3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, gradient, x, axis=[1,]) 

Example 17

def direction_map(dmap: DistanceMap):
    r"""Computes normalized gradient of distance map. Not defined when length of
    the gradient is zero.

    .. math::
       \hat{\mathbf{e}}_{S} = -\frac{\nabla S(\mathbf{x})}{\| \nabla S(\mathbf{x}) \|}

        dmap (numpy.ndarray):
            Distance map.

        DirectionMap: Direction map.
    u, v = np.gradient(dmap)
    l = np.hypot(u, v)
    # Avoids zero division
    l[l == 0] = np.nan
    # Flip order from (row, col) to (x, y)
    return v / l, u / l

# Potentials 

Example 18

def __entropy(self, spectrum, m):
        """Calculates get m-th derivative of the real part of spectrum and
        returns entropy of its absolute value. """
        assert type(m) is int, 'm should be a (possitive) integer'
        assert m > 0, 'need m > 0'

        #get the real part of the spectrum
        spect = np.array(spectrum)
        spect = spect.real

        # calculate the m-th derivative of the real part of the spectrum
        spectrumDerivative = spect
        for i in range(m):
            spectrumDerivative = np.gradient(spectrumDerivative)

        # now get the entropy of the abslolute value of the m-th derivative:
        entropy = sp.stats.entropy(np.abs(spectrumDerivative))
        return entropy 

Example 19

def threshold_gradients(self, grad_thresh):
        """Creates a new DepthImage by zeroing out all depths
        where the magnitude of the gradient at that point is
        greater than grad_thresh.

        grad_thresh : float
            A threshold for the gradient magnitude.

            A new DepthImage created from the thresholding operation.
        data = np.copy(self._data)
        gx, gy = self.gradients()
        gradients = np.zeros([gx.shape[0], gx.shape[1], 2])
        gradients[:, :, 0] = gx
        gradients[:, :, 1] = gy
        gradient_mags = np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=2)
        ind = np.where(gradient_mags > grad_thresh)
        data[ind[0], ind[1]] = 0.0
        return DepthImage(data, self._frame) 

Example 20

def normal_cloud_im(self):
        """Generate a NormalCloudImage from the PointCloudImage.

            The corresponding NormalCloudImage.
        gx, gy, _ = np.gradient(
        gx_data = gx.reshape(self.height * self.width, 3)
        gy_data = gy.reshape(self.height * self.width, 3)
        pc_grads = np.cross(gx_data, gy_data)  # default to point toward camera
        pc_grad_norms = np.linalg.norm(pc_grads, axis=1)
        normal_data = pc_grads / np.tile(pc_grad_norms[:, np.newaxis], [1, 3])
        normal_im_data = normal_data.reshape(self.height, self.width, 3)
        return NormalCloudImage(normal_im_data, frame=self.frame) 

Example 21

def visualize_derivatives(image):
    Plot gradient on left and Laplacian on right.
    Only tested on 2D 1-channel float imags
    dx1,dy1 = np.gradient(image)
    gradient = dx1 + 1j*dy1
    a1 = np.abs(gradient)
    a1 = mean_center(blur(exposure.equalize_hist(unitize(a1)),1))
    plt.title('Gradient Magnitude')
    laplacian = scipy.ndimage.filters.laplace(image)
    lhist = mean_center(
    return gradient, laplacian 

Example 22

def test_specific_axes(self):
        # Testing that gradient can work on a given axis only
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=0), dx[0])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=-1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1], dx[0]])

        # test axis=None which means all axes
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), [dx[0], dx[1]])
        # and is the same as no axis keyword given
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), gradient(x))

        # test vararg order
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, 2, 3, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1]/2.0, dx[0]/3.0])
        # test maximal number of varargs
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, 1, 2, axis=1)

        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=-3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, gradient, x, axis=[1,]) 

Example 23

def _get_displacement_function(self, f):
        Getter function for calculating the displacement.

        :param f: field that is used for the displacement, mainly velocity components
        :returns: function of the Taylor expanded field to first order
        dx = self._distance
        f_x,  f_y  = np.gradient(f  , dx)
        f_xx, f_xy = np.gradient(f_x, dx)
        f_yx, f_yy = np.gradient(f_y, dx)
        return lambda i, j, x, y : (f[i, j] + x*f_x[i, j]  + y*f_y[i, j]
                       + 0.5*(f_xx[i, j]*x**2 + 2*f_xy[i, j]*x*y + f_yy[i, j]*y**2))

    #For the bilinear method the build in scipy method `map_coordinates <>`_ is used with *order* set to 1. 

