Python numpy.diagflat() 使用实例

The following are code examples for showing how to use . They are extracted from open source Python projects. You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don’t like. You can also save this page to your account.

Example 1

def train(self):
        X = self.train_x
        y = self.train_y
        # include intercept
        beta = np.zeros((self.p+1, 1))

        iter_times = 0
        while True:
            e_X = np.exp(X @ beta)
            # N x 1
            self.P = e_X / (1 + e_X)
            # W is a vector
            self.W = (self.P * (1 - self.P)).flatten()
            # X.T * W equal (X.T @ diagflat(W)).diagonal()
            beta = beta + self.math.pinv((X.T * self.W) @ X) @ X.T @ (y - self.P)

            iter_times += 1
            if iter_times > self.max_iter:

        self.beta_hat = beta 

Example 2

def latent_correlation(self):
        """Compute correlation matrix among latent features.

        This computes the generalization of Pearson's correlation to discrete
        data. Let I(X;Y) be the mutual information. Then define correlation as

          rho(X,Y) = sqrt(1 - exp(-2 I(X;Y)))

            A [V, V]-shaped numpy array of feature-feature correlations.
        logger.debug('computing latent correlation')
        V, E, M, R = self._VEMR
        edge_probs = self._edge_probs
        vert_probs = self._vert_probs
        result = np.zeros([V, V], np.float32)
        for root in range(V):
            messages = np.empty([V, M, M])
            program = make_propagation_program(self._tree.tree_grid, root)
            for op, v, v2, e in program:
                if op == OP_ROOT:
                    # Initialize correlation at this node.
                    messages[v, :, :] = np.diagflat(vert_probs[v, :])
                elif op == OP_OUT:
                    # Propagate correlation outward from parent to v.
                    trans = edge_probs[e, :, :]
                    if v > v2:
                        trans = trans.T
                    messages[v, :, :] =  #
                        trans / vert_probs[v2, np.newaxis, :],
                        messages[v2, :, :])
            for v in range(V):
                result[root, v] = correlation(messages[v, :, :])
        return result 

Example 3

def train(self):
        sigma = self.Sigma_hat
        D_, U = LA.eigh(sigma)
        D = np.diagflat(D_)
        self.A = np.power(LA.pinv(D), 0.5) @ U.T 

Example 4

def train(self):
        W = self.Sigma_hat
        # prior probabilities (K, 1)
        Pi = self.Pi
        # class centroids (K, p)
        Mu = self.Mu
        p = self.p
        # the number of class
        K = self.n_class
        # the dimension you want
        L = self.L

        # Mu is (K, p) matrix, Pi is (K, 1)
        mu = np.sum(Pi * Mu, axis=0)
        B = np.zeros((p, p))

        for k in range(K):
            # vector @ vector equal scalar, use vector[:, None] to transform to matrix
            # vec[:, None] equal to vec.reshape((1, vec.shape[0]))
            B = B + Pi[k]*((Mu[k] - mu)[:, None] @ ((Mu[k] - mu)[None, :]))

        # Be careful, the `eigh` method get the eigenvalues in ascending , which is opposite to R.
        Dw, Uw = LA.eigh(W)
        # reverse the Dw_ and Uw
        Dw = Dw[::-1]
        Uw = np.fliplr(Uw)

        W_half = self.math.pinv(np.diagflat(Dw**0.5) @ Uw.T)
        B_star = W_half.T @ B @ W_half
        D_, V = LA.eigh(B_star)

        # reverse V
        V = np.fliplr(V)

        # overwrite `self.A` so that we can reuse `predict` method define in parent class
        self.A = np.zeros((L, p))
        for l in range(L):
            self.A[l, :] = W_half @ V[:, l] 

Example 5

def _update_(U, D, d, lambda_):
    """Go from u(n) to u(n+1)."""
    I = np.identity(3)

    m =
    p = (I -
    p_norm = np.linalg.norm(p)

    # Make p and m column vectors
    p = p[np.newaxis].T
    m = m[np.newaxis].T

    U_left = np.hstack((U, p/p_norm))
    Q = np.hstack((lambda_ * D, m))
    Q = np.vstack((Q, [0, 0, p_norm]))

    # SVD
    U_right, D_new, V_left = np.linalg.svd(Q)

    # Get rid of the smallest eigenvalue
    D_new = D_new[0:2]
    D_new = np.diagflat(D_new)

    U_right = U_right[:, 0:2]

    return, D_new 

Example 6

def rosenberger(dataX, dataY, dataZ, lambda_):
    Separate P and non-P wavefield from 3-component data.

    Return a two set of 3-component traces.
    # Construct the data matrix
    A = np.vstack((dataZ, dataX, dataY))

    # SVD of the first 3 samples:
    U, D, V = np.linalg.svd(A[:, 0:3])

    # Get rid of the smallest eigenvalue
    D = D[0:2]
    D = np.diagflat(D)
    U = U[:, 0:2]

    save_U = np.zeros(len(dataX))
    save_U[0] = abs(U[0, 0])

    Dp = np.zeros((3, len(dataX)))
    Ds = np.zeros((3, len(dataX)))
    Dp[:, 0] = abs(U[0, 0]) * A[:, 2]
    Ds[:, 0] = (1 - abs(U[0, 0])) * A[:, 2]

    # Loop over all the values
    for i in range(1, A.shape[1]):
        d = A[:, i]
        U, D = _update_(U, D, d, lambda_)