Example 24

def psf_shift(lenslet_efl, dx, dy, mag=1):
    ''' Computes the shift of a PSF, in microns.

        lenslet_efl (`microns`): EFL of lenslets.

        dx (`np.ndarray`): dx gradient of wavefront.

        dy (`np.ndarray`): dy gradient of wavefront.

        mag (`float`): magnification of the collimation system.

        `numpy.ndarray`: array of PSF shifts.

        see eq. 12 of Chanan, "Principles of Wavefront Sensing and Reconstruction"
        delta = m * fl * grad(z)
        m is magnification of SH system
        fl is lenslet focal length
        grad(z) is the x, y gradient of the opd, z, which is expressed in

    coef = -mag * lenslet_efl
    return coef * dx, coef * dy 

Example 25

def test_basic(self):
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x), dx)
        assert_array_equal(gradient(v), dx) 

Example 26

def test_badargs(self):
        # for 2D array, gradient can take 0, 1, or 2 extra args
        x = np.array([[1, 1], [3, 4]])
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, np.array([1., 1.]),
                      np.array([1., 1.]), np.array([1., 1.])) 

Example 27

def test_masked(self):
        # Make sure that gradient supports subclasses like masked arrays
        x =[[1, 1], [3, 4]],
                        mask=[[False, False], [False, False]])
        out = gradient(x)[0]
        assert_equal(type(out), type(x))
        # And make sure that the output and input don't have aliased mask
        # arrays
        assert_(x.mask is not out.mask)
        # Also check that edge_order=2 doesn't alter the original mask
        x2 =
        x2[2] =
        np.gradient(x2, edge_order=2)
        assert_array_equal(x2.mask, [False, False, True, False, False]) 

Example 28

def test_datetime64(self):
        # Make sure gradient() can handle special types like datetime64
        x = np.array(
            ['1910-08-16', '1910-08-11', '1910-08-10', '1910-08-12',
             '1910-10-12', '1910-12-12', '1912-12-12'],
        dx = np.array(
            [-5, -3, 0, 31, 61, 396, 731],
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x), dx)
        assert_(dx.dtype == np.dtype('timedelta64[D]')) 

Example 29

def test_timedelta64(self):
        # Make sure gradient() can handle special types like timedelta64
        x = np.array(
            [-5, -3, 10, 12, 61, 321, 300],
        dx = np.array(
            [2, 7, 7, 25, 154, 119, -21],
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x), dx)
        assert_(dx.dtype == np.dtype('timedelta64[D]')) 

Example 30

def test_specific_axes(self):
        # Testing that gradient can work on a given axis only
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=0), dx[0])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=-1), dx[1])
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1], dx[0]])

        # test axis=None which means all axes
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), [dx[0], dx[1]])
        # and is the same as no axis keyword given
        assert_almost_equal(gradient(x, axis=None), gradient(x))

        # test vararg order
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x, 2, 3, axis=(1, 0)), [dx[1]/2.0, dx[0]/3.0])
        # test maximal number of varargs
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, 1, 2, axis=1)

        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=3)
        assert_raises(ValueError, gradient, x, axis=-3)
        assert_raises(TypeError, gradient, x, axis=[1,]) 

Example 31

def calc_v_vec(self, tp):
        v_vec_all_bands = []
        for ib in range(self.num_bands[tp]):
            v_vec_k_ordered = self.velocity_signed[tp][ib][self.pos_idx[tp]]
            v_vec_all_bands.append(self.grid_from_ordered_list(v_vec_k_ordered, tp, none_missing=True))
        return np.array(v_vec_all_bands)

    # def calc_v_vec(self, tp):
    #     # TODO: Take into account the fact that this gradient is found in three directions specified by the lattice, not
    #     # the x, y, and z directions. It must be corrected to account for this.
    #     energy_grid = self.array_from_kgrid('energy', tp)
    #     # print('energy:')
    #     # np.set_printoptions(precision=3)
    #     # print(energy_grid[0,:,:,:,0])
    #     N = self.kgrid_array[tp].shape
    #     k_grid = self.kgrid_array[tp]
    #     v_vec_result = []
    #     for ib in range(self.num_bands[tp]):
    #         v_vec = np.gradient(energy_grid[ib][:,:,:,0], k_grid[:,0,0,0] * self._rec_lattice.a, k_grid[0,:,0,1] * self._rec_lattice.b, k_grid[0,0,:,2] * self._rec_lattice.c)
    #         v_vec_rearranged = np.zeros((N[0], N[1], N[2], 3))
    #         for i in range(N[0]):
    #             for j in range(N[1]):
    #                 for k in range(N[2]):
    #                     v_vec_rearranged[i,j,k,:] = np.array([v_vec[0][i,j,k], v_vec[1][i,j,k], v_vec[2][i,j,k]])
    #         v_vec_rearranged *= A_to_m * m_to_cm / hbar
    #         v_vec_result.append(v_vec_rearranged)
    #     return np.array(v_vec_result)

    # turns a kgrid property into a list of grid arrays of that property for k integration 

Example 32

def compute_beta(TT, minT):
    This function computes the volumetric thermal expansion as a numerical
    derivative of the volume as a function of temperature V(T) given in the
    input array *minT*. This array can obtained
    from the free energy minimization which should be done before.
    grad=np.gradient(np.array(minT))  # numerical derivatives with numpy
    betaT = np.array(grad)  # grad contains the derivatives with respect to T
                                # also convert to np.array format    
    return betaT/minT 

Example 33

def compute_alpha(minT,ibrav):
    This function calculates the thermal expansion alphaT at different temperatures
    from the input minT matrix by computing the numerical derivatives with numpy.
    The input matrix minT has shape nT*6, where the first index is the temperature 
    and the second the lattice parameter. For example, minT[i,0] and minT[i,2] are
    the lattice parameters a and c at the temperature i.
    More ibrav types must be implemented
    grad=np.gradient(np.array(minT))  # numerical derivatives with numpy
    alphaT = np.array(grad[0])  # grad[0] contains the derivatives with respect to T, which is the first axis in minT
                                # also convert to np.array format
    # now normalize the alpha properly. It must be different for different ibrav
    # to avoid a divide by 0 error (minT is zero for lattice parameters not defined
    # in the system)
    if ibrav==4:
        alphaT[:,0] = alphaT[:,0]/minT[:,0]
        alphaT[:,2] = alphaT[:,2]/minT[:,2]
    return alphaT


Example 34

def calc_eud(dvh, a):
    v = -np.gradient(dvh)

    dose_bins = np.linspace(1, np.size(dvh), np.size(dvh))
    dose_bins = np.round(dose_bins, 3)
    bin_centers = dose_bins - 0.5
    eud = np.power(np.sum(np.multiply(v, np.power(bin_centers, a))), 1 / float(a))
    eud = np.round(eud, 2) * 0.01

    return eud 

Example 35

def _compute_gradients(self):
        """Computes the gradients of the SDF.

        :obj:`list` of :obj:`numpy.ndarray` of float
            A list of ndarrays of the same dimension as the SDF. The arrays
            are in axis order and specify the gradients for that axis
            at each point.
        self.gradients_ = np.gradient(self.data_) 

Example 36

def curvature(self, coords, delta=0.001):
        Returns an approximation to the local SDF curvature (Hessian) at the
        given coordinate in grid basis.

        coords : numpy 3-vector
            the grid coordinates at which to get the curvature

        curvature : 3x3 ndarray of the curvature at the surface points
        # perturb local coords
        coords_x_up   = coords + np.array([delta, 0, 0])
        coords_x_down = coords + np.array([-delta, 0, 0])
        coords_y_up   = coords + np.array([0, delta, 0])
        coords_y_down = coords + np.array([0, -delta, 0])
        coords_z_up   = coords + np.array([0, 0, delta])
        coords_z_down = coords + np.array([0, 0, -delta])

        # get gradient
        grad_x_up = self.gradient(coords_x_up)
        grad_x_down = self.gradient(coords_x_down)
        grad_y_up = self.gradient(coords_y_up)
        grad_y_down = self.gradient(coords_y_down)
        grad_z_up = self.gradient(coords_z_up)
        grad_z_down = self.gradient(coords_z_down)

        # finite differences
        curvature_x = (grad_x_up - grad_x_down) / (4 * delta)
        curvature_y = (grad_y_up - grad_y_down) / (4 * delta)
        curvature_z = (grad_z_up - grad_z_down) / (4 * delta)
        curvature = np.c_[curvature_x, np.c_[curvature_y, curvature_z]]
        curvature = curvature + curvature.T
        return curvature 

Example 37

def call_tad_borders(ii_results, cutoff=0):
    Calls TAD borders using the first derivative of the insulation index.