        Dp[:, i] = abs(U[0, 0]) * d
        Ds[:, i] = (1-abs(U[0, 0])) * d

        save_U[i] = abs(U[0, 0])

    return Dp, Ds, save_U 

Example 7

def eye(n): return diagflat(ones(n)) 

Example 8

def diagflat(a, k=0):
 if isinstance(a, garray): return a.diagflat(k)
 else: return numpy.diagflat(a,k) 

Example 9

def diagflat(self, k=0):
  if self.ndim!=1: return self.ravel().diagflat(k)
  if k!=0: raise NotImplementedError('k!=0 for garray.diagflat')
  selfSize = self.size
  ret = zeros((selfSize, selfSize))
  ret.ravel()[:-1].reshape((selfSize-1, selfSize+1))[:, 0] = self[:-1]
  if selfSize!=0: ret.ravel()[-1] = self[-1]
  return ret 

Example 10

def diagonal(self):
  if self.ndim==1: return self.diagflat()
  if self.ndim==2:
   if self.shape[0] > self.shape[1]: return self[:self.shape[1]].diagonal()
   if self.shape[1] > self.shape[0]: return self[:, :self.shape[0]].diagonal()
   return self.ravel()[::self.shape[0]+1]
  raise NotImplementedError('garray.diagonal for arrays with ndim other than 1 or 2.') 

Example 11

def eye(n): return diagflat(ones(n)) 

Example 12

def diagflat(self, k=0):
  if self.ndim!=1: return self.ravel().diagflat(k)
  if k!=0: raise NotImplementedError('k!=0 for garray.diagflat')
  selfSize = self.size
  ret = zeros((selfSize, selfSize))
  ret.ravel()[:-1].reshape((selfSize-1, selfSize+1))[:, 0] = self[:-1]
  if selfSize!=0: ret.ravel()[-1] = self[-1]
  return ret 

Example 13

def diagonal(self):
  if self.ndim==1: return self.diagflat()
  if self.ndim==2:
   if self.shape[0] > self.shape[1]: return self[:self.shape[1]].diagonal()
   if self.shape[1] > self.shape[0]: return self[:, :self.shape[0]].diagonal()
   return self.ravel()[::self.shape[0]+1]
  raise NotImplementedError('garray.diagonal for arrays with ndim other than 1 or 2.') 

Example 14

def fit(self, dHdl):
        Compute free energy differences between each state by integrating
        dHdl across lambda values.

        dHdl : DataFrame 
            dHdl[n,k] is the potential energy gradient with respect to lambda
            for each configuration n and lambda k.


        # sort by state so that rows from same state are in contiguous blocks,
        # and adjacent states are next to each other
        dHdl = dHdl.sort_index(level=dHdl.index.names[1:])

        # obtain the mean and variance of the mean for each state
        # variance calculation assumes no correlation between points
        # used to calculate mean
        means = dHdl.mean(level=dHdl.index.names[1:])
        variances = np.square(dHdl.sem(level=dHdl.index.names[1:]))
        # obtain vector of delta lambdas between each state
        dl = means.reset_index()[means.index.names[:]].diff().iloc[1:].values

        # apply trapezoid rule to obtain DF between each adjacent state
        deltas = (dl * (means.iloc[:-1].values + means.iloc[1:].values)/2).sum(axis=1)
        d_deltas = (dl**2 * (variances.iloc[:-1].values + variances.iloc[1:].values)/4).sum(axis=1)

        # build matrix of deltas between each state
        adelta = np.zeros((len(deltas)+1, len(deltas)+1))
        ad_delta = np.zeros_like(adelta)

        for j in range(len(deltas)):
            out = []
            dout = []
            for i in range(len(deltas) - j):
                out.append(deltas[i] + deltas[i+1:i+j+1].sum())
                dout.append(d_deltas[i] + d_deltas[i+1:i+j+1].sum())

            adelta += np.diagflat(np.array(out), k=j+1)
            ad_delta += np.diagflat(np.array(dout), k=j+1)

        # yield standard delta_f_ free energies between each state
        self.delta_f_ = pd.DataFrame(adelta - adelta.T,

        # yield standard deviation d_delta_f_ between each state
        self.d_delta_f_ = pd.DataFrame(np.sqrt(ad_delta + ad_delta.T),

        self.states_ = means.index.values.tolist()

        return self 

Example 15

def simplex_project(y, infinitesimal):
    # 1-D vector version
    # D = len(y)
    # u = np.sort(y)[::-1]
    # x_tmp = (1. - np.cumsum(u)) / np.arange(1, D+1)
    # lmd = x_tmp[np.sum(u + x_tmp > 0) - 1]
    # return np.maximum(y + lmd, 0)

    n, d = y.shape
    x = np.fliplr(np.sort(y, axis=1))
    x_tmp =, axis=1) + (d * infinitesimal - 1.)), np.diagflat(1. / np.arange(1, d + 1)))
    lmd = x_tmp[np.arange(n), np.sum(x > x_tmp, axis=1) - 1]
    return np.maximum(y - lmd[:, np.newaxis], 0) + infinitesimal 

Example 16

def JCB(A,b,N=25,x=None):
	if x is None:
		x = zeros(len(A[0]))
	D = diag(A)
	R = A - diagflat(D)
	for i in range(N):
		x = (b - dot(R,x))/D

	return x 

Example 17

def diagflat(a, k=0):
 if isinstance(a, garray): return a.diagflat(k)
 else: return numpy.diagflat(a,k) 