    :param ii_results: (raw) insulation index results, numpy vector
    :param cutoff: raw insulation index threshold for "true" TAD boundaries
    tad_borders = []
    g = np.gradient(ii_results)
    for i in range(len(ii_results)):
        border_type = _border_type(i, g)
        if border_type == 1 and ii_results[i] <= cutoff:
    return tad_borders 

Example 38

def orientation_field(bmp, sigma=3):
    # Author: Shaun Harker, 2016
    # Based on algorithm by Bazen and Gerez from "Systematic methods for the 
    # computation of the directional fields and singular points of fingerprints," 2002.
    Computes orientation field (result everywhere between -pi/2 and pi/2)
    from the given vector field.
    u = bmp.astype(float)
    du = np.gradient(u)
    [ux, uy] = du
    Y = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(2.0*ux*uy, sigma=sigma)
    X = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(ux**2.0 - uy**2.0, sigma=sigma)
    return .5 * np.arctan2(Y, X) 

Example 39

def calculate_quality_grid(self, voi, gantry, couch, calculate_from=0, stepsize=1.0, avoid=[], gradient=True):
        """ TODO: Documentation
        result = self.calculate_quality_list(voi, gantry, couch, calculate_from, stepsize,
                                             avoid=avoid, gradient=gradient)
        result = sorted(result, key=cmp_to_key(cmp_sort))
        grid_data = []
        for x in result:
        result = np.reshape(grid_data, (len(gantry), len(couch)))
        return result 

Example 40

def calculate_quality_list(self, voi, gantry, couch, calculate_from=0, stepsize=1.0, avoid=[], gradient=True):
        """ TODO: Documentation
        q = Queue(32767)
        process = []
        d = voi.get_voi_cube()
        d.cube = np.array(d.cube, dtype=np.float32)
        voi_cube = DensityProjections(d)
        result = []
        for gantry_angle in gantry:
            p = Process(
                args=(voi, gantry_angle, couch, calculate_from, stepsize, q, avoid, voi_cube, gradient))
            p.deamon = True
            if len(process) > 2:
                tmp = q.get()
                for p in process:
                    if not p.is_alive():
        while not len(result) == len(gantry) * len(couch):
            tmp = q.get()
        return result 

Example 41

def calculate_angle_quality(self,
        Calculates a quality index for a given gantry/couch combination.
        voi_min, voi_max = voi.get_min_max()
        for v in avoid:
            v_min, v_max = v.get_min_max()
        if voi_cube is None:
            d = voi.get_voi_cube()
            d.cube = np.array(d.cube, dtype=np.float32)
            voi_cube = DensityProjections(d)

        data, start, basis = self.calculate_projection(voi, gantry, couch, calculate_from, stepsize)
        voi_proj, t1, t2 = voi_cube.calculate_projection(voi, gantry, couch, 1, stepsize)

        if gradient:
            gradient = np.gradient(data)
            data = (gradient[0]**2 + gradient[1]**2)**0.5
        a = data * (voi_proj > 0.0)
        quality = sum(a)
        area = sum(voi_proj > 0.0)
        # ~ area = sum(data>0.0)/10
        if gradient:
            mean_quality = 10 - abs(quality / area)
            mean_quality = abs(quality / area)
        return mean_quality, quality, area 

Example 42

def get_direction(asa, *, sigma=None):
    """Return epochs during which an animal was running left to right, or right
    to left.

    asa : AnalogSignalArray 1D
        AnalogSignalArray containing the 1D position data.
    sigma : float, optional
        Smoothing to apply to position (x) before computing gradient estimate.
        Default is 0.

    l2r, r2l : EpochArrays
        EpochArrays corresponding to left-to-right and right-to-left movement.
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = 0
    if not isinstance(asa, core.AnalogSignalArray):
        raise TypeError('AnalogSignalArray expected!')
    assert asa.n_signals == 1, "1D AnalogSignalArray expected!"

    direction = dxdt_AnalogSignalArray(asa.smooth(sigma=sigma),
    direction[direction>=0] = 1
    direction[direction<0] = -1
    direction = direction.squeeze()

    l2r = get_contiguous_segments(np.argwhere(direction>0).squeeze(), step=1)
    l2r[:,1] -= 1 # change bounds from [inclusive, exclusive] to [inclusive, inclusive]
    l2r = core.EpochArray(asa.time[l2r])

    r2l = get_contiguous_segments(np.argwhere(direction<0).squeeze(), step=1)
    r2l[:,1] -= 1 # change bounds from [inclusive, exclusive] to [inclusive, inclusive]
    r2l = core.EpochArray(asa.time[r2l])

    return l2r, r2l 

Example 43

def hessian(array):
    (dy, dx) = np.gradient(array)
    (dydy, dxdy) = np.gradient(dy)
    (dydx, dxdx) = np.gradient(dx)
    return np.dstack((dxdx, dydx, dxdy, dydy)) 

Example 44

def gen_dgauss(sigma):
    gradient of the gaussian on both directions.
    fwid = * np.ceil(sigma))
    G = np.array(range(-fwid, fwid + 1)) ** 2
    G = G.reshape((G.size, 1)) + G
    G = np.exp(- G / 2.0 / sigma / sigma)
    G /= np.sum(G)
    GH, GW = np.gradient(G)
    GH *= 2.0 / np.sum(np.abs(GH))
    GW *= 2.0 / np.sum(np.abs(GW))
    return GH, GW 

Example 45

def gradient_pdf(self, x):
        """Return the gradient of density of the joint prior at x."""
        raise NotImplementedError 

Example 46

def gradient_logpdf(self, x, stepsize=None):
        """Return the gradient of log density of the joint prior at x.

        x : float or np.ndarray
        stepsize : float or list
            Stepsize or stepsizes for the dimensions

        x = np.asanyarray(x)
        ndim = x.ndim
        x = x.reshape((-1, self.dim))

        grads = np.zeros_like(x)

        for i in range(len(grads)):
            xi = x[i]
            grads[i] = numgrad(self.logpdf, xi, h=stepsize)

        grads[np.isinf(grads)] = 0
        grads[np.isnan(grads)] = 0

        if ndim == 0 or (ndim == 1 and self.dim > 1):
            grads = grads[0]
        return grads 

Example 47

def test_basic(self):
        v = [[1, 1], [3, 4]]
        x = np.array(v)
        dx = [np.array([[2., 3.], [2., 3.]]),
              np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])]
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x), dx)
        assert_array_equal(gradient(v), dx) 

Example 48

def test_badargs(self):
        # for 2D array, gradient can take 0, 1, or 2 extra args
        x = np.array([[1, 1], [3, 4]])
        assert_raises(SyntaxError, gradient, x, np.array([1., 1.]),
                      np.array([1., 1.]), np.array([1., 1.])) 

Example 49

def test_masked(self):
        # Make sure that gradient supports subclasses like masked arrays
        x =[[1, 1], [3, 4]],
                        mask=[[False, False], [False, False]])
        out = gradient(x)[0]
        assert_equal(type(out), type(x))
        # And make sure that the output and input don't have aliased mask
        # arrays
        assert_(x.mask is not out.mask)
        # Also check that edge_order=2 doesn't alter the original mask
        x2 =
        x2[2] =
        np.gradient(x2, edge_order=2)
        assert_array_equal(x2.mask, [False, False, True, False, False]) 

Example 50

def test_datetime64(self):
        # Make sure gradient() can handle special types like datetime64
        x = np.array(
            ['1910-08-16', '1910-08-11', '1910-08-10', '1910-08-12',
             '1910-10-12', '1910-12-12', '1912-12-12'],
        dx = np.array(
            [-5, -3, 0, 31, 61, 396, 731],
        assert_array_equal(gradient(x), dx)
        assert_(dx.dtype == np.dtype('timedelta64[D]')) 